How badly did the anniversary sale hurt your wallet?


Vice Admiral
Dec 4, 2017
RSI Handle
Lets see now ..
My 2 Reliant LTIs were CCU'd for a Terrapin and a Cutlass Black.
One Hull A LTI was CCU'd to a Carrack.
The Orion is now a BMM w/LTI so I got my BMM back with LTI now. YAY! The Hull C can haul more but it cant defend itself as well as the BMM can.
Melted my Pioneer to get the Hammerhead. The Pioneer I can buy back later cuz I just had to have that Hammerhead now while it is LTI.
Bought 2 Hawks for the LTI.
One Hawk got CCU'd to a Prospector and the other CCU'd to an Endeavor.
The Connie gave her life to help me get the Telescope, Supercollider, GRP and GSP, Landing Bay and 1 set of the Biodome modules for the Endeavor. I was going to get 2 sets of Biodomes but I HAD THE DRAW THE LINE SOMEWHERE! lol

I was going to melt my SH and CCU my last Hull A (LTI token) to a SH but its a package with SQ 42 and 5 year insurance so it is a lot to lose and 5 year insurance is fine.

The Herald, Starfarer and the assorted X1s, the Tumbrill and Noxs plus the 890 Jump were untouched cuz nothing will make me lose my Jump.

So now I think I have this CCU thing down pat plus the ships I want for now. And with the exception of the SH, all my ships are LTI. One less thing to keep up with. Still leaves me a Hull A w/LTI for something later mebbe. The Hurricane has my interest as a replacement for the SH. Or even to compliment the SH when I need a little more firepower. Have to see how that Hurricane pans out in flight.

God it cost me plenty..... I need beer.

Lots of beer

How'd the rest of yuse fair?
Have you got to use the hammerhead or do you need to wait for release I was thinking about getting that
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
So there I was, staring at my Tortoise and the Hare package, with my gorgeous Genesis taking the place of the Hurricane. I thought, and I thought, and then I decided, Jolly, GO BIG OR GO HOME. That Genesis became an LTI Polaris. That LTI Polaris then became a 60m ins 890 Jump. I realized I am at the point to where I feel I'm taking away from the game by massing a bunch of smaller ships. I want to support the org and as well have as EA puts it " a sense of pride and accomplishment".

Ultimately I only spent 65 Freedom bucks. As of now my fleet is as follows:

890 Jump


600i Exploration




Prospector - ( Really wish I would have picked up the CCU to the Orion on this one)

Nox Kue

Cyclone - RN

With that said, I gave up a few single seater fighter / bombers, so eventually I might be seeing them again. Until next year? To all of you that have fine tuned your fleet and got what you wanted, I say congrats!


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
With that said, I gave up a few single seater fighter / bombers, so eventually I might be seeing them again. Until next year? To all of you that have fine tuned your fleet and got what you wanted, I say congrats!

Tut tut. Come here I must punish you with this piece of wood with a nail in it.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Well done all of you who had the nuts for it, I got away with a CCU from a Ghost to a Saber...

"Show me on this picture of a wallet where the sale touched you."
*Silently points to the credit card poking out of the wallet in the picture*
"T-that monster!"


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Ok. So here's the haul
I melted some ships to get some credit. Which is ok, because I can buy back piece meal later.

I bought a Pheonix, which after 24 hours, I melted and used credit to get an 890J. I've have a hardon for that ship for awhile.
Tumbril Rn to add to the garage next to the vanilla model.
Aurora Cl, parked next the LN and LX, cause there's no such thing as too many Aurora's.
Swapped my 6 months Mustang beta for a 60 month model. Made sense to me.
I also had in my buyback, but it was unavailable because of the special deal stigma, a Mustang starter with SQ42 from a few years back that was suddenly open to buyback. So I did.
I also got for gifting an Aurora starter with SQ42.
I didn't cash in my CCU from the Redeemer to BMM -yet-. I'm gonna follow the development of the Redeemer, when ever that starts, and see if I keep it.
I almost grabbed a Hammerhead, but I have a Polaris and really, really, really wanted that 890J.

So not too bad. I plan on starting to buy back some of the melts slowly after the holidays, cause I have to spend some money on the wife and kids for Xmas.

Dorian Grey

Space Marshal
Feb 7, 2015
RSI Handle
$208.... this past week ( I used my Imperator 15% discount), $125 maybe next month (when I buy back my ghost) for a grand total "Invesment" of about $1050.... **Prays**


Space Marshal
May 9, 2015
RSI Handle
$120 USD, and scads of store credit.

EDIT: just picked up an 890 on credit. 'cuz, yeah...
Hell yeah .. more Jumps the bettah! We are going to have some epic Jump parties! The entire 'verse will be talkin shit about us!

Put it this way, I struggled with my debit payments before and now I'm overdrawn and I may require the assistance of "The elders" to keep me going until after Christmas.

In fact I sometimes wish I never bought my Caterpillar because asking for help to me is admitting defeat. I f**king hate having to admit defeat but I can normally subside by having a few odd jobs such as fixing a few laptops or TV's for a few quid but December is so quiet it really means I can put the tools away and relax, well, not this month. I really could use a few £10 here and £10 there jobs.

I am in cahoots with a friend right now to fix a few smartphones so I will be fine this month but honestly, I wouldn't need to if I didn't buy the damn Cat.

I love it though :blush:

It's so sleek and utilitarian, everything has a purpose, even the storage boxes are the same as in the Cutlass, it's just wonderful. :confounded:

I don't regret it. I really don't. It's mine.
I got to play with the Cat and it is a cool ship... now it isnt available for me to play with and it was difficult deciding between a cat, Hull C or BMM... the guns and carrying capacity of the BMM won out tho.

Have you got to use the hammerhead or do you need to wait for release I was thinking about getting that
It's still a concept ship so no one gets to play with it yet. Can't wait to see if it becomes the ship I hope it can be.


Grand Admiral
Dec 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Hammerhead Warbond
Hawk Warbond -> Reclaimer
Aquila -> Crucible
Redeemer -> Harbinger (waiting to apply until after reworks)
Freelancer DUR -> Starfarer Gemini
Nox -> Cutlass Black
Mustang -> Cutlass Black (melted original game package to get 60 month one)

I made some other moves but don't remember.
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