Drake Cutter from Pipeline Discord


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle

Tldr images and leak is old and the cutter likely not what you think


Today at 09:57
Leaving this thread open so I can comment on the recent leaks.

We know that with each patch there will be leaks, and most of the time, we're fully aware of exactly what content will be datamined, and when. Speculation based on datamining is rarely ever an issue. And we like seeing people getting excited about what’s coming. It’s great to see that enthusiasm.

But the dark side of the leaks is sometimes things get out that were never meant to see the light of day. Sure, if a greybox image of a near-final ship leaks, and that ship is just about to release, we turn the other cheek. But leaking outdated, proprietary work info that will never happen? That’s not cool.
This week, a member of our team leaked materials by releasing pictures of internal PowerPoint decks. This is far different than datamining a test build we willingly put out there, and far more negatively impactful. An action like this only comes from someone who has no respect for their peers, the project, or the community. In this case, the leakers spread some misinformation – incorrect info that was never meant to be more than a few ideas dreamed up months ago and since changed. But because the leakers threw actual CIG work materials out onto the internet, these leakers have now created unrealistic expectations in some members of the community. And it sucks that we, CIG, will end up disappointing those people this IAE because of it.

Believe it or not, we appreciate that you guys love the project so much you are hungrily gobbling up leaks. While it’s not ideal, and we hate having surprises ruined, we know it’s a fact of life for entertainment IPs that are as passionately followed as Star Citizen. But just as common in the entertainment industry is for devs to talk about things that get delayed and sometimes never happen. And we’re bummed that mixed amongst some of the cool, accurate leaks of this week were some inaccurate ones based on obsolete PowerPoint decks.

I almost didn't comment. Doing so only revives the discussion, and casts a brighter spotlight on the leaks. But when I realized there would be disappointment due to misinformation, I had to jump in to set expectations. Separately, I'd be remiss if I didn't share with you how much these things hurt morale, especially for the ship developers who have had the intended reveal of their work stripped from them. Having had to talk developers off a ledge about their work being "ruined" in these types of situations, I can tell you first-hand that these types of leaks suck. The silver lining is we're really glad to see people digging the ships. But we are bummed that we're going to disappoint some of you because some of the leaks just aren't going to happen.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
That's the fun part of readin these kind of forum posts. You go through all kinds of emotions ranging from:
Please see attached. Looks like a starter to me!
-Great! It even comes in TEST Colors right off the bat!:love:

It’s cute! Sort of like one of these mudskippers…
--Cute, I'll gonna name mine the Mud-HAWK... no wait, that names already taken...😜

..and lastly:..
Tldr images and leak is old and the cutter likely not what you think
-Aww man, now I do have to wait that week for the official reveal! 😭
Oh well, better luck next leak. 🤗

By the way, the ancient info text from long, long ago stated that "The Cutter is an announced snub craft to be included with the Reclaimer." Texts from that age also claim that the Mustang Alpha flies with 255 SCM. So either the Cutter leak is real and it simply "punches above it's speed class" OR that's really old info in that textblock. Maybe both. Because that shape does match the videos quite a bit. Hmmm...🤔


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
That update from CIG was a little ambiguous:
The ship shown landing in the IAE teaser video looks very much like the upper of the 2 ships in the "leak" (tail fin shapes are different for the 2 versions in the leak).
The text, however, seems to be related to the "exploration" variant, which was the lower of the 2 ships pictured.

So, does the update from CIG relate to the entire "Cutter" family (both versions pictured), does it mean the specs for the "exploration" version\"Cutter family" are incorrect, or does it perhaps indicate there is no longer plans for a "family" of ships, with only a single version now planned?


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
By the way, the ancient info text from long, long ago stated that "The Cutter is an announced snub craft to be included with the Reclaimer." Texts from that age also claim that the Mustang Alpha flies with 255 SCM. So either the Cutter leak is real and it simply "punches above it's speed class" OR that's really old info in that textblock. Maybe both. Because that shape does match the videos quite a bit. Hmmm...🤔
255 SCU probably before they changed SCU metrics


Grand Admiral
Aug 31, 2019
RSI Handle
I also wonder about the 3rd variation not shown. Given the data mined news about bounty hunting updates ... who wants to guess the 3rd one is for bounty hunting? 2 SCU = Bounty-cell?

If they provide a chrome - colored skin then all the Mandalorian fans will buy just because ....


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle

Tldr images and leak is old and the cutter likely not what you think
Yeah, my first reaction was "why is everybody excited about the ship we saw on the SQ42 vertical slice 3-4 years ago?"

Once again, Zyloh's comment is golden...my hat's off to that guy, he really explains stuff well, and shows a lot of respect to the community.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
255 SCU probably before they changed SCU metrics
Truth be told, IF that small ship COULD haul 255 SCU I'd buy 2. 😜
But actually I was talking about SCM as in Speed. A few years back 250 SCM was middle of the road while a racer like the M50 might go 330 SCM if you put the pedal to the metal. And that's why I think that 250 SCM value in the description has got to be old news. Just my reasoning though. It's not that anyone got facts. YET... 🤗


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
All, I suspect the ship that is not going to happen is the Galaxy...
That was my hope - I'd like a little time to be able to put aside some funds to acquire it.

Unfortunately, it appears that I'll be missing out on that one, as IAE floor plans show it in the hologram area, betwen the Perseus and the Polaris (with the Appollo Triage on the end).
iae galaxy map.png

They also appear to show 3 Cutters in hall 5 (not the main hall, surprisingly for a new release) between a Vulture on one end and a Herald and Buccaneer on the other.
IAE Cutter map.png

My hope with the Cutter is that they release a new discount WB starter pack containing a version of it (or maybe individual starters for each variant) that allows new players to acquire it at $40 (or just over), with LTI for the IAE event (reverting to standard insurance after the event ends)


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
They also appear to show 3 Cutters in hall 5 (not the main hall, surprisingly for a new release) between a Vulture on one end and a Herald and Buccaneer on the other.
With that info in mind I can't help to think that the cutter is this year's IAE Starter package. Single seater ship in three flavours. Probably "Not enough tonnage", "Not enough guns" and "Not enough range". Though this being a Dranke ship I'm not too sure about the lack of guns. Imagine a "Drake Competitor" to the Avenger and 300i series. It probably comes with a single size1 shield BUT a spinal mount fixed s5 cannon. Oh damn... here I go again... can't ..hold.. mmm... mmm... MUST BUY...!! 🤯


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
With that info in mind I can't help to think that the cutter is this year's IAE Starter package. Single seater ship in three flavours. Probably "Not enough tonnage", "Not enough guns" and "Not enough range". Though this being a Dranke ship I'm not too sure about the lack of guns. Imagine a "Drake Competitor" to the Avenger and 300i series. It probably comes with a single size1 shield BUT a spinal mount fixed s5 cannon. Oh damn... here I go again... can't ..hold.. mmm... mmm... MUST BUY...!! 🤯
You forgot "Not enough Armor", although being a Drake ship, that's generally expected anyway :)

I'd prefer the "starter" version to be a competitor to the Mustang Alpha and Aurora MR, giving new players a third "entry level" starter ship pack option. Of course, if that happens, I may end up acquiring a number of additional NPC slots if they also do a discounted LTI starter pack for it...


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Of course, if that happens, I may end up acquiring a number of additional NPC slots if they also do a discounted LTI starter pack for it...
There is always the option of further alienating your friends and colleagues by dragging them into this mess and gifting them one.
By the way, total lack of armor would explain the supposed speed. A naked rocket so to say.
Usability aside, IF that thing looks like the A-Team van (which is an actual possibility) and they offer a fitting paint (black with red line fanning out towards the back) than I gonna get me one or my name is no longer "Mad Dog" Mudhawk. 😸


---Total Reliable Leak Picture (TRLP (TM))---
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