Ghost Loadout help...

Arrogant Devil

Nov 3, 2016
RSI Handle
So I purchased a Hornet Ghost and I'm trying to find a good load out for her. So far I got the flash fire turret with a s4 gatling, a s3 Mantis gatling on the nose, and x2 s3 panther repeater on the wings. Any thoughts? I know it's a specialized Hornet meant for stealth but I'm just taking the time to get to know how the ship flies and performs in combat. Once the stealth systems are available for use I'll be using this ship quite a bit. But for now I'm just looking for tips on a solid load out. Also, does anyone know if increasing/decreasing cooler rates affect the systems yet? Or is CIG still working out the fine tuning for it? I've been messing with it but I'm not sure if I see a difference.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2016
RSI Handle
I just got a Hornet Ghost and one of our streamers were using x3 S3 Tarantula and x2 S2 Tarantula.

I already have 2 S2's and will get the x3 S3's but I'm confused as to where what goes in order to get the loadout I want.

Like... I assume the S3's will go on the wings and nose, and somehow the S2's go on that center hardpoint? Where/How do I get a turret to install there so I can add the S2's?

Appreciate any help!
The 2 size 3 gimbaled weapons go on the wings, 1 size 2 gimbaled weapon on the nose turret, and not entirely sure but the flashfire mount goes in the middle which holds a size 4 fixed weapon. That rule goes for all the hornet series, but the superhornet dosnt need the flashfire mount.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
No the Nose and wings are Size 3 fixed or Size 2 with Gimbal.
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