Current Warbirds


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Ok so recently I bought a Constellation Andromeda and as much as I love this ship I have learned that it isn't as good as it cracks up to be. The turning on it makes it near impossible to fight small fighters especially in large groups when all they need to do is stay behind you. So with this said I have 2 questions for the group this will help me choose my next direction I go.(If the Polaris has the same issue then this game is already heading in the broken direction no fighter should be able to take out such big ships with ease by themselves)

1)Am I doing something wrong when it comes to fighting in the Andromeda against small fighters or is it just not good at any type of dog fighting.

2)What Fighters that are currently out are the best to fight with?(You can name more then one I'm open for ideas just remember the scythe does not come easily and chances of me getting one are slim haha unless I get lucky at anniversary)

Super secret question) Should I just give up my khartu-al and upgrade to a different fighter or keep the khartu and suck it up by getting another Fighter with LTI?

Current list of all the fighters(off the top of my head correct if I forget an important one)

Aurora Series
Mustang Series
Avenger Series
300 Series
Cutlass Series
Hornet series
Warden Series
Hurricane(not out yet)
Gladius series
Freelance MIS
Esperia Glaive
Sabre series
Retaliator Series
Esperia Blade


Grand Admiral
Apr 8, 2017
RSI Handle
Ok so recently I bought a Constellation Andromeda and as much as I love this ship I have learned that it isn't as good as it cracks up to be. The turning on it makes it near impossible to fight small fighters especially in large groups when all they need to do is stay behind you. So with this said I have 2 questions for the group this will help me choose my next direction I go.(If the Polaris has the same issue then this game is already heading in the broken direction no fighter should be able to take out such big ships with ease by themselves)

1)Am I doing something wrong when it comes to fighting in the Andromeda against small fighters or is it just not good at any type of dog fighting.

2)What Fighters that are currently out are the best to fight with?(You can name more then one I'm open for ideas just remember the scythe does not come easily and chances of me getting one are slim haha unless I get lucky at anniversary)

Super secret question) Should I just give up my khartu-al and upgrade to a different fighter or keep the khartu and suck it up by getting another Fighter with LTI?

Current list of all the fighters(off the top of my head correct if I forget an important one)

Aurora Series
Mustang Series
Avenger Series
300 Series
Cutlass Series
Hornet series
Warden Series
Hurricane(not out yet)
Gladius series
Freelance MIS
Esperia Glaive
Sabre series
Retaliator Series
Esperia Blade

1. The Connie isn't made to dogfight with ships smaller than it. It is made to fight/attack ships equal to it or greater (with "moderate" effectiveness.
2. The Connie will never handle quickly or accurately enough to fight smaller and faster ships.
3. That is why most of the "dogfighting" specific ships are rather agile and quick.
4. The Hornet seems the meta/best ship at the moment but know that things may/will change in reference to that.
5. In general most of the ships were created/designed by their companies for specific reasons or uses. Such as the Hornet designed to win a Military Contract, the Drake Cutlass Black designed for a Military Contract, the Freelancer MIS for less cargo (some) and more weaponry, the Aurora LN for a stronger/beefier version of the starter Aurora, the Mustang Delta to be a Miltary Capable variant of the Mustangs.
6. Every ship has strengths and weaknesses, but many still have niche things they do better at. If you simply want a good fighter, get something like a Hornet, Sabre, or a Buc. If you want something that can fight and carry a little bit of cargo or have a purpose other than just fighting look at a Cutlass (Black-Overall good, Red-Search and Rescue w/better scanners, Blue-Police version with more shield and weapons but less cargo due to prisoner cells in cargo bay), Freelancers, Aurora LN.
7. I haven't flown any of the alien ships so I can't personally comment them. Look into TheNOOBIFIER1337 and STLYoungBlood on youtube. They both have some pretty great ship tutorials/info videos.

Hope this helps ya out!


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't know realistically I just don't see how they could allow a small fighter to destroy such a big fighter with such ease. That's like take a Speed boat with a machine gun on it to attack a Military Frigate just doesn't add up. Maybe it will improve once the merlin and power system is released in it.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2014
RSI Handle
There is a good reason to fly in a wing, or hire people to watch your six. The point of a Polaris isn't to decimate every fighter ever, it's to zip in, drop a ton of torpedoes and fire at a larger capitol ship, then GTFO. No one ship will rule them all. The Connie isn't a straight combat ship, she's heavy on the multi-role aspect. If you want something that is combat heavy realize you will be sacrificing in other areas, and you still wont be impervious to someone who is better planned and better prepared than you. It's a lot like a real life simulator, only not, and in space.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Very true it is a bit of an all a rounder I forget that sometimes but I could get the same use from the Aquila or Taurus in that case I got the Andromeda because I thought it would have better maneuverability than the others in its series to take on multiple fighters at once but guess I was wrong with that idea. Oh well we win some we lose some right? Either way its still a fun ship to have maybe I just need to get better turret gunners and shield manager haha tell them to step up their game. I wonder if they have plans to upgrade to better turrets in the future it would be nice to know I'm not limited in that category. As for the Front guns I love them to death they are very heavy wonder if there is something better though.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2014
RSI Handle
Shields and Turret upgrades/rebalance are in the works, it was mentioned in... something idk what.. someone else answer that!
Also keep in mind while the Connie is a great ship, she's more like a 32(ish)ft personal yacht. Bigger than the speedboats (with guns) but at the lost of speed and maneuverability (but more guns!). Still small guns though, and not nearly as many as the bigger boats out there. Also also, I like calling the bigger vessels boats instead of ships, because I know it annoys my Navy friends out there.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
well... I successfully fought single Hornets with a Delta, simply because the Delta can outturn a Hornet and evade incoming fire, as long as the Hornet doesn't use gimbals.
That's like take a Speed boat with a machine gun on it to attack a Military Frigate just doesn't add up.
Yeah, sure, why not, as long as the speed boat has unlimited armor piercing ammo and the frigate can't hit the speedboat.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don't know realistically I just don't see how they could allow a small fighter to destroy such a big fighter with such ease. That's like take a Speed boat with a machine gun on it to attack a Military Frigate just doesn't add up. Maybe it will improve once the merlin and power system is released in it.
The Connie is not a combat ship. It is not that she is not much of a combat ship. She is not a combat ship at all. Don't be fooled by the turrets--they are on practically every ship and you should not in general trust just because you have some that they will keep you safe. Nothing will keep one safe apart from short range fighters flying escort.

If what you want is a big, fast ship designed for combat and can afford a ship and crew, buy a Polaris. It does not have the blind spot. It has robotically targeting weapons astern, so still has a relative weakness aft, but she does not have a blind spot. Look at the turret placements. Even if she did, she has a lot of S3 missiles. I would not want to try to fly up into any supposed "blind spot" on her, especially since in such a fast moving ship, the moment she wiggles any blind spot very close to the ship will be revealed to her turrets, and they are gnarley, rip-you-a-new-asshole turrets.


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't know realistically I just don't see how they could allow a small fighter to destroy such a big fighter with such ease. That's like take a Speed boat with a machine gun on it to attack a Military Frigate just doesn't add up. Maybe it will improve once the merlin and power system is released in it.
Thats like saying an F-18 SHOULDNT be able to shoot down a can.... and very easily.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
I figured this was going to be the response which I do agree every time I get in my connie as of late those are my results. I may upgrade the connie into the Aquila in this case on release and just make her my exploration ship. If I don't like that one then i'll go the next step up to the endeavor, crucible, or Carrack I like all 3 ideas so far. Lastly as for my fighter I have been considering the Polaris, Scythe, Glaive, or Warden. My plan is to have 5 total ships in my endgame and this is what it is looking like atm. So far I am up to about 960 RSI credits worth of ships and spare RSI floating around and I think by November and December I should have a few grand ready. If you guys have other suggestions let me know I'm always open for them.

Other uses ships: Aquila or Carrack and Crucible, Endeavor, or Reclaimer
Fighter: Warden, Scythe, or Glaive
Warship: Polaris
Capital: Javelin or Idris(not sure which model yet)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The Connie is really the only general purpose ship so far, though the Merchantman will go that way some too. The guns are there to make you feel safe enough to make poor choices and become pirate munchies. Everyone's gotta live, right?

Keep in mind that no one is flying these big ships alone. There are an awful lot of big ships that will be just as much fun to crew as captain, and we will all need crew. You never need to buy anything past an Aurora.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Since they've recently nerfed connie turn rate, it seems pretty useless. If you wanted a cargo ship, there's hull B for more cargo at a lower price, which is currently about equally terrible at defending said cargo. I'm hoping that connie gets a turret upgrade to compensate, or that armor will play one heck of a role.
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