Does this make you feel old??


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Some days getting outta bed makes me feel old.

But then the coffee makes me feel young again.
I thought that's what beer is for?

Took the words right out of my mouth. Ha.
I try to preach that you're only as old as you feel: the morning after drinking I feel about 80. FML. Haha.
Damn anin't that the truth lol.

No make me feel experienced...

CHEERS! :beer::beer::beer::beers::beers:
Cheers!!! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Lol does anyone remember that game Shinobi that took hours to finish? Every time I played I about wanted to shoot myself. They forgot to mention what happened when your cartridge got to dirty and didn't work in your Nintendo and you had to blow in it to make it work or get the good old bottle of rubbing alcohol and a Q-tip to clean off the connectors on your cartridge. Then lastly the memory built within a cartridge like the original Zelda or Zelda 2 when the memory chip got erased because you had a very low magnetized object next to it.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Realizing next year will be my 30th High School Reunion made me feel old for a few minutes, then I decided not to worry about it.

Blind Owl feeling old makes me feel old.


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2014
RSI Handle
That video legit gave me ass cancer. I now have ass cancer, guys. Thanks a million for the ass cancer.

Frankly, most of those items on the list made gaming fun, especially everything relating to console games. Having to beat an entire game in one sitting made it super difficult; the whole "member mechanical mice?" bit was incredibly stupid, and not how mice actually worked. They were fairly accurate and games of the time didn't require the same amount of precision OW does. Seriously, you're talking about gaming on a resolution of 600x400 or 800x600, which is incredibly small compared to 1080 and beyond.

No, the biggest thing that disappeared with video games is the challenge; true challenge. Playing ME:A on the default hardest difficulty is like a punch to the dick while your arms are being held down. It hurts because you have no say in the difficulty. I'm being sniped by carbines at a distance. That's not hard, that's impossible, especially if their weapons hit 3x harder than mine.

The art of video games has become sullied with cheap imitations of the once great games. I still haven't played BotW, but I hear it's amazing, though still has some cheezy modern-gaming bits thrown in. CoD is a shell of it's once great storytelling roots. Battlefield... well, both CoD and BF are multiplayer only, at this point. The only reason why someone would want to finish the single-player campaigns are if there are specific Multiplayer rewards for doing so.

/end rant before I continue on to oblivion... or the game Oblivion...
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