Fuck..It's like us Owl, ships will have children and grand children by the time the game will be out ;) Watch them grow and multiple... so cute... you think they won't grow past Carrack size?![]()
You're right.
I shall grow my legacy.
Fuck..It's like us Owl, ships will have children and grand children by the time the game will be out ;) Watch them grow and multiple... so cute... you think they won't grow past Carrack size?![]()
Dear New Babbage Traffic Control.Dear New Babbage Traffic Control.
I recently experienced an unfortunate misunderstanding with your team, where I was directed by yourselves on to the roof of your spaceport, resulting in a trespassing charge and a Level 1 crime-stat against myself and an unfortunate and very painful fall from the top of the building you yourselves directed me to be on top of.
Awaking from my fall, I was disappointed to find the medical team appears to have had a sense of humor, as they had not relocated my unconscious body back to my luxury Hab in New Babbage as is the usual convention in such circumstances - instead they had carted me half way across the system and deposited me into one of GrimHex's finest domiciles, and still with a crime stat that you yourselves had directed me to have.
I immediately traveled over to Security Station Kareah to clear up this confusion, only to find an air filtration system issue meant there station was empty with no one there to help, and I didn't have a security pass to remedy this on their terminals myself.
Upon leaving, a Crusader Security Representative approached me with some Tigerstreak gunfire, apparently assuming I was on the way in to hack the abandoned systems. To say the misunderstandings were racking up was an understatement. My attempts to explain were useless, so I attempted to disable their engines to allow some time to talk, only to draw the attention of reinforcements who proceeded to destroy my ship and add another two levels to my crime stat.
Having awoken from a second bout of unconsciousness in less than 30 minutes, I found myself in the Klescher correctional facility on Hurston. Unfortunately due to the low gravity on that moon, I overestimated how far I could jump and fell to my death off gantries three times in a row. This put my sentence from an initial 1 hour and 30 minutes to a regrettable 3 hours as treating my injuries incurred medical costs which were going to have to be paid for somehow. I offered to pay with UEC but was accused of attempted bribery and was informed in a correctional facility, you can pay with time, or labor.
Having been unconscious five times in a row, I was determined to not need the assistance of medics again and instead set to work in the mines, bringing my total time inconvenienced to a mere two hours.
Having read my account I am sure you are no doubt aware that this was of some great frustration to myself, and I would like to know how you intend to recoup me for the costs in fuel and a destroyed ship, and apologize for the inconvenience caused?
Kind Regards,
To whom it may concern, New Babbage Traffic Control.Dear New Babbage Traffic Control.
I would like to draw your attention to the message I sent dated 1st December 2950 (SOL 3 calendar, copy of original message attached).
I believe myself to be a reasonable man, however having waited almost two working weeks for response I am starting to believe that either you did not receive my previous contact - or have ignored it.
Although I am still willing to believe my unfortunate expiriance atop your spaceport was an innocent mistake, the longer it goes on without response and discussion on how to you intend to put this right, the more I am inclined to believe your guidance which put me in harms way (and the further mishaps which followed resulting in my visit to Kelscher correctional institution) was not the result of confusion or negligence, but was instead intentional, being at best a prank and at worst premeditated maliciousness in the extreme.
Please respond as soon as convenient so I can be rest assured this unfortunate incident was indeed a matter of simple mistake rather than an attempt to do physical harm to me and sully my good name. I look forward to your response and our being able to open a dialogue on this matter.