Did you know you were part of "toxic fan entitlement"?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm still pissed off that Westwood was sold and EA bought it and then killed it.
Heh, just read up about that then looked at how Maxis are doing. Oh. Oh dear.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Because they are like Hollywood... Star Wars was great when I was kid... revolutionary but now I am sick of it. Destiny tried to break the mold but it fell into the same problem... same mechanics, same visual effects, same bad guys. We have two genres right now... the first person shooter (COD, Battlefield, Destiny) and the third person (Gears and the Division). That's all they make the same "Big Mac"... just a different story. We need SC to change the direction. Otherwise, we are going to get another Lion King movie that was made in the 80s and rebranded. Marketers take a recipe that works and reuse it... they are lazy and don't want to take chances. Any parent knows fortenite is their worst nightmare... I have spent too much money on seasons already... please STOP! :). Doesn't compare to SC but we need to break the mold as a community.
This paragraph says a lot. Highlite is mine but the text is all @ColdDog.
We need to break the mold as a community.
That is going to take some effort, and maybe some pain but it is exactly what is required to fix this industry. Fuggin well said man!


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Fair points!
My apologies for the overly long winded posts, it's quiet hard to get my thoughts into short and clear sentences. Anyways, I think what I'm trying to get across is:
- having marketing costs is okay, having +200% marketing costs compared to dev costs just to try to ensure absolute maximum profits at extra cost for the fans/consumer is very much not okay
- I'm not willing to pay 100+ usd for a game just because they cry about it costing a lot and conveniently omitting the fact that it cost so much cos of the insane marketing cost
- I'm willing to pay 100ish usd if the game justifies it with content, quality, and innovative ideas that are fun for me
- to me arguing that games cost so much more to make today then they used to, is not a valid excuse to raise prices, because that rise in cost is balanced by a much larger consumer base, ( and a lower cost per worker, taking into account the software and hardware needed for that worker as well), and most of that cost increase comes from having Hollywood levels of marketing, which doesn't add anything to the game itself

I hope this Hollywood levels of marketing is going to end soon, cos it didn't help movies in any way.
They raised prices, cos movies cost more to market. In my locale we had 3 rather large cinemas in shopping malls. ALL of them closed in the last 3 years after the price hikes. It used to cost sub 1000huf (approx 3 bucks) for a ticket, now it is at 1850huf. Add on the fact that most movies are now played in almost only 3D which adds another 700-800huf on top, that's about 2500huf for a ticket. Add some popcorn and a small coke, it's 5k huf per person. The avarage monthly wage for the avarage Joe after tax is (and I'm talking real numbers, not the fake elevated numbers reported to the press) is about 120k huf. If you bring two kids, and the wife, that's 20k out of your monthly 120k. That is a significant amount. So what do ppl do? They don't go. They don't buy the product cos the movies cost 3x as much to watch as before, and they don't get anything more for 3x the cost!
They just sail the high seas and maybe buy it when the DVD lands in the discount bucket at Media Markt (or Target or whatever).

Ps2: writing all this out on a phone is getting really effing tiresome lol. I need to be way more concise hahaha
They completely missed the fact that it wasn't rising costs to produce movies that drove up ticket prices, it was the fact that movie theater attendance dropped off when more alternative options arose combined with increases in the theater food item costs despite quality of said food items declined. Production companies have price caps on tickets and it was the individual theaters that begged for permission to increase said prices then complained when attendance dropped even further.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Hence why I no longer pre-order since Anthem. Anthem was my last pre-order... fuck all other games. I won't even pre-order cyberpunk. Just can't trust even the best gaming studios anymore. Better to wait and see and then vote with your dollars on a completed product. Star Citizen is my only exception for me as I have been funding continuing development.


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Hence why I no longer pre-order since Anthem. Anthem was my last pre-order... fuck all other games. I won't even pre-order cyberpunk. Just can't trust even the best gaming studios anymore. Better to wait and see and then vote with your dollars on a completed product. Star Citizen is my only exception for me as I have been funding continuing development.
But what if SC is a scam?


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
you and me and 99% of TEST!
No... you don't understand.. if SC becomes a scam... I don't want to even imagine what my wife will think about my "donations" aka pledges for ship jps.
Let alone my family, everyone else, and myself.
I've been investing in my entertainment future... to save myself time from grinding to have time for enjoyment flying/missions/captaining/etc.
I would lose basically the cost of a new Hyundai... it'd be worse then when I cashed out my stock in Microsoft and Pfizer my Dad left me when I turned 18 and I spent it all in 3 months.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
But what if SC is a scam?
If that happens @Montoya will take the ashes of what has been created in Alpha so far in the palm of one powerful hand and in one graceful fluid movement cast those ashes up to the very stars themselves - after traversing millions of light years in the blink of an eye the thousand ashes shall come to rest in the hearts of a thousand separate suns.

The Glorious Leader will then link the hearts of those stars together by folding space, causing all thousand stars to go supernova at the same time and in the ensuing heat forge the ashes into one infinity edged shard, beating it into the shape of a spear head with a diamond headed hammer he constructed by simply turning his gaze upon a log of wood which turned to coal which then turned to diamond.

The spear head, made of the faith and hope and good will of two million backers shall be pure and good and guide it's wielder to where justice must be prevailed. He shall then tie that shard to the end of a broom handle using a measuring tape taken from a coffin factory as the twine, making the spear able to deliver and measure death in equal measure. The head of the broom will not be removed, remaining to ensure that it's weilder can clean up any situation.

With this mighty tool in hand he shall traverse the globe in an effortless bound, crossing continents as you or I would stumble bleary eyed to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and be guided to whomever need be confronted.

Descending from the grey laden skies on a beam of golden sunlight, he shall alight before them and say:

"Kindly finish making Star Citizen or I shall prod you in the ass with this magic spear I made."

And lo, because of the purity of the intention behind the creation of the project that created the spear, its presence shall change Scam to Project, Subterfuge to Cooperation, and Wheat to Ramen.

Some say this already happened, about 90 days tops after the end of the original Kickstarter.

Thank you, Glorious Leader!

And that, my friends, is the true story of SOTS 16!
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
If that happens @Montoya will take the ashes of what has been created in Alpha so far in the palm of one powerful hand and in one graceful fluid movement cast those ashes up to the very stars themselves - after traversing millions of light years in the blink of an eye the thousand ashes shall come to rest in the hearts of a thousand separate suns.

The Glorious Leader will then link the hearts of those stars together by folding space, causing all thousand stars to go supernova at the same time and in the ensuing heat forge the ashes into one infinity edged shard, beating it into the shape of a spear head with a diamond headed hammer he constructed by simply turning his gaze upon a log of wood which turned to coal which then turned to diamond.

The spear head, made of the faith and hope and good will of two million backers shall be pure and good and guide it's wielder to where justice must be prevailed. He shall then tie that shard to the end of a broom handle using a measuring tape taken from a coffin factory as the twine, making the spear able to deliver and measure death in equal measure. The head of the broom will not be removed, remaining to ensure that it's weilder can clean up any situation.

With this mighty tool in hand he shall traverse the globe in an effortless bound, crossing continents as you or I would stumble bleary eyed to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and be guided to whomever need be confronted.

Descending from the grey laden skies on a beam of golden sunlight, he shall alight before them and say:

"Kindly finish making Star Citizen or I shall prod you in the ass with this magic spear I made."

And lo, because of the purity of the intention behind the creation of the project that created the spear, its presence shall change Scam to Project, Subterfuge to Cooperation, and Wheat to Ramen.

Some say this already happened, about 90 days after the end of the original Kickstarter.

Thank you, Glorious Leader!

And that, my friends, is the true story of SOTS 16!
The Gospel according to @NaffNaffBobFace !
... Um? ... Supernovas? 1000 of them? at the same time?...


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
If that happens @Montoya will take the ashes of what has been created in Alpha so far in the palm of one powerful hand and in one graceful fluid movement cast those ashes up to the very stars themselves - after traversing millions of light years in the blink of an eye the thousand ashes shall come to rest in the hearts of a thousand separate suns.

The Glorious Leader will then link the hearts of those stars together by folding space, causing all thousand stars to go supernova at the same time and in the ensuing heat forge the ashes into one infinity edged shard, beating it into the shape of a spear head with a diamond headed hammer he constructed by simply turning his gaze upon a log of wood which turned to coal which then turned to diamond.

The spear head, made of the faith and hope and good will of two million backers shall be pure and good and guide it's wielder to where justice must be prevailed. He shall then tie that shard to the end of a broom handle using a measuring tape taken from a coffin factory as the twine, making the spear able to deliver and measure death in equal measure. The head of the broom will not be removed, remaining to ensure that it's weilder can clean up any situation.

With this mighty tool in hand he shall traverse the globe in an effortless bound, crossing continents as you or I would stumble bleary eyed to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and be guided to whomever need be confronted.

Descending from the grey laden skies on a beam of golden sunlight, he shall alight before them and say:

"Kindly finish making Star Citizen or I shall prod you in the ass with this magic spear I made."

And lo, because of the purity of the intention behind the creation of the project that created the spear, its presence shall change Scam to Project, Subterfuge to Cooperation, and Wheat to Ramen.

Some say this already happened, about 90 days tops after the end of the original Kickstarter.

Thank you, Glorious Leader!

And that, my friends, is the true story of SOTS 16!
The piety of some TESTies astounds me. Thank you, sir.
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