Helmets, lots of helmets


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Cool pic gang. Just back from the range,..jump on line,...discoed twice,...but got to see non other than the Montoya and others on chat over at OP! Test all the way :o7:


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Very nice......To bad one has to be a Subsciber with a 'special' helmet to join in......
You don't have to be subscriber to join in. I made that mistake, when I saw that helmet, I immediately subscribed. You also can buy the helmet from subscribers, saving you the subscription.

The helmet costs:
- US: $4.00
- NL, 21% VAT: $4.84, €4.40

If you add paypal fees, then it will be cheaper then an 1 month subscription


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
From my own experience, Test is one of the most inclusive orgs out there. They don't care if you want to play a villain, a Hero, a scoundrel with a heart of gold, a princess, or just play as yourself and whatever that is. If you have a question, you will usually have 2 or three people trying to answer it, and then have a...spirited discussion...over the slight differences in their answers.

As for OPS...they start when there are enough people on...so come hang out in discord and contribute to the critical mass. Ops don't have to be a 15 vs 15 PvP brawl. They can be 2-3 person mission running, etc.

Last night, Malikin, Theoss, Beaches and I were running evict missions. Even though Beaches kept trying to see how close he could shoot at us and miss, we all still have a great time. We also had AwAfrican, Necro_Infernos, and Wafflesnbiscuits in our overall party, giving them the opportunity to come back to the same server if they got hit by a disconnect plus great conversation. (I think I missed at least one other person in that list as well...sorry.) We also had a few other people in our chat channel like Profit. Even though Theoss did not have official Test colored armor (he had tan), we still took him along. I would like to point out though, having armor that resembles your target's armor means you are more likely to get shot by accident. Wearing the Yellow and Black of Test means your groups is more likely to recognize you at a glance as a friendly. I would like to also point out that I don't see too many NPCs out there with Yellow and Black armor...even the Loreville guards are Yellow and Grey.

Now, for the bigger PvP ops, Montoya has asked that you get armor in Test colors. See his post here for details. If you can afford it, try to get a set of black armor as well. That sets you up to play the opposing force.

It's a lot of money, but one of the biggest costs are the guns, especially since when you die you lose them if you had them out. Here is a good way to get a gun. Go play the evict missions. Once you are inside, shoot the NPCs and collect their guns. As you get a new gun, take your old gun off and put it into inventory (this will stop working at some point). You should be able to pick up 3-4 or maybe even 8 guns this way. (maybe the winners should pick up the guns from the fallen in our PvP ops?) To make money for the armor, just run bounty hunter missions or delivery missions. Costs for armor are:

Yellow and black Odyssey II undersuit (flightsuit) 998

ADP and Balor Helmet (40 percent damage reduction, yellow/black available at PO)
Arms: 1,142
Legs: 1,963
Torso: 4,368
Helmet: 3,887
Total: 11,360 plus flightsuit

Inquisitor/G2 helmet (30 percent damage reduction, can't buy yellow/black at PO, need to go to GH)
Arms: 714
Legs: 1,215 (or so)
Torso: 2,720 (or so)
Helmet: 2,595
Total: 7,244 plus flightsuit

Venture/CBH-3 helmet (20 percent damage reduction, yellow/black available at PO)
Arms: 469
Legs: 828
Torso: 1,777
Helmet: 1,292
Total: 4,366 plus flightsuit.

As you can see, one run with a delivery box will get you enough buy the light armor and flight suit. Three runs will get you enough for a set of heavy armor plus guns and other extras. Guns can run 2-5k depending on what you get. Ammo is usually 15 or less per clip. Oxygen Pens and Health Pens are around 50 per pen. You want a lot of ammo and med pens and a few oxygen pens...more if you have heavy armor.

You don't need the fancy helmets. In fact, right now, they offer no protection, so you are better with (almost) anything else. Next patch they will give some protection, but we are not sure how much.

So, come on out, get your armor, and join us, fancy helmet or not.

Btw, notice that the yellow and black are slightly different on the helmet vs the armor...more of a florescent yellow vs stop light yellow/yellow gold of Test.
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