Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 27th of January:

- World: 100,441,945 confirmed cases and 2,162,333 confirmed deaths

- World: Sees another milestone moment as we pass 100 million confirmed cases. We passed 99 million on Monday meaning another million in the last 2/3 days.

- UK: Wales, and a suspicious package sent to a vaccine factory closes production with Bomb Squad in attendance.

- UK: Research indicates new variant is less likely to provoke tell-tale small and taste loss symptoms, with cough, fatigue, sore throat and muscle aches the standout symptoms.

- UK: 16 year old boy who initiated a racially motevated attack against a Singapore Student in the UK while saying "we don't want your coronavirus in our country" scentenced to an 18 month rehabilitation order, has to wear an electronic tag which monitors his movements in real-time alerting authorities to breaches in the terms of the order and is subject to a curfew between the hours of 20:00pm and 19:00pm, and also has to pay £600 in compensation to the victim. The court warned him that if he had been an adult he "would have gone to jail for a very long time."

- UK: Scientists indicate the countrys high death rate is a "legacy of poor decisions" going back to the earliest days of the countries pandemic response.

- UK: Prime Minister apologieses for the extremely high death toll, and once again announces that he takes personal responsibility for the 100,000+ pandemic fatalities.

- Europe/AstraZeneca: Europe leans on vaccine producer to provide contracted amount of doses. "moral, societal and contractual responsibility which they need to uphold" Manurefacturer responds that it has other contracts which were agreed to prior to Europes, which it must honor first and denied vaccines were being taken away from the EU to be sold for a profit elsewhere. The Vaccine plants which apparently under-performed causing this issue are apparently both in Europe, one in Belgium and another in the Netherlands.

- Czech Republic: To pause new inoculations for two weeks to prioritize second doses amid supply delays.

- Spain: Madrid area suspends new vaccinations for two weeks to use remaining stocks to administer second doses.

- US: Dr Fauci suggests a wise course of action would be to Double Mask “It just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective,”

- Peru: Announces two week lockdown to counter rising cases.

- France: In a first for the industry, and agreement between companies Sanofi and Pfizer/BioNTech sees Sanofi suspend work on its own vaccine candidate to turn production facilities to help produce their rivals treatment, to start in July and have up to 125 million doses produced by the end of the year.

- Pfizer/BioNTech: Announces its plant in Belgium is now back up to expected manufacturing capacity having been 8% below since last Monday.

- Norway: To close boarders to all but essential travel.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
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Remember when that hong kong apartment complex had covid spread through a few floors because of their linked sewage system? That was like at the very beginning. The whole thing is shitty. Looks like with these swabs people are getting F'd in the A.

As if life wasn't hard enough.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, 28th of January:

- World: 101,142,479 confirmed cases and 2,181,853 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 101 million cases. We passed 100 million yesterday meaning another one million in 1 day.

- Pfizer/BioNTech: Announces their vaccine is effective against UK/South Africa variants.

- US: Detects first case of South African variant.

- US: Unitess States economic decline in 2020 stood at 3.5%, not as bad as feared but still the sharpest since the 1940's.

- UK: Government pulls inadvertently sexist social media advert which tried to tell people to stay at home. It featured 4 homes with people staying inside, but only one of the homes contained a male who was sitting on a sofa, with all the women doing house work giving the appearance that "the womans place is in the home" as the old saying goes.

- UK/Germany: German scientists advise Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine only be used in the under 65's as there was insufficient evidence from trials to show if it worked for older age bands. UK stands by the vaccine stating it has a high efficiency.

- UK: Work on a lamPORE saliva "spit in a pot" swabless COVID test shows it to be accurate and can identify asymptomatic cases. The tests are analysed in mobile labs that can get through 2000 a day each. 4 such vehicles have been dispatched into communities already.

- UK: Prime Minister and Scotlands First Minister have a convergence of opinion as Boris Johnson travels from london to Scotland to do PR tour. The First Minister asks if it strictly counts as "essential travel".

- China: WHO COVID-19 investigation team leave isolation to being their work.

- Italy: Prosecutors move to investigate whether to charge government officials with negligence for the countries horrific death toll.

- France: Paris only has a week of jabs left before they will have to cease inoculations of new people to preserve remaining stock to inject second doses.

- Israel: Of the 163,000 who have received 2x Pfizer COVID shots, only 31 have developed COVID-19 infections.

- Iceland: Sees only 11 new domestic cases over the last week.

- Africa: Secures 400 million more COVID vaccines on top of 270 million announced earlier in the day. It is estimated Africa will require 1.5 billion doses to vaccinate 60% of the population.

- Gambia: To name and shame COVID rule breakers "They tested positive and were taken to treatment centers and they decided to leave, out of 155 people 40 of them decided not to abide by the Covid rules,"
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Friday 29th of January:

- World: 101,636,470 confirmed cases and 2,194,790 confirmed deaths.

- World: COVID spread slows in every global region for second week in a row but is still prevalent.

- Europe: Approves Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine.

- Europe/AstraZeneca: Publishes contract with certain redactions as tensions continue.

- Europe: Draws up plans to control vaccine exports (not block or ban, control) and publishes a list of 120 countries which will be exempt from such scrutiny. US, UK, Russia and Canada notable as countries not exempt.

- Pfizer/BioNTech: Suggests potential possibility of shifting production of vaccine to other countries if EU controls prove to be restrictive.

- Italy: Moderna vaccine deliveries to to drop by 20%.

- Germany: Brings in strict new measures for travelers.

- Canada: Brings in strict new measures for travelers.

- Vaccines: Novavax first vaccine to show in trials it is effective against UK variant, Janssen vaccine shows to be 66% to 72% effective with only a single dose required, more European countries set to restrict Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine to under 65's citing lack of trials evidence to show it is effective in people over that age, less than 10% of trial participants being over that age.

- Switzerland: Company Novartis agrees to produce Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine mirroring recent agreement with french company Sanofi, hopes to begin production in Spring with shipments in Autumn.

- Australia: Launches queries with the EU and WHO following the blocs tightening of controls of vaccine exports. "...the foreign minister has confirmed today that Australia will be making representations through the World Health Organisation and through Europe, with regards to ensuring that the vaccine supplies and certainty for Australia.”

- Portugal: Strengthens restrictions as death rate surges.

- New Zealand: COVID quarantine worker sacked after having illicit encounter with someone who was quarantining at their hotel facility.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Saturday 30th of January:

- World: 102,314,963 confirmed cases and 2,212,812 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 102 million cases, we passed 101 on Thursday meaning another million in the last 2/3 days.

- US: Sees over 90k deaths in January alone.

- EU/UK: Bloc draws criticism following stance on vaccines and moves to control exports following manufacturing issues and drops in expected delivery numbers by drug makers. Positions entrench after it threatens to invoke a clause in the Brexit deal which would apparently disproportionately effect Northern Ireland for fear it could be used to bolster UK imports which appear to be directly targeted for persecution in response to the AstraZeneca production issues. A u-turn has apparently been performed with the EU climbing down from that Brexit deal position and a UK government spokes person indicates the country and Bloc have agreed to "reset relations".

- Pakistan: secures 17 million doses of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine.

- WHO: Implores richer nations to pause their vaccine rollouts once the most vulnerable sections of their populations have been vaccinated, to allow doses to be distributed across the world to the vulnerable sections of poorer nations too.

- World: Early trials data suggest two newer vaccine candidates from Novavax and Jannsenn are less efficient against South African COVID variant.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Sunday 31st of January:

- World: 102,840,181 confirmed cases and 2,225,302 confirmed deaths.

- US: Passes 26 million confirmed cases.

- UK: Sees record single day of vaccination doses administered on Saturday, at 600,000.

- UK: Captain Tom who raised £33 million for the National Health Service by walking round his garden (commented on earlier in this thread) admitted to hospital with Coronavirus after experiencing breathing difficulties.

- EU/AstraZeneca: AstraZeneca agrees to provide an additional 9 million doses to the EU on top of the 31 million they were going to be able to provide initially... still a shortfall on the originally agreed amount, but a "step forward" according to the EU commission president.

- Israel: Thousands defy COVID restrictions to attend Rabbi's funeral.

- Australia: Perth to go into Lockdown following positive test of a guard at a Quarantine facility.

- Netherlands: Primary Schools (elementary?) to reopen as cases ease.

- Europe: Cities of Amsterdam, Vienna and Brussels see lockdown protests with between with one seeing as many as 200 arrests.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Monday 1st of February:

- World: 103,244,127 confirmed cases and 2,233,610 confirmed deaths.

- World: Passes 103 million cases, we passed 102 million yesterday meaning another million cases in the last 1/2 days.

- UK: South African variant discovered passing between people in UK via community transmission with 11 cases with no direct links to travel found. 105 cases detected so far, prompting sprint to mass test, detect and stamp down on it before it gets out of control.

- UK: Orders additional 40 million doses of French Valneva Vaccine candidate.

- Wales: Self Isolation Support Scheme launched to provide people instructed by NHS COVID app to isolate. Applications must be made to local authorities rather than Central Government, and will have to provide evidence their income will be effected and that they cannot perform their work from home. "The £500 payment has already provided financial security to those asked to self-isolate, helping to break the cycle of transmission and ensure no-one has to choose between feeding their family or going to work and potentially spreading the virus."

- Isle Of Man: Following completion of second lockdown social distancing is scrapped and life returns to normal on the island.

- South Africa: Receives first shipment of 1 million Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines which will be distributed to front line health workers.

- Europe: Austria and Germany pledge to help Portugal as it reels from strong third wave, having seen nearly half of it's total death toll in January.

- Netherlands: Minister indicates UK variant responsible for half of all new cases.

- UK: Farmer makes £50,000 hiring out their goats for £5 a time to butt-in on Zoom calls, descries the success as "the shock of my life".


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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I think this explains some of the really stupid driving I see when I'm out on the road:

Thanks for this, good to see an update to an earlier news piece :like:

vaccination update
EU is still struggling getting enough doses
(Also politician blame EU for that, EU blame pharma companys... Guys just accept that you fucked up and made stupid contracts, too late)

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I was wondering about the EUs actions blaming the Pharma companies - I mean it is the companies productions lines which aren't performing, but losing their shizz like this... surely that means any future contracts they sign up to are going to be much more expensive to pre-empt any shenanigans from an unreliable customer, aren't they? Or choc full of no-sue clauses or disclaimers etc? If they even agree to supply them at all?

The EU just jammed a stick in the spokes of the front wheel of their bike, didn't they? They could have met up, found out what the issues are and helped them remedy them as quickly as possible (the AsteraZeneca EU plant apparently had issues getting raw materials), but the first reaction from the Bloc seems to have been sue the pants off of everybody...?

I'd appreciate anyone else's views on this I know how it looks from where I'm sat but that might not be the whole story?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Thanks for this, good to see an update to an earlier news piece :like:

I was wondering about the EUs actions blaming the Pharma companies - I mean it is the companies productions lines which aren't performing, but losing their shizz like this... surely that means any future contracts they sign up to are going to be much more expensive to pre-empt any shenanigans from an unreliable customer, aren't they? Or choc full of no-sue clauses or disclaimers etc? If they even agree to supply them at all?

The EU just jammed a stick in the spokes of the front wheel of their bike, didn't they? They could have met up, found out what the issues are and helped them remedy them as quickly as possible (the AsteraZeneca EU plant apparently had issues getting raw materials), but the first reaction from the Bloc seems to have been sue the pants off of everybody...?

I'd appreciate anyone else's views on this I know how it looks from where I'm sat but that might not be the whole story?

Its all theater. Any public works are always initially under budget and promised to be done way before its possible. Then as the project progresses it has massive costs overruns and runs twice as long as scheduled. After all its not about what was truly possible but about media optics. They got lots of approval when they released the initial report about the intended release and now they can redirect their constituents attention to others when its not going as promised.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 2nd of February:

- World: 103,572,661 confirmed cases and 2,243,638 confirmed deaths.

- UK: 100 year old Captain Tom Moore who raised £33 million+ for the NHS by walking around his garden 100 times passes away after testing positive for COVID-19. “For all those finding it difficult: the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away” - Captain Sir Tom Moore.

- UK: Door-to-door testing introduced in 8 areas where South African variant has been detected.

- UK: Scientists indicate UK variant has mutated again, acquiring some similar traits to the South African and Brazilian variants.

- Oxford/AstraZeneca: Extended research indicate vaccine offers up to 3 months of high level efficiency after only one dose. “Vaccine efficacy after a single standard dose of vaccine from day 22 to day 90 post vaccination was 76%, and modeled analysis indicated that protection did not wane during this initial 3 month period,”

- US: To start shipping vaccines directly to pharmacies to increase access to shots.

- Switzerland: Switzerland Cheese Marketing organisation indicates 2020 was a record year for Swiss Cheese exports due to the Pandemic making people stay home and experiment with their cooking.

- Greece: Cases up 50% week-on-week in Athens.

- Israel: Sends 5000 doses of vaccine to Palestine to inoculate front line health workers.

- Germany: Says all approved vaccines are welcome as Russian SputnikV vaccine returns strong trial data. Looks at options to potentially increase production of Russian vaccine with domestic facilities.

- Russia: Official quoted saying production limitations mean they will only be able to inoculate 700 million people this year.

- Sweden: Has detected local transmission of UK variant.

- Canada: Receives formal complaint from China after an official purchases t-shirt with the word "Wuhan" over the bat-like logo of the Wu-Tang Clan music group. "It was not immediately clear how images of the T-shirt logo, which the Canadian embassy said was created early last year, came to circulate on Chinese social media."

- World: Research indicates various Monocolonal Antibody treatments (including and of the type which were used to remedy ex-President Trump of COVID) have failed to provide adequate treatment against every strain of the virus only being effective to a few. "The changes the virus makes in its spike proteins actually throw off these antibodies. So basically, most of the front-running antibody therapies for Covid which are the front-running therapies for Covid, I should say – so the great hope – are lost to the South African and Brazilian variants."

- Japan: Extends state of emergency for another month.


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks for this, good to see an update to an earlier news piece :like:

I was wondering about the EUs actions blaming the Pharma companies - I mean it is the companies productions lines which aren't performing, but losing their shizz like this... surely that means any future contracts they sign up to are going to be much more expensive to pre-empt any shenanigans from an unreliable customer, aren't they? Or choc full of no-sue clauses or disclaimers etc? If they even agree to supply them at all?

The EU just jammed a stick in the spokes of the front wheel of their bike, didn't they? They could have met up, found out what the issues are and helped them remedy them as quickly as possible (the AsteraZeneca EU plant apparently had issues getting raw materials), but the first reaction from the Bloc seems to have been sue the pants off of everybody...?

I'd appreciate anyone else's views on this I know how it looks from where I'm sat but that might not be the whole story?
I think there are some things i currently see which went wrong (mostly from my german perspective)
1. Ursula von der Leyen
She is a retard. And if i say retard its like "Buy game stop at $325 and hold" retard. I don't know how she manages to get new political position.
She failed to manage the Bundeswehr in any direction
She wasted illegaly a shit ton of money on consultants und tried to cover it up. (deleted emails, blacked pages etc). We are talking about ~150 Mio in 4 years for consultants.
Her dissertation is a plagiat (in big parts)

2. EU wanted to be smart and make the best available price (Which they got) and ordered too little at that time (afaik they made contracts for 6 different vaccines), without considerung and calculating how much money one day of additional lockdown will cost.
I think we are talking about $15-30 per dose for Biontech. While the EU pays $15 Israel pays $30

OFC those pharma companys make the math, consider how much profit they make and plan the production facilitys ahead. If the EU want 200 Mio they don't plan production capacity for 600 Mio. Which might leave them with a "useless" amount capacity.

After realizing which vaccine works they started to order more. Production plants obviously aren't planned and prepared for that.

Also it seems like there was no real plan if and how the EU wanted to order vaccine at the beginning. Some countrys started to make their own deals. While france and germany wanted to form a "vaccine alliance". This seem to have delayed stuff further.
Forming this alliance took a while.
Approving new steps and money for the vaccine alliance by every country took time. (This is where each county failed)
Each new pile of money, each new manufacturer needed to be signed and approved by each company. Country interest seem to have played part in that too (4.)

3. Pharma companys overfill the vaccine.
EU realizes that they can get 6 doses out of the 5 doses.
Approves it.
Pharma companys realize that their contracts are made in doses and reduce the delivery amounts by 1/6.

4. When ordering doses they seem to have considered where those manufacturing plants are located. Its assumed if Biontech was in France instead of germany they would have ordered more.

5. Supply chain wasn't planned. It still seems to be a mess. Nobody knows when and how much vaccine arrives where. (look at 1. This is her fault)

6. Pharma companys probably should/could have known better how much vaccine really is needed. (as someone who plans a medical divice facility i somehow still can relate)

7. Here is something good. EU didn't wanted to make an accelerated approval like some other countrys did.

An incompetent retard tries to negotiate with 27 squabblers and pharma companys, to make a good deal.
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