Ahhh the irony here for me. So I haven't had a flu shot in a decade, that was until Wednesday last week when I went to the Dr for my usual checkup. The 22ish year old nurse asks if I want a flu shot, and my brain just said yeah baby you can stick me with anything you like... well next thing I knew I had a flu shot. So by that evening I'm feeling off, Thursday morning I feel like I've been raped with a baseball bat but still go to work and by Friday I call in sick feeling like I was hit by an 18 wheeler.Im never skipping out on flu shots ever again!
What it comes down to is this my friend, the flu shot is typically 15-20% effective and while I didn't get a full on flu, I did miss a day of work after getting mine. The sad part is this, predicting the flu is an even less accurate art than predicting the weather and that's basically what the flu shot is. They try to predict the strains that will be popular in your area and hit you with those, but if they get it wrong, or you're simply exposed to a less popular strain then your flu shot is worthless. At least I can say I got mine from a hot nurse.