F8 Lightning is going into concept sale!


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
You just want the ship because it's shiny.

You're not thinking about the ramifications about it. The F8 Lightning is supposed to be the UEE"s top of the line, newest fighter. There's a reason the F-22 Raptor wasn't made available for Export, you know.

The F8 Lightning is not even a competitor to the Super Hornet.

Super Hornet is a two-seater medium/heavy fighter.

The F8 is a straight up heavy fighter designed to fight the freakin' Vanduul, drubbing their asses, skinning them alive and wearing their nutsacks on its tailpipe like decorations.

CIG said that the F8 Lightning wouldn't be sold, because of lore reasons that it's so cutting edge, selling it to civilians would negate the edge the UEE Navy would have over the average Citizen. On top of that, obtaining an F8 Lightning is supposed to be an accomplishment.

With LTI F8's zipping all over the place, the idea of "rescuing" an F8 Lightning from the hangar of an on-duty Bengal Carrier becomes a lot less important.
For once I agree with Nkato. The F8 is not a ship that should be sold. It is supposed to be so new that not even the UEE has made it standard issue and only a few squadrons (not even a full carrier group) have been outfitted with them. You were supposed to be able to buy it if you did a huge rep grind with UEE and possibly others or find a rare one to capture as a pirate. They were supposed to be the end all be all of fighters. It makes no sense for it to be given to civilians when we cant even get true, not body kit, f7a's.

They already said once the hornet is balanced it will easilly compete with the sabers, so there is no need to say saber is op and needs a rival. None of the ships are fully balanced is all. Basically selling the f8 would give rich players a huge gape in ship performance. It is the same with the idris-m and how they said it was a mistake to sell them because of the fighting performance difference between the civilized idris-p and the civilized javelin.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
CIG has been clear from its first mention of the F8 that players will not be able to buy them. The intention with them is to assure the UEE maintains control over its territory, rather than be taken over by players. The only way to get one is to steal one, and good luck with that. My guess is you will not even have access to them in Squadron 42, because CIG doesn't want them in the hands of players.

They made this ship so everyone knows they always have something to run away from.
SQ42 it was going to be a end mission ship. You do not keep any ships from SQ42. You get a military seperation pay whatever rep you earned and you pay/awards for the missions. They said there were ways to get a f8 in SC legit and non legit. Hence the idea of the rep grind and stealing them, being the most probable.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
Now that's a sexy beast right there!

To me it looks like it's well armored, bulky, heavy really.
I haven't read or heard a single word about it yet so I might be very wrong here, but just by looking at the picture I would expect it to handle worse than a hornet or sabre, but make up for it with endurance. The inset cockpit, dark paintjob and the angles give me the feeling of a heavy stealth fighter-bomber. (thinking something like the Thunderbolt in WC3)
Love it! Although I don't plan on spending more money on SC, I would like to see it go into concept sale so those who can afford it can have it, and a free-fly/subscriber-loaner state at least!
Okay my last post until other post for awhile.

So there was some supposed script leaks that were on reddit but seem to be deleted/archived and I can no longer find them. They contain spoilers but it will give an idea on the f8 and why it is special.

So the Vanduul Glaive (their heavy fighter) is a rare ship, and no one knows exactly where it docks up at. UEE thinks its a aging design that is dieing and Vanduul can't rebuild/repair them anymore.

The Vanduul attack Earth and you with the F7A and the whole UEE armada. The Redemption is splitting vanduul capital ships and it looks like the UEE are going to save Earth. Then a very large vanduul ship approaches and releases Glaives on everyone. This is supposed to be one of the larger tribes War Chief/Leader, and controls a large number of Glaives. Your F7A is destroyed and your are rescued and brought aboard the Admiral Oldmans daughter ship. The Redemption is destroyed (people theorycrafted that the Kingship have a harpoon on them and that pulls it apart). Admiral Oldman makes a sacrafice that doesn't stop the Vanduul but merely delays them so the Fleet can retreat. Earth is destroyed. Admiral Oldmans daughter races back to Terra while the Empire is in chaos. She convinces the Terran Lords/President/leaders to take up the flag and become Humanity new homeworld. They tell her to get a fleet ready to counter the Vanduul. The F8 was already in concept and ready for production. Now it is important to note that in the lore Terra and Anvil Aerospace are both alien friendly, while Earth was xenophobic. Anvil even designed a ship (unknown at this point what ship) to used alien components and was denied and told to use human parts. The daughter goes to Anvil and tells them to make the F8 use alien parts. This means it uses the superior engine from Xi'an, Superior Shields/Generator from Banu, the Tevarian Stealth systems etc etc. Basically this thing is balls to the walls with the best parts. It is meant to beat down the Glaive and help keep fighting. This was the first step for the continueing war. So if rumors/puzzle solving are to be believed the F8 is not just a human ship, but a human hull outfitted with all the best that all the aliens had to offer.[/spoiler

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
They contain spoilers but it will give an idea on the f8 and why it is special.
It sounds to me that it is essentially a super-Sabre. It has all the speed, maneuverability and limited stealth of the Sabre but with twice the firepower and the tanking hull of the Hornet. It is a superiority fighter based off the Hornet, so sounds like that's what they built. Anyone with any common sense will fear it. . .or steal it. Or in my case, steal 6 of them; just 'cause planes should come in "wings".
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
It sounds to me that it is essentially a super-Sabre. It has all the speed, maneuverability and limited stealth of the Sabre but with twice the firepower and the tanking hull of the Hornet. It is a superiority fighter based off the Hornet, so sounds like that's what they built. Anyone with any common sense will fear it. . .or steal it. Or in my case, steal 6 of them; just 'cause planes should come in "wings".
More of a Super-duper hornet, that has been groomed and perfected by the designers. Saber relies on its speed and stealth. The F8 will probably still rely on firepower and defense but with less pitfalls of the the hornets in terms of maneuvering and stealth.


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Confirmed: some ship(s?) coming for Citizencon

Wing Commander II Stream with Ben on Saturday

No more info runners (aside from Herald) in the works but there may be a way to setup other/existing ships for the role

Herald 'courier' style role will make it into game prior to 'hacker stuff'

Refueling mechanics (Starfarer) not promised for 3.0 but also 'not insanely far away'

F8 Lightning: Its role in squadron has changed, may now go for sale, in any case they probably want some way for players to get a try at it

Cutlass: rework kicked off again
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/52zi0q/bensday_with_batgirl_and_ben_lesnick_episode_60/

Seems to me like a mean competitor to the Super Hornet. What are you thinking about it?
It's Supposed to be unavailable, I'll definitely trade in my Super Hornet for one if its true!


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
She had also mentioned the Anvil Hurricane, this he on pic I could find for it and it looks more like a MISC.

Here's what the Chairman had to say about it:
Anvil Hurricane: Some ships avoid dangerous encounters with speed, some with stealth and others with maneuverability. The Anvil Hurricane’s philosophy is that it should be able to blast anything that gets in its way out of the sky. The Hurricane won’t win any races and its electronic signature won’t let you sneak behind enemy lines… but it features a wide array of fully customizable small bore weapons hardpoints plus the ability to customize weapons types in several ways. Hurricanes are often used by militia squadrons and private organizations seeking to add a “heavy” to their lineup.
or possibly this one that looks more like an Anvil
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