Flu season 2019 is awesome!


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
Im never skipping out on flu shots ever again!
Ahhh the irony here for me. So I haven't had a flu shot in a decade, that was until Wednesday last week when I went to the Dr for my usual checkup. The 22ish year old nurse asks if I want a flu shot, and my brain just said yeah baby you can stick me with anything you like... well next thing I knew I had a flu shot. So by that evening I'm feeling off, Thursday morning I feel like I've been raped with a baseball bat but still go to work and by Friday I call in sick feeling like I was hit by an 18 wheeler.

What it comes down to is this my friend, the flu shot is typically 15-20% effective and while I didn't get a full on flu, I did miss a day of work after getting mine. The sad part is this, predicting the flu is an even less accurate art than predicting the weather and that's basically what the flu shot is. They try to predict the strains that will be popular in your area and hit you with those, but if they get it wrong, or you're simply exposed to a less popular strain then your flu shot is worthless. At least I can say I got mine from a hot nurse. 😉


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
What happens in Hospital stays in Hospital
This is good rule to live by... but this is benign and also happened at a dentist office so I'll use that. I had a root canal, and went through the recovery... my wife came to pick me up. I remember asking her to take me to Frys (computer hardware store), then I fell asleep. She had to stop at the grocery store and pick up my meds and left me in the car because I was asleep. While she was gone (5 minutes) I woke up and went for a walk in the forest. Parking lot. Forest. I still don't know but there is no forest near our grocery store.
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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I know it's a silly coincidence but the last time I got the flu was over a decade ago and it was the day after the last time I got the flu shot.
This is good rule to live by... but this is benign and also happened at a dentist office so I'll use that. I had a root canal, and went through the recovery... my wife came to pick me up. I remember asking her to take me to Frys (computer hardware store), then I fell asleep. She had to stop at the grocery store and pick up my meds and left me in the car because I was asleep. While she was gone (5 minutes) I woke up and went for a walk in the forest. Parking lot. Forest. I still don't know but there is no forest near our grocery store.
At least you didn't come to with several thousand dollars worth of new computer parts you didn't remember buying.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
This is good rule to live by... but this is benign and also happened at a dentist office so I'll use that. I had a root canal, and went through the recovery... my wife came to pick me up. I remember asking her to take me to Frys (computer hardware store), then I fell asleep. She had to stop at the grocery store and pick up my meds and left me in the car because I was asleep. While she was gone (5 minutes) I woke up and went for a walk in the forest. Parking lot. Forest. I still don't know but there is no forest near our grocery store.
Ahhh, fair enough haha. I just have visions of police approaching a due in a foresty parking lot in a hospital gown only for him to turn around and it be one of those open-backed ones. "...please come with us, sir."


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
I married a hot nurse. Now I get to say and do all sorts of things that used to get me arrested in hospitals!

My first wife was a hot nurse.

I traded her in for my second wife who while just as hot, wasnt a complete nutcase.

She can also play the electric guitar and piano, and is not adverse to dressing up like she is in My Chemical Romance and dancing round the spare room playing away like she is on stage in front of sixty thousand people.


Space Marshal
Jun 29, 2018
RSI Handle
Flu sucks man, saw it once on christmas eve grip my family members one after another - they degraded from being fine to bedridden within 15 minutes or so. I was the only one with a flu shot (since working in the medical field), so I was fine. So all the hot wine and rum for me alone. It was a fun christmas eve.

Get well soon!


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Sad man... try to get off the bad quicly, we miss you, and we lack an Aurora to crash!

For a quick healing try this:

half a cup after dinner befoure go to sleep... a couple of day you'll feel better (even if the flu isn't gone...:drunk:)


Space Marshal
Aug 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I never take my flu shots. I hate needles, they hurt like hell. Wife always tells me to go take it, but I'll take my chances :p

Edit: That said, kids should always get the shots as it could get dangerous for young people.
Hell, I'm a fucking ninja giving shots. People don't even realize I've given them one most of the time. The trick is to go quickly while distracting the patient. Nurses that fucking dawdle giving shots need to stop that shit.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
As a Hungarian I'm required by law to tell you to Drink Palinka! That will cure you in a jiffy!

But actually it won't. It will make you nauseous and you will feel worse than ever. In the best case you will pass out after a very short power trip, worst case you will throw up for an hour, and you will feel like you had 16 double espressos so you won't be able to rest for hours, and you will beg for someone to just end it all, preferably with a very heavy blunt object.

Flue shots are kinda hit n miss. It worked well for my 90+ yo. grand parents. I had flue shots two times so far, first time it failed to protect me cos it was a different strain, the other time there was no flue epidemic to protect against so I would have been fine without it probably. I don't get sick anyways. Haven't seen a doctor in 10+ years.. I probably should lol

Get well soon all of ya sick people! LoL


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
At least you didn't come to with several thousand dollars worth of new computer parts you didn't remember buying.
Yeah. But there is more to the story. I cut it out to keep it short. The next day a courier dropped off a package. One of our kids was addicted to spending her paycheck at Amazon so I just rolled my eyes and opened the door. Oh. For me. Wait, from Fry's? Yeah, I apparently made an online purchase, 2 raspberry PI and an arduino. All I remember is going to sleep. No memory that I possess explains how I did that.
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