Does anyone plan on flying 'uncoupled'?


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I've seen some videos for Elite Dangerous where the pilots mostly fly with 'flight assist' off, which is basically the same as flying uncoupled in Star Citizen. They seem to like the amount of control it affords more than flying aided by a ship computer.

Do any of you fly like this now? If so, why do you prefer it to flying coupled?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I am not yet a pilot, but if the coupling is what it sounds like, I am sure there will be lots of opportunities to fly uncoupled. For instance, you can apparently fly backwards uncoupled. If you are using larger guns with greater range than your opponent, and want to maximize the amount of time you can shoot him and he cannot shoot you, then flying backward at max V while he closes on you will give you a serious advantage. Also, if you are doing a stealth approach on a ship to release boarding troops, you want to coast in with no engines or thrusters and apparently uncoupled is the way to do this.


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I am not yet a pilot, but if the coupling is what it sounds like, I am sure there will be lots of opportunities to fly uncoupled. For instance, you can apparently fly backwards uncoupled. If you are using larger guns with greater range than your opponent, and want to maximize the amount of time you can shoot him and he cannot shoot you, then flying backward at max V while he closes on you will give you a serious advantage. Also, if you are doing a stealth approach on a ship to release boarding troops, you want to coast in with no engines or thrusters and apparently uncoupled is the way to do this.
All true; but what these pilots are doing in Elite Dangerous are flying "uncoupled" all the time: during combat, while docking, flying thru asteroid belts...
I never got into flying like this because I'm lazy; however, I wonder if in Star Citizen it would offer the alleged edge in combat over people that fly coupled as it seems to in Elite Dangerous.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I feather in and out of coupled mode. It allows for you to perform unexpected maneuvers in dog-fights while maintaining the relative ease of flying point to point while coupled. For example; Get the enemy to chase you, uncouple, turn around and open fire before boosting back toward them. I try to aim at pulling this off near debris or other objects for my target to crash into if he peels off in a panic. Works about 17% of the time, but I feel really awesome when it does.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I fly coupled, however use Strafe up/down/left/right so heavily I always run out of boost fuel. Strangely, no matter what ship i'm using, Connie or 350R I always drain the tank in a similar amount of time.

Thinking about it, using boost fuel in SCM manoeuvring so it empties is pretty lame. Don't like it.
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Space Marshal
Dec 9, 2015
RSI Handle
I fly coupled but with strafing forward and backwards without use of the throttle.

I don't decouple at the moment because when you recouple it maxes your throttle to 100%. This makes me fly into stuff unwillingly :p

Don't know if it's a bug or intended but it's annoying :)


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I was thinking I'd try it. I have a while until I finish my machine though, so I'd figure I'd ask and see if anyone had any pointers. I agree with @Bigtimes though, it does seem to be a bit more of a pain in the ass. I think that is is a feature, though, because the ship wants to regain control.
@Bigtimes, what do you use your throttle for? Is it effective in dogfighting to just use your strafe ILO your main engines?
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