Guess the Aegis ship going to be announced in Frankfurt Aug 24th


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I've stated several times that I think that a type of ship that could be used in the Verse is a bit of an RPG standard. That is a TANK. Not the little tonk, but a capital sized tanking ship, that would have minimal weapons, but have the strongest shields & armor of any ship in the game. It would work in tandem with the Hammerheads to protect other key ships from ranged attacks.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
A ship with strong armor and shields, but minimal weapons isn’t a’s something that can be ignored.

They did not build battleships with heavy armor and minimal guns. They built them with a compromise of the biggest guns and the heaviest armor, balanced by speed.

Main line battle tanks have heavy armor, speed, and firepower, balanced to make it the meanest, most dangerous thing on the ground.

SC is not WoW, EQ, or other fantasy MMOs. A toon decked out in heavy armor, shouting insults, and doing minimal damage isn’t going to keep the boss targeted on them. It will go after the real threats, healers and DPS
If I ran across it, I would hit the Hammerhead if I could get a quick kill, but otherwise, I would look to quickly cripple as many of the ships it was protecting as I could. That way, it would be forced to do one of two things.,.move on and protect the ones that can still get away, or stay and fight and let the others get picked off one my one.

If it protects the rest of the convoy, I have the damaged to claim as my prizes. If it tries to protect what I crippled, my friends can pick off the others. Either way, I win.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
A ship with strong armor and shields, but minimal weapons isn’t a’s something that can be ignored.

They did not build battleships with heavy armor and minimal guns. They built them with a compromise of the biggest guns and the heaviest armor, balanced by speed.

Main line battle tanks have heavy armor, speed, and firepower, balanced to make it the meanest, most dangerous thing on the ground.

SC is not WoW, EQ, or other fantasy MMOs. A toon decked out in heavy armor, shouting insults, and doing minimal damage isn’t going to keep the boss targeted on them. It will go after the real threats, healers and DPS
If I ran across it, I would hit the Hammerhead if I could get a quick kill, but otherwise, I would look to quickly cripple as many of the ships it was protecting as I could. That way, it would be forced to do one of two things.,.move on and protect the ones that can still get away, or stay and fight and let the others get picked off one my one.

If it protects the rest of the convoy, I have the damaged to claim as my prizes. If it tries to protect what I crippled, my friends can pick off the others. Either way, I win.
While I understand your point, I also know that the largest threats to the capital ships won't be the individual fighters, it will be the long range torpedoes as well as the weapons from the other slow moving capital ships. Thus to have a mobile massive barrier taking those shots for the key capitals while the enemy fleet is dealt with would still be valuable to have on hand in my opinion.
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Space Marshal
Dec 9, 2015
RSI Handle
Yep they have... the only way to have it is either be a Concierge level baker or acquire the token to buy it by playing SQ42.... or salvage one in-game if you are lucky

Also I believe SQ42 is episodic so it could be well after PU launch before you are actually able to finish SQ42 to get the F8 token.
All speculation ofc but it kinda makes sense.


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Well, last CitizenCon 2948 Drake Interplanetary was the sponsor, so Drake Kraken was presented. Given that, according to RSI website, this CitizenCon 2949 is sponsored by Anvil Aerospace [ RSI CitizenCon page ] it seems reasonable to assume it will be an Anvil ship. If it is an announcement, then the ship should not exist yet, otherwise it may exist unbeknownst to us, but beknownst to them. So it should not be an F8 or Carrack, it should be something new.

Also, in an attempt to make an informed guess we may look at the role coverage and past performance. Drake had ships from a space bike, to a light fighter, medium fighter, freighter, no exploration ship and no capital class ship. In capital class ships there were no carriers that can carry ships on the flight deck, only internally, so there was Kraken.

Anvil is a military ship manufacturer. However, Aegis Dynamics is also a military ship manufacturer and they have a Vulcan (support ship) Reclaimer (salvage). Anvil Aerospace currently has many ship classes, including support (Crucible and Valkyrie) and land vehicles, but they don't have a Space Bike, a Semi-Capital Class Ship, Capital Class Ship, a light vehicle, a combat vehicle like a Tank.

Moreover, we know from lore that The UEE military uses modified Hull D as part of their supply chain, arming and refueling the soldiers on the front line. Therefore, it is unlikely that there is a need for Anvil Aerospace to come up with a Freighter.

In addition, we know that Anvil ships are tough as nails, and that the Anvil armor is among the best in the 'verse. We also know that Anvil likes to use guns, turrets and gimbals. Whatever Anvil produces is likely to be not stealthy, somewhat bulky, but very well armed with guns and with very tough armor.

Finally, we know that in a capital class ships there is a gap between a Destroyer (Javelin) and a Carrier (Bengal): there are gunships, a corvette, and a frigate. In comparison, Vanduul have ships in classes from Battle Cruiser / Battle Ship to Mothership. We know that there is a Super-dreadnought, but that's likely out of scope of the presentation, as well as Mothership class.

Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that it is likely that Anvil Aerospace may present several ships. Possibly two tiered capital class Battle Ship (upper tier with more armor and shields, but slower) and a Battle Cruiser (lower tier, same guns, maybe torpedoes, less armor and shields, but faster and more maneuverable). Also, it is possible that Anvil would present an Anvil Tank and Armored Personnel Carrier (APC).

Why would they sell an Anvil ship at an Aegis event? This isnt Citcon, its a concierge gala dinner with Aegis special announcement afterwards.


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Why would they sell an Anvil ship at an Aegis event? This isnt Citcon, its a concierge gala dinner with Aegis special announcement afterwards.
Thought it's about CitizenCon 🤣 🍻

Then it's going to be Aegis Concierge, a support class ship looking like a Bengal, but with vending machines inside, so that the Marines can buy stuff during the breaks between missions. 🍻


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I think we should have the equivalent of a Kamikaze bomber so we can suicide mission the vanduul. It would have a giant screen on the side with a clock that counts down and if you haven't reached your target before it counts down you explode. This would be the perfect griefer's ship there would be no evidence that it was you who it done as there would be no spec left either way.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
My guess is a capital ship that specializes in E-WAR. Just because a cap ship generating a planet sized e.m.p. would be great.
That will be my Endeavor when I throw a box of fridge magnets in to the super collider.
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