Intro to the Official RP!


Nov 22, 2014
RSI Handle

Shar Treuse

Nov 24, 2014
RSI Handle
Shar Treuse
I would join but I have broken every single one of the listed rules on various occasions. Of course there is always a reason, and for the most part it always worked, but you have to analyze each situation carefully before doing so, especially as the groups of people involved get larger. More notable than the times it has worked was the one time it didn't, because some of the people involved were knee-jerk rules mongers without the patience to see a plot thread through before passing judgement over it.

Not saying anyone here is like that, but "once bitten, twice shy" and all that.


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
well i would be ready to play some times but wouldn't wana RP all the time. though i am always kinda playing in char just not as strickt as if i where to participate in an RP event. also i would like to wait till the PU launches XD
soooo if thats ok....... sign me up

Reptar Khan

Vice Admiral
Feb 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Greetings Testies, it is time to start the RP! If you are in Test Squadron and would like to participate in the official TEST RP group, please X up (place an X) in this thread. We will start as soon as the DFM comes out. Now I know some of you are new to role-playing or maybe just need a refresher course so I have made this post to explain a bit and hopefully answer questions.

What is an RP?

RP stands for "Role-playing". It is playing the role of your character in the game. It is acting in a play where the game is the set.

What will you do in the RP?

You will take part in an original emergent storyline that will be influenced by the actions of TEST and the actions of YOU! You will also be able to create your own character and role play as him/her.

What is fun about roleplay? It sounds childish.

This RP group is very organized and is going to be a “mature” experience. RP is for people who want to really experience the game and take it as seriously as possible. It is the best way to totally immerse yourself in the game world and it makes it much better when there are like minded people around you all participating.

Role Playing in games is a great way to work on social and improvisation skills as well. Many people who work with other people especially in high value positions can benefit from RPing in this manner as it is a great way to see how you would deal with stressful situations or tough decisions without having any real consequence.

People who are also interested in improv acting/ comedy will thrive here as well be able to TEST their chops.

I am interested but have never roleplayed before. What are some things I should know?

There are certain unwritten rules and faux pas that go along with being in an RP group.

1. Try your hardest not to break immersion: Things happen in RL and it’s ok if you have to go get some water but don’t announce it in TS during an RP session. There are proper methods to speak OOC (out of character) while RPing and they usually involve text chat.

2. Do not make a GOD character: By this I mean do not make a character who has no weaknesses, is all powerful or does things that change the story dramatically for everyone else. I am not sure if this is going to apply much in SC but we will see.

3. If you would like to contribute to the story in an unconventional way, go through the leadership: The RP is organized and there is a good chance that the leaders have something special planned during the shift so please, do not have your character behave in a way that interrupts the story. Ex: having your character receive a comm message that drastically changes the mission or having your character be a spy for the enemy. These ideas are great and could add a lot of content but they need to be properly implemented. There is nothing to say that we won’t like your ideas, and might end up using them.

4. Drinking policy: This is TEST so drinking will definitely be allowed during the RP session however, we do ask that you do not get “Aurora wasted” as it will make keeping the immersion difficult since our characters won't be drinking. After the shifts we will probably all head to the in game bar and have victory cigars and drinks so you can save it for after if you want. Please adhere to your country's drinking laws/ age limits.

So how will it work?

In this particular RP group we are going to meet once a week for an official session. In other RP’s they may ask you to stay in character 24/7, but in this one that will not be the case. During a session you will participate in (semi) organized activities that will encompass most if not all styles of gameplay and be fully immersed in your character the whole time.

In this RP you will be a member of an elite group called the “Artemis Division”

There will be gameplay of all types included, if you, for IC (in character) reasons want to opt out of a certain activity (ie. piracy) than you may do so. Do not expect the leaders to have alternate plans ready for you, however there is a good chance there will be other activities to join.

There will be a ranking system and you will start as a Recruit and work your way up through the ranks based on participation mostly.


In Response to Increasing raids from the Vanduul pirate factions, TEST decided to create an elite group for convoy escort and counter attack to protect TEST assets. After the initial formation success came thick and fast, the Artemis Division was called on for more and more hot and difficult missions. Artemis Division rapidly expanded to cater to all manner of special operations, only accepting the best and brightest candidates from within the TEST area of influence. Artemis officers use advanced simulation’s to test and train their mettle against each other, trying out experimental tactics and perfecting risky maneuvers.

When will it start?

Right now! You can go to the forums and create your Officer Record and participate in some Forum RP in the Mess Hall on:

Test Forums Please Ignore

The first official RP event will be during the week when the Dog Fighting Module comes out, we are going to be calling it “Advanced Training”


Space Marshal
May 9, 2015
RSI Handle


Vice Admiral
May 24, 2015
RSI Handle
Can I still X?


Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Can I still X?
Yes, yes you can! You all can. The roleplay will commence once the PU comes out, although everyone is open to creating characters, posting biographies, and creating your unofficial forum roleplays if you so choose.

Really excited to have you guys joining us as the roleplay begins to ramp up, gonna have a lot of fun!


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle

Did I do it right?


Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
RSI Handle
I know someone looking for exactly this. Two people. Now to steal them,erhm recruit them from another corp. XD


Oct 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Maybe i try it im only done German RP and I am a little scared of english RP but I have a great Character in my mind and my girlfriend is sketching this charakter for me :D so --> my hand is shaking --> X

omg this was hard i better drink a beer ore two

Doc Shaftoe

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle

I'll join in for some fun. Writing helps me keep my brain working. So that's nice. Now I just need to start reading up on the SC lore. I've got the basics down for the most part. Unfortunately I've got a ways to go before I can get a believable character going. Knowledge of the world and whatnot. This should be fun.


Space Marshal
Feb 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I'll just up, I've never roleplayed, but I think it'll be more fun to make youtube video's that way, give the viewer a bit more immersion! That is...once the game comes out :p

One question though, I went to the forum but it's saying "no new registrations are being accepted" what's up?
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