First i want to say I'm ok and at peace but vigilant, and I'm not here to make anyone cry or upset, i want to just vent a second, ask a question, and encourage some good reminders to my test family.
next i want to remind everyone of this thread:
we are here for each other, we may be next to each other or thousands of miles away, it doesn't matter if you are up north like Alaska, Canada, or Russia, down south like Australia, South Africa, or Texas, or anywhere in this world. we stick together and keep a strong grip on our relationship as a family of gamers, parents, students, hard workers, smart thinkers, comedians, all from different backgrounds, states of mind and soul.
One may say that the hardest things human beings deal with is loss, the transition from one thing to another, change essentially...
It can be something small like an inanimate object, like a food item dropping or even your cellphone not working. or something irreplaceable, like a animal companion, a famous individual you adored, or the worst, a family member.
my burden right now is my aunt. she has pancreatic cancer, looks almost anorexic, but she is still alive, can walk and speaks with a soft but semi healthy voice. she was expected to leave us halfway through last year but she's still here. she is and always will be a second mom to my dad and a grandma to me.
but her time is little, an my heart has yet to absorb the fact that she will soon go. my mind is going constantly to trying to pass the time, the more i sit here and work on things like i normally would, the more i wonder, how do i deal with when she does go, and what happens next?
the thing i want to remind everyone of is that you have friends around you, including your test family, there will always be someone that cares enough to talk or help you through your struggles.
that's why I'm here, writing this, and reaching my arm out to ask for some peace of mind and support, i went to my aunt with my dad to help and support her and to support my dad, who I'm happy I'm helping, but i want to know my energy I'm giving is not just worth it for him, but worth it for good karma and a blessed future compared to these tough times.
thank you all or being by my side, you all deserve the best and I'm going to get through this
next i want to remind everyone of this thread:
we are here for each other, we may be next to each other or thousands of miles away, it doesn't matter if you are up north like Alaska, Canada, or Russia, down south like Australia, South Africa, or Texas, or anywhere in this world. we stick together and keep a strong grip on our relationship as a family of gamers, parents, students, hard workers, smart thinkers, comedians, all from different backgrounds, states of mind and soul.
One may say that the hardest things human beings deal with is loss, the transition from one thing to another, change essentially...
It can be something small like an inanimate object, like a food item dropping or even your cellphone not working. or something irreplaceable, like a animal companion, a famous individual you adored, or the worst, a family member.
my burden right now is my aunt. she has pancreatic cancer, looks almost anorexic, but she is still alive, can walk and speaks with a soft but semi healthy voice. she was expected to leave us halfway through last year but she's still here. she is and always will be a second mom to my dad and a grandma to me.
but her time is little, an my heart has yet to absorb the fact that she will soon go. my mind is going constantly to trying to pass the time, the more i sit here and work on things like i normally would, the more i wonder, how do i deal with when she does go, and what happens next?
the thing i want to remind everyone of is that you have friends around you, including your test family, there will always be someone that cares enough to talk or help you through your struggles.
that's why I'm here, writing this, and reaching my arm out to ask for some peace of mind and support, i went to my aunt with my dad to help and support her and to support my dad, who I'm happy I'm helping, but i want to know my energy I'm giving is not just worth it for him, but worth it for good karma and a blessed future compared to these tough times.
thank you all or being by my side, you all deserve the best and I'm going to get through this
