

Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I think @Montoya should have a donation drive for counselling for test disney / ex disney fans as theres some serious mental health issues in this thread.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
You’re speaking of course about Mr-may-I-corrupt-you baiting me and slandering me so I would respond to him instead of the subject.

But Montoya is not as dim-witted as you think, and he knows these tricks. He’s seen them before.

I do not however think your assessment concerning corrupt’s mental health is called for. He knew exactly what he was doing. Same with Garronman. They do this in every Disney thread.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Crazy. Yeah, firing the marketing team makes sense, given the huge backlash, but batgirling the movie so no one ever sees it makes more sense. They won’t do that because that would be an admission that woke is destructive. So yeah, yet more reshoots, private release to Disney+, and wait for the hate. I don’t see another live option. I also doubt Rachael will do the reshoots without them paying her again, so we’re going to see more negotiations, etc. She has already refused to do more reshoots because she hates the idea of taking woke out of the film.

I guess we’ll see.

BTW, the trailer is really tame compared to the other woke vomit in the film. This is a really explosive issue.

View: https://youtu.be/2Zhw0B0NdNU?si=UlS_8crpbJhIr29G
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
But Montoya is not as dim-witted as you think, and he knows these tricks. He’s seen them before.
I believe that I'm not alone is believing that @Montoya is a genius at being himself & quite a few of us love that about him. I can't think of anybody that's as good at being him than himself. Cheers!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
She-Hulk anniversary issue:

I haven’t seen it but I think it’s culturally relevant. If Snarky’s observations are true, She-hulk failed because a) the main character was not likeable and b) instead of delivering good stories, the writers were focused on pissing off men and psycho wish-fulfillment. Snarky’s examples seem to say her observations are true. Has anyone here seen the series? And if not, what does it say that a forum filled with men did not watch? Is Disney really creating for the superhero audience or looking to stroke the egos of its feminazis writers?

View: https://youtu.be/TzaVO5Qp5HU?si=ewe6lQ-lqMhehG5d
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I was interested, then heard interviews from the lead actress & the director, which turned my curiosity for checking it out into the opposite. So I haven't bothered. Similar to why I never saw Captain Marvel & will never go watch the live action Snow White movie, if it ever comes out. Say what you will, when those with important roles of a project openly talk trash about a segment of people that might have been willing to pay money to check it out, they deserve to lose that money as well as the support from those they disparaged. Fair?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Fair indeed. However, we are all poorer when it comes to favorite franchises held ideological hostage for the sake of a few, angry people. Star Wars, Marvel, lots of others like LOTR, Willow, Shannara, all held hostage by this notion that some grievance group can’t be satisfied by equality, but rather instead needs compensation of some sort, so the writers get to write what they know the audience does not want.

I think it’s going to continue until shareholders sue boards for malfeasance. But maybe not. There are rumors that Skeleton Crew has dropped all the ideological baggage and focused once more on good storytelling. Guess we’ll see.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
Meanwhile, Harley Davidson and Jack Daniels both reverse course and ban DEI.

Reports are, gangs of Disney Biker Dwarves, angry at rejection from Snow White have ransacked the set and made off with director Marc Webb’s private stock of good ‘ol Uncle Jack.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Reports are, gangs of Disney Biker Dwarves, angry at rejection from Snow White have ransacked the set and made off with director Marc Webb’s private stock of good ‘ol Uncle Jack.
I damn near choked on my breakfast when I read this from laughing, it was that funny to me. The mental image of a gang of dwarf bikers raiding a place to swipe bottles of JD is priceless. RofLmao
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Here, I'll finally contribute to this thread just for kicks.Donald Duck Hotones
That last sauce, with the name of Straight Out of Hades, would've made most people check its Scoville rating before trying. Unfortunately for Donald, his bird brain has an Epcot sized ego. Mickey should've made Donald beg for the milk after DD boasted about not going to need it. LoL

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think Theory missed the obvious here. The reason this awesome idea for a Kenobi trilogy did not get made is that it doesn’t feature a woman. Kathleen Kennedy didn’t like it because it was such a tight fit to Star Wars lore, there was no way to place a woman center stage. In a movie about Kenobi, do you have to have everything centered around a female character? Well, apparently you do, since that’s what we got. In fact we got two female characters, both of which upstage Kenobi.

View: https://youtu.be/q-Zgfa-aK5Y?si=mXVR8nFoPmJmkPCO
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Disney news seems to be split between the Acolyte folks continuing to complain publicly, and Mark Hamil inadvertently aiding Gina Carano’s lawsuit by making flagrantly political statements—all pretty boring. Let’s skip that.

In Disney adjacent industry news, Amazon is again being lambasted for their season two of Rings of Power. Those critics who are starting off the season recapping last season have been so brutal it’s hard to see how this got a second season. One supposes they had the viewers to justify the madness, but the complaints sound pretty much as they did for Shannara, except there’s no complaint about poor production values. Shannara suffered poor funding while RoP is anything but.

I would point out having read all these books long ago, that it’s actually hard to turn them into such disaster. In particular, Shannara had awesome characters we get a nice close view of. Menion Leah, Panamon Creel, Keltset, Allenon, all the Ohmsfords. . .every character rocked.

I’ll forever remember Flick Ohmsford taunting Menion, that if they had a master archer, he could tie a rope to an arrow, shoot it into the fallen bridge before them and pull it up before they’re overrun by evil baddies right behind. No one takes time to write dialog that good anymore. So what did they do? They mashed all the books together, created all new stories and characters, fumbled through some of the worst dialog ever written (unless you like tweenie romance) and burnt out in 20 episodes. How stupid. The source material was so good that they could have made a decade long run, like GoT, if they had just respected the source material. They chose Shannara for the screen because of its huge following, and then didn’t give the followers anything resembling the books. Instead they focused on teen romance and girlpower. Shannara is a great study in what not to do in adaptations.

I’ll be surprised if RoP makes 20 episodes. It’s making all the same mistakes.
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