Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
Not sure how active i would be as my focus is more exploration. I do have a herald, cutlass blur and caterpillar that i can loan out or pilot/crew when i have time.


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
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Not sure how active i would be as my focus is more exploration. I do have a herald, cutlass blur and caterpillar that i can loan out or pilot/crew when i have time.
We can always send them intel on things to pirate ;)


Rear Admiral
Apr 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Ahoy o/ , Latest lore release says....
Beacon Space Mines!!!
Who all can carry lots and lots of mines?

Maybe a Hull-D worth of 'Vanduul distress beacons' and we could mess up a whole prong of Operation Pitchfork?!
Integrate that into our operation Tailspork + a massive Salvage Op.

Do you mean Yawspoon or is Tailspork a different Op again?
But yes. All the Space Mines and all the Distress Beacons. I wanna fill a Caterpillar...
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Reptar Khan

Vice Admiral
Feb 22, 2015
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Hahaha, What's a 'YawSpoon' ?
*whispers* 'Didn't you see all the spais on this board, shhhh!'

@AntiSqueaker yep they specifically mentioned EMP versions being better for looting/hijacking ships
Hope a pirate Reliant can fit a few!


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I've been doing a bit of brainstorming lately, and thought of an idea I think might be pretty cool.

A part-time pirate squadron that uses only Vanduul ships (Scythe, Blade, Stinger, etc) to lure targets into a false sense of security. A bunch of vanduul ships will probably not be THAT uncommon, and escorts will probably get pretty good at taking them out.

So you think you're just wasting some scrub NPCs, and then BAM that Scythe just did a 180 and wasted your wingman, and here comes a Caterpillar jumping in, hidden on the sidelines to board your merchant vessels.

Only problem I see is that Vanduul ships are hard to get (have to steal/salvage) and impossible insure (the 500 or so LTI Scythes nonwithstanding), so it would have to be a special occasion.

Any thoughts?


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2015
RSI Handle
Against my better judgement and a LONG line of "the straight and narrow" gameplay (except a fun renegade stint in Mass Effect), as long as it does NOT involve NON-CONSENSUAL PVP I'm willing to try it out. Yes, sorry, I'm one of THOSE *as I look derisively at myself in the mirror* Otherwise, I hereby officially and covertly inject myself into your community as a SPAI, and look forward to wolfpack bounty hunter patrols on ye scallywags! ;)

BUT HEY, I suppose as long as I am 'Judgement impaired" from the staggering amount of alcohol consumption I plan on devouring during my tenure in yon TEST Squad, I suppose ANYTHING can happen! That reminds me. Do we have an ARK sever yet? (do we WANT one?)

Besides, who else is going to drive around our mobile meth lab hospital?! hee hee
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Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle
I've been doing a bit of brainstorming lately, and thought of an idea I think might be pretty cool.

A part-time pirate squadron that uses only Vanduul ships (Scythe, Blade, Stinger, etc) to lure targets into a false sense of security. A bunch of vanduul ships will probably not be THAT uncommon, and escorts will probably get pretty good at taking them out.

So you think you're just wasting some scrub NPCs, and then BAM that Scythe just did a 180 and wasted your wingman, and here comes a Caterpillar jumping in, hidden on the sidelines to board your merchant vessels.

Only problem I see is that Vanduul ships are hard to get (have to steal/salvage) and impossible insure (the 500 or so LTI Scythes nonwithstanding), so it would have to be a special occasion.

Any thoughts?
Are we talking about ganking larger ships, or smaller ships?

For larger ships I say use Hornet Ghosts, 3 or so loaded with 8x S1 EMP missiles (if they exist) and Suckerpunches on a nose turret. Targets are plotted out by a Tracker at some distance. Ghosts get on intercept trajectory from as far out as feasible then uncouple and stop maneuvering. Get within 4K like that (feasable in many circumstances) and you'll be on them before you are lockable. This could be amazing against static ships doing work like Orions, Reclaimers, or Starfarers (potentially even Endeavours and Cricibles). After the initial wave of Ghosts dropping some similarly equipped Cutlasses, Super Hornets (SPunches in the ball turret too), or even Gladiators could speed up the process significantly. Alternativley load the Ghosts up with DF missiles and projectile weapons (this lowers the EM and IR sigs even more); then have them just glide past and put all the missiles and bullets they can in the engines of the target ship.

I'd like to see what sort of Tali-sized EMP torps come out though. Two of those from the back may be enough to shut down something of equal or lesser size, and if so the front bay could be used as a EVA airlock and you could drop boarders very close while the turrets keep the ship overloaded (certainly not alone though).

I think Vanduul ships are going to wind up being expensive for what they are capable of when purchased in-game (further compounded by the inability to insure them). I like the surprise aspect of the idea, just the cost & risk vs. payout seems much better with alternative strategies that also use surprise; namely by first attacking with low-sig ships like the Ghost or M50 (this could potentially include P52s and P72s once they are flyable), then following it up with heavier hitters and boarders.

I'm honestly a big fan of catch and release piracy. We take what we want and leave everything else as intact as possible while sending the survivors on their merry way. I'm certainly not opposed to spacing the occasional poor bastard and taking all their shit either though.
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