Fallout TV Series


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Amazon has proven before that it can make decent shows just to entertain, without all the forced-in political nonsense stuff, so I have hopes for this one. Gotta admit that it looks really good, all the little things I noticed that looks exactly as you'd expect them to, from stimpaks to power armor down to the ghoul sheriff guy. If nothing else, it will be a visual fan service feast for sure, which is not a bad thing at all!
I hope they stick to the lore as much as they stuck to the visuals!

I expect that interest for Fallout games and merch will be goin up. I recently tried 76 and it's still... well, not very enjoyable. Kinda empty and aimless and just feels like a broken version of 4. If Bethesda could be bothered to fix it up to a proper fallout game's standard it would be real nice and would get them a few sales. But ofc they won't because they are still sore about Starfailed... oh well.
I'm gonna be spinning up my printer and putting out a couple of my own designed mr.handy robots, I'm sure some of my friends will appreciate em .
Got Fallout 76 for free on my PS4. I made just out of the vault and haven't touched it since. Wasn't having a bad experience in that very short amount of time, just had other things to do and bad reviews haven't encouraged me to fire it up again.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Got Fallout 76 for free on my PS4. I made just out of the vault and haven't touched it since. Wasn't having a bad experience in that very short amount of time, just had other things to do and bad reviews haven't encouraged me to fire it up again.
Perfectly understandable.

Sadly, to this day Fallout 76 is only good for one thing: reminding you that you could be playing a better game, like New Vegas.

Thanks to an ol friend of mine, I got to play it before release, got keys to all the betas and whatnot, so there were no reviews to affect my judgement yet. I really really wanted to like it, but I just couldn't enjoy it. It was lacking in every aspect. I didn't buy it.
Later I got to own it via some game package deal or humble bundle... tried to play it twice since then, but nothing really changed. I think it got only worse TBH, more confusing with events and the usual mobile game trends inserted to earn stuff... I couldn't pick up where I left off, had about 30 quests but they were just vague goals like get to lvl 20 or kill-x type missions. There was still no substance there.

We need a new Fallout game, something with a bit more grit, like NV had, and a world filled with interesting NPCs and sidequests, like NV or Skyrim. Judging from what happened to Starfail, I don't think we will ever have that again in our lifetime... at least not from Bethesda.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
We need a new Fallout game, something with a bit more grit, like NV had, and a world filled with interesting NPCs and sidequests, like NV or Skyrim. Judging from what happened to Starfail, I don't think we will ever have that again in our lifetime... at least not from Bethesda.
If anything, expect Bethesda to make a new Fallout game simply because their latest attempt at an original IP didn't do so well!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
If anything, expect Bethesda to make a new Fallout game simply because their latest attempt at an original IP didn't do so well!
But with MS owning them, I'm not sure. Depends on how tight the leash is.
I think there will be a DLC for 76 with the theme of the new show, possibly some mobile game cos those are easy money makers on paper (while being the toughest most competitive market actually), and not much else until TES6.
Actually what I'm most afraid of isn't another botched attempt at a live service Fallout game, cos it will probably happen just this time it will be less of a surprise and low budget, but a "putting indefinitely on hold" of the next Elder Scrolls, because of the failure of Starfield.

That snippet with the power armor, I like that. It looks like the flight is CG but the closeups and once it's down are practical. Or better CG armor than anything Marvel did since Iron Man 1.Doesn't matter, I love how authentic and actually real the set is. The attention to detail and thought put into it is remarkable, considering it's "just a tv show".
Just watch it again, but this time only look at the bg. Spot the little things, like the "don"t steal" sign having the image of a laser rifle on it instead of a random modern day pistol or rifle. The iguanas on a sticks. The clothes all check out, even if a little too clean. If anything I would really criticize, it's the hairs. Seems like they have really awesome hairdresser in the apocalypse still.
The girl is a bit lame but I'm pretty sure that is on purpose. I know the fan favorite will be the sheriff-looking ghoul obviously. Unless he is the one who shoots what seems to be Dogmeat and the doggo dies ( in the wide shot when he gets shot you can see the doggo).
Every time I see him I keep expecting it to be played by Timothy Olyphant for some reason. But I guess you can't have him as the sheriff in every show hahaha

This looks promising. I'll sure as hell forget when it's out unless one of you guys posts about it here to remind me, but unlike with almost every new franchise-show nowadays, I do actually want to watch this.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I just hope I won't forget that it's already out by tomorrow night. I wanna watch this while it's hot lol

Checked out the general consensus from the official critics on corruptomatoes. I'm a bit worried they all find it soo good... I wonder if the show follows the lore at all or if they "made it their own"...
Oh well, no point in looking at the opinion of paid-off hacks, I'll just watch it!


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I just hope I won't forget that it's already out by tomorrow night. I wanna watch this while it's hot lol

Checked out the general consensus from the official critics on corruptomatoes. I'm a bit worried they all find it soo good... I wonder if the show follows the lore at all or if they "made it their own"...
Oh well, no point in looking at the opinion of paid-off hacks, I'll just watch it!
Supposedly they tried their best to follow the lore. That said, I wouldn't want a frame for frame, shot for shot live action adaptation of Fallout 4 for example. In an ideal world, you wanna have an original story set in parallel of the preexisting universe. Sprinkle in some references and easter eggs from the games to keep the fans happy.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I am enjoying the show, but the one thing i can not stand is waiting a year and a half to two years for the next season.
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Space Marshal
Staff member
Feb 19, 2018
RSI Handle
I love it. It's better than I expected. And it's better than average video game adaptation -- they usually fail.
My wife likes it, even though she has never played any Fallout game; it's funny that for her it's just another sci-fi tv series.



Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
No Loading screens! I can't immerse myself in such an unfaithful adaptation! 0/10!

(I'm only 1 ep and a little bit in, so far I'm enjoying it, only tiny lore breaking I noticed, nothing too bad. I'll give my usual full 2page rant when I finished the season.)

Edit: I'm 3 eps in, and while the storytelling and continuity stumbles here and there, and I can't ignore some lore breaks (the T60 is not a fucking iron man mkV suit, just to mention something that's not obscure bg knowledge), I don't hate it! Which is pretty damn good considering todays landscape.
Last edited:


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Watching the series right now. I'm pleasantly impressed with how they capture the mood of the Fallout series. I'm not in love withthe show but I'd give it a solid B+.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Watching the series right now. I'm pleasantly impressed with how they capture the mood of the Fallout series. I'm not in love withthe show but I'd give it a solid B+.
Definitely helps that you have Bethesda directly involved in the project and that the show runners are self confessed fans of the series. I watched the show with my wife and I was pretty smug about all the references that I’m privy to that she isn’t!


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Watching the series on Amazon has gotten me nostalgic and wanting to reinstall Fallout 3 and 4 for a replay, or maybe finally pick up 76. Just happens that Steam is having a sale on the Fallout franchise until April 19th.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
No random crashes to desktop, 0/10!

Todd's father is still out shopping for milk 50 years later I guess, cos we are doing the "find family member" main quest again! And in true Bethesda fashion, the sidequests are what makes it all fun and interesting!

This was surprisingly enjoyable!
Up to the last 2 eps when the story turned into the usual modern tropes of "umm maah capitalism baaad, white man baaad". That's rich coming from Amazon, but it's to be expected nowadays, and as the trope of megacorrupt megacorporation fits perfectly well into the world of Fo, it wasn't really out of place either. Just some of the reasoning and ways of doing evil was really dumb (you can't increase profit margins if you wipe out you customers, dummy!).
Some of the lore changes they hinted at might become an issue later though with s02, we gotta wait and see.
Ignoring the supposed political messaging, the story itself got a bit too dumb for it's own good by the end. Other than that it was a fun ride!

The sets are perfect down to the last screw, it's truly impressive! I could watch a "life in the vault" 10 ep series, it would be a shame to waste those sets, they are so authentic!
For me the ghoul carries 50% of the show and the setting carried most of the rest. Lucy was surprisingly not the usual mary sue, I liked her! Too bad Finn was a disaster. Or whatever his name is, something like Maximus Constipatus, he was terrible. Only time he looked comfortable acting was in "the trap". They wanted to make him the brooding complicated personality type, but he was just miserable the whole time. Lil bro and dumb cousin were a fun duo, that storyline could have used a better ending though. The father was top notch, Meklekhlen is just great!

I did miss the fun animations with the vault-boy that used to play out in the games as training videos, and a bit of explanation and showcasing of how and why they went nuclear-everything and why the world still looks like the 50's would have been nice. (semiconductors don't exist in the Fo universe)
With background knowledge it's alright, but as my non gamer friend watched it he found the aesthetics weird as no reasons are given. It just comes off as " we went for this look cause it's da cold war goin hot duh", which isn't true at all.

TLDR.: Dumb fun but authentic enough, 7/10. All in all, I like that they dared to have fun with the world, but stayed within it. I'd like to see a S02!
Is this the best VG to TV adaptation ever? I'd say yes, but then the Street Fighter crowd might beat me up so...

Which ending of NV will we get? Find out in a 2 years, or 5!
Or never, as Amazon was so afraid that this will do just as poorly as the rest of their very expensive big name shows (RoP), that they dropped it all in one go, and did it pretty silently at that. I didn't even got a reminder email that it's out, and I get that for random shows I didn't even mark up for watching! It's pretty evident from the "previously on" section in every episode that they originally went for a weekly release, but lost confidence along the way.

I've heard all the reasoning for the hate that's coming from the loud minority, those who think themselves "hardcore true fallout fans", including some of my favorite content creators, 95% of whom only played 3 and NV and didn't even catch the actual joke when the dude came into the vault meeting holding up a broken water chip...
Well, this time they are simply wrong. They have their own twisted head canon and read a lot more into a couple of words than what was actually said. I am a "true" Fallout fan in the sense that I played 1 and 2 when they were released and every single game since, addin them all together I'm sure it's the most time I've spent in a universe apart from WoW. I spent countless long nights reading up on the lore back in the day, and I have no problems with the show and the slight deviations it takes.
We are many years after the games' storylines so it's all plausible and works fine in-universe, and 90% of the outrage comes from simply not paying attention to what was on screen.

Too many people became jaded and don't know how to enjoy something anymore unless they are told by some influencer that it's okay to do so. It's just sad really.
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