You don't know me... you don't /Know/ me
Honestly the few times i have tried even before discord its been pulling teeth to actually get others to want to play or do something star citizen wise... not to mention the stability of the game is questionable for others. honestly when it takes about an hour and a half to run a 20 min arena commander kinda turns people off.
not to mention a good group of people use discord to play other games currently. (Not saying that is bad that is actually good) there is only just so many games of Cards against Montoya you can take really.
but a turn off for me is when i log on a few times its been nothing but politics trash.....its a wonder why i log in and then log right the hell out...
Its almost like the "Main" entry channel needs to not be the dumping ground of what ever anyone wants to say
Or better yet. maybe we can post rules to what channel does what? because i thought the "G-Loc" was the place for that talk and not detour people from rolling their eyes and just logging out.
but what do i know. we still do not have a game yet and everything is just waiting for when that moment goes active ^.^
people want to use it should use it. but it should never be a forced aspect for being part of the group. in fact we will see traffic go crazy once the game actually launches and we will be seeing multi-crew ships/armadas/strike groups taking up rooms easily.