Crytek sues CIG for breach of contract


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
This suit reads an awful lot like SCO vs Linux. It was a last ditch effort by a failing company to find a way to inject cash - and if it fails, what the Hell we're going bankrupt anyway.

reason I say that: Check out the wording above the download banner on That dates from March 2016, which is several months prior to CIG switching to Lumberyard. While not an open source license, it does pretty much put the software and it's source code in the public domain in a de-facto sort of way. I mean, what is the definition of "no obligation" anyway?


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
This can only mean one thing...

If this is indeed a breach of contract, then CIG will very likely settle out of court.

This means... SHIP SALES!!!

You want to buy that Bengal Carrier!?!?

CIG, here is your chance to sell that $5000 ship! :smile:

I can see it now:

The Bengal comes with 10 Saber Ravens and 20 8x8 land plots.
3876/5000 sold all comes down to what was in the contract...if CIG did something wrong, they will settle out of court...and if they need money, then SHIP SALES!

But, I'm hoping more for an F8 Lightning...or maybe a special edition Cutlass Troll Hunter, to commemorate fighting Crytek.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
To play devil's advocate here. Lets say CIG gets run through the reamer and the game as we know it is stopped. I'm ok with that. Disappointed? Sure, who wouldn't be? I've spent more than I should have tbh but I'm ok if I were to lose it at this point.

Who knows where this goes. I certainly don't want Crytek to close down and those people lose jobs but at the same time I think the company drove themselves into the ground with a lot of bad decisions over time.

Still I think this lawsuit is kinda bull.
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Dec 3, 2016
RSI Handle
This can only mean one thing...

If this is indeed a breach of contract, then CIG will very likely settle out of court.

This means... SHIP SALES!!!

You want to buy that Bengal Carrier!?!?

CIG, here is your chance to sell that $5000 ship! :smile:

I can see it now:

The Bengal comes with 10 Saber Ravens and 20 8x8 land plots.
3876/5000 sold
NAW, i want the Kingship.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
I would be curious about any other unsettled lawsuits Cryengine currently has out there. I'd wager there have been a few recent ones and more to come. As others have mentioned though, if there is a signed contract that supports any of this, it could be a thing. The current legal system encourages nuisance lawsuits. Some stick and some don't. Either way, Cryengine isn't doing well financially. So the whole thing smacks of desperation.

There is one thing that is floating around the internet about this suit that is highly promising. It's a comment found HERE. This was posted in June of 2014.

Erin Roberts said:
Hi S1GN3T,

We did an outright buyout of the engine last year and have the source code, so while we hope all the noise about Crytek blows over, as they are great partners and friends to the project, if the worse happened we would be ok, as we’ve already branched the engine and have a large team that is adding features and supporting it every day here at CIG. So even in the worst case scenario we should be fine, but obviously we hope it does not come to that.


So there's obviously more to the story. There's also the fact that CIG moved off Cryengine and onto Lumberyard while ago and there was no drama back then. So the extended waiting is highly suspect. Usually breech of contract is handled at the time of the breech.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
It's a money grab. Amazon has rights to Cryengine as well (they bailed them out a while ago) so worst comes to worse; Amazon will crush crytek with their wallet. They are not going to allow something like this to derail their lumberyard posterchild.
I think this would be the most likely outcome too :P



Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So there's obviously more to the story. There's also the fact that CIG moved off Cryengine and onto Lumberyard while ago and there was no drama back then. So the extended waiting is highly suspect. Usually breech of contract is handled at the time of the breech.
It depends. Crytek may have gone to CIG initially without filing suit to try and get things back on track. Usually, filing the suit is the last resort as things get a lot less friendly after that.

I have no idea how this will play out. It will all depend on the contracts, the actions taken by both parties that may or may not have breached that contract, and the laws of the jurisdiction where the suit was filed.

Oh, CIG is now actively deleting threads that deal with the lawsuit from spectrum.

Several observations
1) With the push to PTU and the dropping of the NDA, CT has seen just how improved the engine is and they really want the updates to the engine. CIG has really pushed it beyond what was originally thought to be the upper limits of the engine. There may be clauses that require CIG to share those improvements. CT probably wants those changes as they provide a significant value adder to the engine to either attract new investment to continue to the business, or to attract a buyer/developer that either wants to buy up CT whole, or wants to license Cry Engine to develop their games.

2) I don't think CT wants to put CIG out of business. I believe they just want what they see as their cut. A lot of times during a situation like this, an injunction is issued that freezes all development. This could mean possibly even mean no more patches on the PTU if an injunction is issued until this is resolved. However, this is usually a tactic designed to force the defendant to settle things quickly, rather than use delay tactics. However, with about 2-3 months of cash flow being brought in fresh after the anniversary sale, CIG probably has some reserves right now. CT may have waited until after the sale to see if having cash on hand may loosen CIG's wallet come settlement time vs during the leaner months. (thanks to the funding chart, we know how much CIG pulled in over the past few years.)

3) This may impact the planned holiday live stream. One of the issues was Cry Engine being used to develop 2 games instead of one (how much this is true, I don't know). With this suit, CIG may want to play it close to the vest to prevent CT from knowing how close or how far away they are from actually releasing the game. If CIG was "the game is mostly done and is going through internal QC checks and we anticipate release in 2 months" CT might have a different response than if it was "we are looking at an end of 2018 release" (meaning 2019 or 2020.)

4) This may impact CIGs SQ42 status updates they were planning.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
3) This may impact the planned holiday live stream. One of the issues was Cry Engine being used to develop 2 games instead of one (how much this is true, I don't know). With this suit, CIG may want to play it close to the vest to prevent CT from knowing how close or how far away they are from actually releasing the game. If CIG was "the game is mostly done and is going through internal QC checks and we anticipate release in 2 months" CT might have a different response than if it was "we are looking at an end of 2018 release" (meaning 2019 or 2020.)

4) This may impact CIGs SQ42 status updates they were planning.
This displeases me very much.
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