How should CIG deal with toxic players and harassment outside of the game?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
How is demonetizing protecting anyone? It's not taking away their platform which they are leveraging to cause drama, of which can be harassment to a degree. But how is this any different then when news agencies camp out in someone's front yard to report to their viewers? Or even the actions of the paparazzi as i can't imagine most are thrilled by the attention?

But what is being suggested seems to be frought with real lasting consequences as there is no trial no means to seek an overturn or dispute allogations. Have we not learned how dangerous the weaponizing of allegations can be from trails in the public space that later proven to be untrue and yet had significant financial impacts.

I am all for enforcement of tos when it comes to actions done on their controlled systems. But to suggest that banning and enforcement be applied to anyone who has enough of a platform to garner attention against another seems a bridge to far. Let the enforcement of laws be handled by the local authorities and let the player population ignore those whom they don't like. And let the moderators deal with situations that arise on their services.


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
False positive in saving a life... people commit suicide every day because of this activity. So what, you save a life, just one, It is a job well done for those willing to do it.
I mean false positive as in the person who CIG thought was a victim actually had a laugh over it and CIG overreacted. the "victim" didn't complain about it at all. he enjoyed it.

also, people committing suicide is irrelevant to this discussion. you're making a molehill out to be a mountain.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I’m sorry but I can’t make sense of the original post. Are you saying that Someone unnamed spat on some little girl or next to her? What actually happened? Who were the witnesses? Does the act meet the qualifications for assault? Seems to me without these details we’re jumping the gun here. If all he did was spit on the ground next to her, seems to me this is nothing. If he spat on her in front of witnesses, he can be arrested. So what exactly happened?
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2016
RSI Handle
So for anyone seeking context on what is going on this is the video that exposed LR in the first place. It is important to watch it for the context of the situation. This video shows what evidence has been collected in relation to that situation, and other situations.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I mean false positive as in the person who CIG thought was a victim actually had a laugh over it and CIG overreacted. the "victim" didn't complain about it at all. he enjoyed it.
As a a hypothetical anything could hypothetically happen, the victim could explain its all good and not press charges, or the God of Khaos could open up a crack in the ground and a thousand concession stand operatives could emerge and pelt them all with popcorn, but the former is the more likely as the God of Khaos is busy on the weekends.

What is your take on the LR/Gabs/Avenger_One non-hypothetical real example?

also, people committing suicide is irrelevant to this discussion. you're making a molehill out to be a mountain.
Cyber bullying can and has lead to encouragement, incitement and provocation of real world self harm resulting in lives lost. If anything it is really rather relevent to this discussion.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
After thinking about this issue for a while, I think a few things need to be done. 1st, more beer being TESTified. 2nd, @NaffNaffBobFace needs to start producing TEST brand TP so that we can use it to begin wiping out dirty assholes across the Verse. 3rd, jerks need to face consequences for their actions while everybody else enjoys another beer without them.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
After thinking about this issue for a while, I think a few things need to be done. 1st, more beer being TESTified. 2nd, @NaffNaffBobFace needs to start producing TEST brand TP so that we can use it to begin wiping out dirty assholes across the Verse. 3rd, jerks need to face consequences for their actions while everybody else enjoys another beer without them.
Well, there's that too - I'll be the 'Verses Bumwad Billionaire :like:

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Anyone else think it’s creepy and weird that people want to use their playtime to attach orgs and disassemble them? Who are we supposed to sympathize with?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I’m not sure that’s an endorsement.

If I understood correctly, there’s an org here that decided to devote themselves to attacking and destroying another org by infiltrating them with Alt PCs and sewing dissent between the players. There’s nothing legitimate about those kinds of plans.

Reminds of Eve when the ultimate power move became betrayal. What a horrid thing to happen to a game. How is that playtime? That’s just sickness.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2016
RSI Handle
I’m not sure that’s an endorsement.

If I understood correctly, there’s an org here that decided to devote themselves to attacking and destroying another org by infiltrating them with Alt PCs and sewing dissent between the players. There’s nothing legitimate about those kinds of plans.

Reminds of Eve when the ultimate power move became betrayal. What a horrid thing to happen to a game. How is that playtime? That’s just sickness.
It isn't an endorsment. LR who are taking part on that behavior are the bad guys. Like there is no part where anyone believes they are the good guys. There is a good chance the leaks from LRs' discord comes from someone inside the org who is concerned about wuch actios, but knows the kimda backlash they would get from speaking out. I mean there are other possible reasons those leaks are put there like someone infiltraiting their org, but seeing as they are an "Exclusive" org it is not as likely.

Edit: After a rewatch it was indeed a concerned member from inside of LR
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Space Marshal
Mar 30, 2016
RSI Handle
Idk if both sides are wrong, but I know LR is the most wrong in this situation
I saw the video. It seems LR is really passionate about disrupting and breaking up guilds. Nothing wrong with that. Their methods though.. its deplorable but i mean its a fine line they choose, to walk. Thats just the nature of online gaming. Alot of toxicity, people with mental health issues, no accountability so people are not making the best judgement decisions, and people hide behind the excuse that IT'S ONLY A GAME. I haven't logged into discord in a long while but i remember in voice chat and on the text alot of people are kinda out there. It is what it is. Its like going to a magic gathering convention and being bothered with, "why are there so many guys? why is everyone wearing hoodies? how come no one wears deoderant?" Online gaming is toxic in nature and your asking people to control their impulses, make sound decisions, yet they are buying $500 spaceship jpgs...

It just doesn't make sense and since were all behind keyboards theres no accountability. If Montoya were to declare war on a guild tommorrow, im more than sure more than a handful of people would get these crazy ideas of doxxing or harrassing players, in or out of the game, in order for the sake and appeasement of our "glorious leader" and the guild. Hey man i found this guild leaders address... let me post it. Thats just the stuff were dealing with. Dumb.

Other than that, with streamers, if you get doxxed or stream sniped. Thats on you. It doens't make sense you put yourself out there and then get upset when people ruin your channel or post personal info. Im sorry it comes with the turf, alot of the gamer community is unhinged people. You should kno better.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2016
RSI Handle
If Montoya were to declare war on a guild tommorrow, im more than sure more than a handful of people would get these crazy ideas of doxxing or harrassing players, in or out of the game, in order for the sake and appeasement of our "glorious leader" and the guild. Hey man i found this guild leaders address... let me post it. Thats just the stuff were dealing with. Dumb.
I mean I see what you are saying about that. I would surly hope Montoya would condemn actions such as docxing, and spitting on people irl, and not praise them for such actions.
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Space Marshal
Mar 30, 2016
RSI Handle
I mean I see what you are saying about that. I would surly hope Montoya would condemn actions such as docxing, and spitting on people irl, and not praise them for such actions.
For sure he would condemn it. Well i feel he would, but beyond that, thats the online gaming issue were dealing with. A declaration of war, to the majority of people, okay lets go blow up some ships, crush your enemies, see them driven before you yadda yadda wholesome fun stuff and all. To other people war , they go a whole other level going into IRL stuff and they feel its justified because war is war, and i have montoyas blessing. Its things like that. Even calling montoya glorious leader and what not. The rest of it we see it for what it is, all good and fun, but a few minority people have a hard time discerning reality and have a lack of empathy too.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If Montoya were to declare war on a guild tommorrow, im more than sure more than a handful of people would get these crazy ideas of doxxing or harrassing players, in or out of the game, in order for the sake and appeasement of our "glorious leader" and the guild.
Just my personal opinion, but I'd like to think that should our great @Montoya choose to declare war on some rival org, that the combat would be performed mostly in game through wacky events in the nature of BEERFEST. Should that happen to periodically expand into Bar Citizen events, then hopefully nobody would get hurt & everybody would have a healthy LoL about things afterwards.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2016
RSI Handle
This is all my opinion, and I will stand by it. I know nowlt everyone will agree woth what I say. That being said here is my hill. Test Squadron is the biggest Org in Star Citizen. How we act can have a massive impact on the community as a whole. We need to be warry of that fact, and act in a way that does not create an cesspool like environment. Wars should be fough in game, and never should actual illegal acts be taken.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Just my personal opinion, but I'd like to think that should our great @Montoya choose to declare war on some rival org, that the combat would be performed mostly in game through wacky events in the nature of BEERFEST. Should that happen to periodically expand into Bar Citizen events, then hopefully nobody would get hurt & everybody would have a healthy LoL about things afterwards.
Thats why I have pre-emptively declared WAR on every org in Star Citizen!

We must settle our differences through various drinking games at every Bar Citizen event!



Vice Admiral
Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
I'm such a lightweight these days I'd probably get forcibly delegated to the Canadian team
Well, there's worse cadres to get delegeted to. Besides TEST got english, czech and german members. I think we are safe in competitions involving beer. As for everything else there's our scandinavian comrades. If you've ever been to a private party in Oslo you'l know what I mean...:like:
@Montoya You do realize that the form for "declare blood feud" is TX-RF666 and the one for "Invitation to fun and harmless drinking contest" is TX-RF668.
Please do not confuse these two. (Again)
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