Favorite Space Marine Chapter or Faction in General?

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I like the Space Wolves. Literally kick ass, eat and drink and then kick more ass. Their standard drink is an alcohol so potent is will dissolve the intestines of normal people because it is made from a toxic plant on their home world.

Second is Black Templars. These guys give no fucks about the Codex aside from the broad strokes. They always want to get into close combat and kick ass. On a constant Crusade to rid the galaxy of enemies. If gathered into one place their number may equal Legion strength.

Those are my 2 favorite Space Marine chapters.

I also like the Necrons. Cold death made manifest with weaponry that makes fun of normal physics by stripping atoms off the target layer by layer. Ultimate threat against the Tyranids and Chaos. Oh chaos using psychic powers and daemons. Teleport in some pariahs and watch them fall to the ground in agony. Tyranids coming our way, they went around the tomb world instead of trying to eat it.

I also like Orks but only for the comic stuff they do.
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Space Marshal
Jul 10, 2014
RSI Handle
As you probably already know, i'm a Ork player as main... who could have guessed? :D
Mostly because of the "Comic" stuff that's going on, and i like the randomness they provide... also the apocalyptic Mad Max vibe they have going on.
And it's just lots of fun to trow a gazillion dice into a tray, and hope to hit something with it (they can devastating on a good roll, or terribad)

My second army that i have and like are the Space Wolves.
Same reason as you really... Space Vikings... enough said.
But i also like the play style they provide on the tabletop, i like the Long Fangs and Rune Priest allot.
And The 4 HQ choices that i can have in my army ofc, combined with allot of customization and variation in the army as a whole.

My third army that i have and like, are the Tau, even when they feel a little out of place in the 40k universe (mech suits anyone)
All that high tech hardware and mercenery they are using for the greather good... I love the Kroot!
Havnet played much with them yet (latest codex), so i can't really comment on that... But they are the long range army that fills in the open spot in my allround and close combat collection.

Sorry... as you can see, i'm not really into the Marine chapters.
Most of them don't peek my interest, except maybe the space marine salamanders.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I actually haven't ever played the tabletop game(crack is less expensive). Only the video games but I'll consume the lore of the universe all day long when i get time.


Jun 9, 2014
RSI Handle
I like the Space Wolves. Literally kick ass, eat and drink and then kick more ass. Their standard drink is an alcohol so potent is will dissolve the intestines of normal people because it is made from a toxic plant on their home world.
A man after my own heart. My name Raggy comes from years of playing under the name Ragnar Whitemane, which you no doubt know is a play on Blackmane :)

I love the Fenrisians because they're just so brutal, and while many people consider them unfit to operate as a chapter - and the inquisition practically waiting for an excuse to get them - they were made for a good reason. The emperor made each gene strain with a purpose in mind and the wolves were designed to utterly destroy other legions :) GG thousand sons, GG.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Its too bad the Space Wolves didn't get to know what happened to the Celestial Lions chapter(hint:whittled down to about a hundred through 'accidents' and 'ork snipers') when they called bullshit on the Inquisition over Armageddon as well. Luckily the Black Templars(ie people who get shit done) are helping them rebuild.

I suspect the Wolves would have started the Great Fuck You Crusade if they had found that out and brought other chapters along for the ride who may fear something similar happening to them. Emperor forbid if the Salamanders found out about Armageddon and they had also gotten the Ultramarines on board(Ultra Smurfs still keep watch and lordship over ALL their successor chapters). And then any other chapters or imperial forces that owed them favors "We're calling them all in NOW"

And I like how the Wolves like you said were made to destroy other Legions just in case. Purely awesome.

In my fanfiction addled mind I wish Hyperion had opened a warp portal to Leman Russ and the 13th company when he stopped Angron's Black Blade and had them come through to fuck shit up. "oh by the way your forces have fallen. I summoned Leman Russ and he's on your back now"

I never got why Humanity never just tells the Orks that they themselves suck as enemies and are no fun and that the best enemies to be found are in the Eye Of Shiney Bits and hope the Orks take the bait.


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2014
RSI Handle
For me personally would be the Alpha Legion the masters of infiltration. I know that they're now "Chaos" but the lore behind them suggests that they are actually preforming their duty to the emperor by infiltrating the Chaos ranks from within. Like how badass would it be if one day these dudes just said "surprise!" and slaughtered a good portion of Chaos forces from within?

But anyway being that you two seem you like WH40K here is this
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Jun 9, 2014
RSI Handle
Very cool, thanks buddy.

I hear you on the alpha Legion, it often felt like they had their own agenda all along and didn't necessarily agree with the heretics. I wasn't sure how I felt about the twin primarch thing but after reading a few books featuring them I was sold. It fits their subterfuge style really well.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Was reading about the Salamanders, forgot how awesome they are. Literally bringing Hammer Time to a new level of cool. Don't even think about harming civilians with them around or order orbital bombardment with the possibility of hurting civilians. They WILL fuck you up. WITH HAMMERS!

And their Primarch may or may not be held captive in a stasis field by that Necron Troll the Infinite.

Playing DoW2 right now and was reading 1d4chan and it brought me to a new level of understanding as far as the Blood Ravens and i think 1d4 is right about them. They are rampant stealers of artifacts and relics from other chapters. Hell in DoW2:CR they can acquire a suit of Adeptus Custodes armor in a loot drop. Like wtf. HOW? Must be some sort of competition between them and Troll The Infinite. Don't get me wrong I like chapter, especially GABRIEL ANGELOS but they have serious problems when it comes to getting artifacts and relics they have no place of even being near in the first place.
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Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2014
RSI Handle
Playing DoW2 right now.
I love me some DoW2. Spent so much time in Retribution playing last stand. But anyway Salamanders are one of my favorites as they show that the Adeptus Astartes are more human than people believe giving most people a look at the emotions they actually feel.

I was actually looking around at some of the WH40k games and found this. I forgot it was around but sadly I'm pretty sure it's cancelled since THQ went bankrupt...


Designated Driver
Nov 2, 2013
RSI Handle
I love me some DoW2. Spent so much time in Retribution playing last stand. But anyway Salamanders are one of my favorites as they show that the Adeptus Astartes are more human than people believe giving most people a look at the emotions they actually feel.

I was actually looking around at some of the WH40k games and found this. I forgot it was around but sadly I'm pretty sure it's cancelled since THQ went bankrupt...
Fret not, for the grim darkness of the 41st milennium can still be enjoyed.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Fret not, for the grim darkness of the 41st milennium can still be enjoyed.
This now has my attention, but not my money. It may in the future but it LOOKS interesting. But I've dumped over 1K in star citizen and am being too lazy to get a computer that can actually run it atm. I should look into that.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Remember it's better to die for the EMPRAH than live for yourself.

(this is of course BS because living for yourself involves copious amounts of beer and hookers)
Hi. I'm from the Ordo Hereticus of the Inquisition. You may not remember me because we like to keep that on the down low. Do you have some time to talk about your beliefs and faith in the Emperor?


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
Bloody magpies...

Why? Because they have a stupid number of psykers, and their MO is zero-fucks-given. "Oh, that disabled dreadnaught has been in the armory of the Ultramarines for the past 2000 years? Make sure you remove the body before you repaint it. Try to dump it at least somewhat reverently."


Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Bloody magpies...

Why? Because they have a stupid number of psykers, and their MO is zero-fucks-given. "Oh, that disabled dreadnaught has been in the armory of the Ultramarines for the past 2000 years? Make sure you remove the body before you repaint it. Try to dump it at least somewhat reverently."

You have to admit though, the fact they have gotten away with it so far and the number of psykers in their chapter....hmmm. I suspect some form of "This is not the relic you are looking for. Move along".

And you forgot about the most famous Blood Raven: Indrick Boreale! He's a master of STEHL REHN! May or may not be alive in the background after his campaign. See, I think he was using a clone of himself in that campaign and it went mad thinking it was him.


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
The dust settled and the Ork horde lay dead at her feet. But with such a victory came sacrifice. The good General lay dead, his final words asking "Who wants to live FOREVEEER?"(Seeing as he's Freddie Fuckin Mercury in Space) with a wry smile on his face. The Imperial Guard had either died or retreated when the Commissar Lord fell in battle. But it did not matter, her hat and her popped collar would hide any tears that she may have shed for them.

And then suddenly, there was a thumping. It couldn't be! She had bombed the area! She had drowned the orks in the bodies of the devoted guardsmen! She had evaporated the green tide with faith and fire! And yet... he still stomped through the ashes.

"ALRITE YA SQUISHY! I WANTZ DAT HAT!". He was as determined as he was arrogant, but even with his stubbornness, she could see something change in his face. Confusion had entered his small little brain. Perhaps it was because he was shocked that naught but a "pitiful" human could stand tall against the full force of a WAAAGGHHH. What was more amusing that the Warboss had lost his patented pirate hat. She reached for her own hat, to tip it in torment at the Ork's incompetence... only to find nothing but hair in it's place. "WHERE IZ IT!? WHERE'Z DA HAT?!" the Ork roared in fury before noticing his own unprotected head. Shock turned to anger as both reached the same conclusion.

"DIOMEDES!" She screamed in unison to the Ork's own war-cries for "DEM'Z BLUDY MAGPIES HEADZ!" The eternal war made for some strange alliances, but none as strange as the Inquisitor and Warboss hunting down the Thieves of Thieves in retribution for their loss.

Diomedes sat with his new pirate hat. He thought it fitting for his position in a chapter as renowned as his for "acquiring" gifts. "We Shahl Coll this maneuvah Stehl Stehl!" The Ancient remarked as he disregarded his tattered old helmet for the Witch Hunter's headpiece.

- taken from 1d4chan Bluhd Rehvens article.
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