Ghost Loadout help...


Sep 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I just got a Hornet Ghost and one of our streamers were using x3 S3 Tarantula and x2 S2 Tarantula.

I already have 2 S2's and will get the x3 S3's but I'm confused as to where what goes in order to get the loadout I want.

Like... I assume the S3's will go on the wings and nose, and somehow the S2's go on that center hardpoint? Where/How do I get a turret to install there so I can add the S2's?

Appreciate any help!

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
The idea behind the Ghost is stealthy recon. The small weps load out is kind of a last ditch defensive thing. I got one to jump into the next destination on my itinerary before I send my vulnerable cargo boats in. They just jump in, look around, jump back and report. That being said, that stealth mechanic isn't implemented yet, so the Ghost is just as easy to pick up as any other ship and as such, has become somewhat of a hangar queen for me. If you want a nice, fairly efficient fighter, you might want to melt your Ghost for store credit and get an F7C. Now you can remove the "Big Box" storage container and replace it with a flashfire mount(for HORNETS, don't get the one for the Cutlass!). Now you need a combine canon to put on the flashfire. If you take the 2 badger laser repeaters off the wings(and their gimbals)you can replace them with S3 Panthers. At this point you could quit and still have a fighter that packs a punch, but I installed a Mantis Gatling gun under the nose just for more ballistics. YMMV, but this rig is more effective for me than my Sabre with 2 Panthers and 2 Mantis Gatlings. Also, you almost HAVE to mix up the energy weapons and the ballistics. Lasers tear through shields, and ballistics tear through hulls. If you have all ballistics(the Tarantulas), you'll almost never get through the shields, and with all lasers, you'll almost never get through the hull before the shields regenerate. Hope this helps!
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
. . .you almost HAVE to mix up the energy weapons and the ballistics. Lasers tear through shields, and ballistics tear through hulls.
. . .or you could put all Jokers on it and not plan to kill your target but disable it. I'm still waiting to hear how energy management works with a full joker loadout. Has anyone ever shut down a target's 'puter with the distortion damage?


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I just looked into the specs. Its said there that it has 2 x S4 Gimbals as well as an unmanned Turret (S1/S2).
Following that its hard to believe that the streamer was telling the truth, installing 5 guns on the Ghost ...


Sep 5, 2016
RSI Handle

Okay.. yeah then I misunderstood what was said in the stream.

I got the ghost, the flashfire mount and 2 of the s3 tarantulas.

right now it has those and an s2 tarantula on the nose.

I thought there was something like a ball turret that could be mounted on the flashfire, which would accept x2 s2 tarantulas.

This is going to take some time to wrap my head around. :|

Thanks for all the replies and suggestions.


Sep 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Following that its hard to believe that the streamer was telling the truth, installing 5 guns on the Ghost ...
Maybe, as stated above, he had the super hornet and I didn't catch that part. :|

While on this subject, is there a simple way to post what I have in my hanger? From like an API or something?

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
. . .or you could put all Jokers on it and not plan to kill your target but disable it. I'm still waiting to hear how energy management works with a full joker loadout. Has anyone ever shut down a target's 'puter with the distortion damage?
When you say jokers, are you refering to the N-series Neutron Canons? Or the EMP module in the Warlock? I'm trying to figure a use for the Warlock, because it WILL take down an enemy's systems for a few seconds, but it also disables me, and so far, I've not seen the Neutron Canons do anything productive at all. But you have given me an idea....(which usually gets me into trouble!)


Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
When you say jokers, are you refering to the N-series Neutron Canons? Or the EMP module in the Warlock? I'm trying to figure a use for the Warlock, because it WILL take down an enemy's systems for a few seconds, but it also disables me, and so far, I've not seen the Neutron Canons do anything productive at all. But you have given me an idea....(which usually gets me into trouble!)
don't forget the S1 SuckerPunch, those are made by Joker.

Doctor Antelope

Nov 7, 2014
RSI Handle
Maybe, as stated above, he had the super hornet and I didn't catch that part. :|
He probably had the super hornet and transferred the ball mount from that onto his Ghost (which is possible, I just tested it). That would be the only way to get the 2 size 2 mount turret. Unfortunately you can currently only buy the Size 4 specialty mount (only size 4 you cannot use a smaller gun and it doesn't gimbal at the moment).

As others have stated, the ghost is obviously meant for stealth, and you currently get a loaner F7C if you own the ghost. So If I were you I would use that instead. I believe the ghost does have a weaker shield and power supply at the moment, even though the stealth mechanic hasn't really been implemented.

Edit: That loaner information appears to be incorrect.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
When you say jokers, are you referring to the N-series Neutron Canons? Or the EMP module in the Warlock? I'm trying to figure a use for the Warlock, because it WILL take down an enemy's systems for a few seconds, but it also disables me, and so far, I've not seen the Neutron Canons do anything productive at all. But you have given me an idea....(which usually gets me into trouble!)
The Avenger and the Cutlass come stock with a pair of Joker Sucker Punch Distortion Cannons (different from the Neutron Cannons) that have very high damage for S1 weapons, but half of it is distortion damage and does not injure hulls. Instead it takes down shields and messes with the pipes in a ship, shutting down various systems. According to Noobifier this has not yet been implemented. He did a nice test on them some months back, and they do pull down shields very quickly, but the pipe system is not in place yet.

Jokers run out of juice at 2.8 seconds and fire slowly after that, but ships like the Tana and Hornet F7A that can mount 8 of them can do an incredible amount of damage in that time. 300 DPS times whatever you can mount on the Tana it's 2,400 DPS for almost 3 seconds. You need to be very careful to only shoot when you'll hit, so privateers will want to get close, but that is screaming hot DPS for a little ship.

Doctor Antelope

Nov 7, 2014
RSI Handle
If you want a nice, fairly efficient fighter, you might want to melt your Ghost for store credit and get an F7C.
You don't need to melt the Ghost. You currently get the F7C as a loaner for owning the Ghost.

Yeah, I thought so, the Ghost is not meant to be a heavy hitter like that.
The ghost can use the exact same load out as a super hornet, and you can retain its stealth by shutting off the power to the weapons and/or using a ballistic setup. I see the ghost being a viable option for pirates (or anyone) who want/need to lie in wait until they can alpha something.
Admittedly it will run out of power faster, and I'm not sure but I suspect the cooling system isn't as good.

Edit: Loaner information appears to be incorrect.
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Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle

Okay.. yeah then I misunderstood what was said in the stream.

I got the ghost, the flashfire mount and 2 of the s3 tarantulas.

right now it has those and an s2 tarantula on the nose.

I thought there was something like a ball turret that could be mounted on the flashfire, which would accept x2 s2 tarantulas.

This is going to take some time to wrap my head around. :|

Thanks for all the replies and suggestions.
If you have a Ghost and a Super Hornet, then you can fit the Super Hornets unmanned bal turret on the Ghost ;)
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