Hurricane video - Worth the $160?

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I will give the Hurricane a fair chance to prove it self by flying it when ever that's going to happen...

BUT! the more and more I read about the Hurricane it start to look more and more like a Catch22** project...
There just is no logic in the design choices, you'd need a Crucible to go with it at all time and that would take away the whole purpose of the ship function.... a Catch22** eat the cookie and still keep it, it just don't work.

So I shore hope when I give it a fair chance and fly it, that it will surprise me :smile:

CHEERS! :beers::beers::beer:

** Also known and used today as "Moment 22" when something is impossible to achieve because of contradictions ruling it out.
A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules.
example: "How am I supposed to gain experience to be hired for a job, if I'm constantly turned down for not having any experience?
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