Fresh meat incoming!


Nov 29, 2016
RSI Handle
Hi everyone, call me Miiir.

Where you from stranger? Cowtown.

What drew you to Star Citizen? Easy alien women and the chance to blow something up?

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? All the things. Exploration and salvaging have a certain appeal to them. I tend to gravitate to support roles.

What was the first game you remember playing? Pong. Not even joking.

What other games do you play? Space Hulk, Titanfall 2, Skyrim, Overwatch, Crossout, NMS.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? Bumped into your distant cousins when I was a Brave Newbie.

Picard or Kirk? Picard.

EDIT : If Kirk, new Kirk or old Kirk?

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey another Pong player COOL! Glad I (still) have memory stretching that far back :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Welcome to TEST! Cheers!


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
Welcome to Test! Also an old Pong player, but Galaga was my fave.

Have a seat, a brew and enjoy the atmosphere.

Speaking of brew, it has been shown that 1-2 beers a
day improves your health and lowers hypertension... YAY SCIENCE!

Headed to the fridge to improve my health! Stay Healthy! Drink Beer!


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle

Hey Hey all. I'm Orig. from the garden spot of the world. Brooklyn, NYC currently residing here in Florida aka "God's waiting room"
I'm a mostly pcgamer for most of my life, hence the name "pcgamerpc" used on piratically every site associated with gaming including the "Steam gaming site"

I guess my very first game involving Orgs or in those games back in the day referred to as "CLANS" was with the old "Mplayer" gaming site. which introduced me to AVP {aliens Vs. predators} which in multiplayer I was in a strict para military org/clan known as BACM [Bad- Ass Colonial Marines} which was actually run by a few then active military personnel. I was immediately hooked on multi player/MMO style gaming and never looked back at reg. gaming.

I've played well over 300 games on every known gaming platform but I can't lay clam to every game out there. I did play however almost every SPACE ADVENTURE game starting with arcade styles games, but most notably the X3 series and Free Lancer at the top, but again there were just too many games to be involved in while working a real job. My last space adventure game was with Eve-Online with 5 years and four accounts while juggling school and a real job and I really love the Para-Military style sandbox corporation style of eve. Strangely wing commander never peeked my interest though. Yes, I'm also a 4 years player of that dreaded game "WoW" and boy when the guys and gals in eve found out about my WoW days, I never heard the end of it lol.

What drew me to Star citizen? Well let's face it, as time goes on in gaming, gamer's lives change with the times. no matter what the game, with technology rapidly changing, games become redundant and with online long distant friendships eventually dissolving, well it was just time to look elsewhere for a game that would peek my interest as those other space adventure games had done for so many great years of friendships and game-play.

So, when I seen Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen, I knew that CCP's Eve-Online was about to be in my past. I own two copies of ED one for the PC and the Other for the Xbox one and I really tried to give ED a go, only it seemed to be a grinder of a game, which brought me to SC, and my first impression, after that Hornet Trailer, I was blown away man. That scene where the Super Hornet was being chased throughout that asteroid field/belt by that Aurora as it slammed into that rock, while the 300 series took over the chase, and where that pilot slammed on his Hornet's brakes, full throttle reversed and destroyed that 300, had the hair on the back of my neck standing with excitement while I was creaming in my pants. Six ships later here I am. {Trailer attached above.}

As for how I heard about test squadron? I recently started to watch twitch due to the past ship sale's event and I wanted to get as much information on which aspects of the game and ships to purchase for a career path as I did in Eve-Online. I just happen to come upon the stream two days ago, and those mods seemed very respectful and professional and answered so many great questions about SC and they seemed genuinely concerned and helpful and as a noob to SC that's exactly what I'm looking for in {as you guys refer to} an "ORG".

I can't stop raving about SC to my ex-Eve players, Family and personal friends some of which have joined the cause. Anyway, I hope that this intro gives you guys a look see of this PcGameRPc. Thanks for having me aboard. Fly safe and watch you six. **Game On**
Hey @PcGameRPc - nice introduction, but pls open an own thread! Otherwise noone of TEST can raise the glasses on your arrival ;)


Space Marshal
Nov 23, 2016
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST!

The Pong arcade machine is in the corner next to Jet Set Willy and Tron.

Don't forget your beer on your way out to your ship!*

*was it beer or spacesuit....... probably both.
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