Definitely was a blast! I got there a little late to the party, as the server was full, but was able to join up at ArcCorp 141 before the party took off.
Thank god I wasn't driving! I think ? Icaro? was driving first, then he had to go...not sure who was driving after that, but both drivers were great!
I just rode in the back like a chump...looking at the dust blowing through the Ursa, until somebody mentioned you could use F4 to get an exterior view of the Rover...DERP!
Which got me this screenshot:
I got a couple more just like them, but if you've seen one shot of "middle-of-nowhere" Daymar, you've seen them all...
Here we stopped at about 35 km out from ArcCorp, to replenish our suit oxygen...yep, the Rover has seen better days....
Another shot, with the Cutlass we met up with to replenish our O2. We had a couple of people in ships scouting the way for us, a necessity with all the blind canyons and cliffs on the journey...
At some point we realized, "Hey we're never going to get to the Javelin at this rate!" so AstroGimp brought up his Connie and we loaded a Rover onto it...again, thank god somebody else was driving, they did a superb job of getting the Rover on...
Connie (in the upper right of the previous photo) landed and we proceeded to load the Rover on as night fell...
Safely on board!
At this point, somebody else in the Rover got up and walked around. So I left my seat, and somehow died, lol. I respawned at Olisar, jumped in a ship and then hightailed it over as fast as I could...only to have the game CTD when I was 44km away from the fun.
10/10, would rally with again! Should we do this again next Saturday?