Is Killing Justified in Star Citizen?

Is Killing in SC Justified?

  • Sure

    Votes: 16 22.9%
  • Nah

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 35 50.0%
  • Space Kitty's!

    Votes: 16 22.9%

  • Total voters


Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
We have a lot of TESTies in our not-so-humble band of drunken revelers. Just considering Star Citizen, how do we justify the act of killing or maiming others ingame? This is not a statement on my own beliefs, but the question. I have highlighted some pretty interesting articles relating to the moral justification in real life as well.

West Point Student Paper: (feb10) morality-of-killing.pdf

Source Not Verified: CIA Assassination Justification

Exploration of Morals In Video Games (Baylor University)

I am super tired and trying to stay awake so.... this is what I get....

Vote for Space Kitty's!


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't go out of my way to 'kill' in SC, but, depending on my situation, I will 'kill' in self defense. If I have a full load in my Connie I will extend and escape unless there is no option, and since I am soloing it it means one-on-one sub-capital combat, not messing with fighters.

If I am in fighter, and someone acts poorly towards me I may return fire - but I am almost always not the aggressor.

It's just my way. Others will have their own.



Grand Admiral
May 23, 2017
RSI Handle
There is no actual killing in SC (thanks god), but there are definitely numerous ways to make life of others less nice than it should be "normally", and justification of this process could be quite difficult (and that's where good old "logic of the pack" and similar mechanism will be put in place to avoid serious considerations all together. Personally I hope we'd be able to rely on "projection of the power" most of the time, and only punch the guys who are totally clueless


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't go out of my way to 'kill' in SC, but, depending on my situation, I will 'kill' in self defense. If I have a full load in my Connie I will extend and escape unless there is no option, and since I am soloing it it means one-on-one sub-capital combat, not messing with fighters.

If I am in fighter, and someone acts poorly towards me I may return fire - but I am almost always not the aggressor.

It's just my way. Others will have their own.

This is pretty much my choice in gameplay. I'm up for a fight, but don't usually go looking for them. The exception to that is the occasional bout of group play where we all actually go looking for trouble. Some amazing pvp sessions have taken place that way. They are usually alcohol soaked and end up with a good natured exchange of respect with the groups we were harassing. Some solid allies have been found this way actually.

The line is griefing. I don't engage in that at all. I have tried it in the past, but found it to be boring and not much fun at all. I don't understand it. I don't condone it and I certainly don't agree with it's place in MMOs. PVP is a contest. PVP is done for a purpose, profit, power, or challenge. Griefing however is done with the sole purpose of turning someone's good day into a bad day with no other motives. I have never and will never think this is anything other than internet cancer.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
I usually take moral decisions, as if I were the one suffering the consequences of the choices I make for my character.
I see SC as a sandbox, so I wouldn't go out and attack another player who might be trying to do some activity and enjoy his time in the game. I always imagine I'm the one being attacked, for example, while I'm trying to mine or whatever. If the attacker in any situation could be labeled an "asshole", I'm not going to attack. :)


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
In-character, it'd seriously depend on several factors, including the situation at hand and how much of an immoral sociopath the character in question is. OOC, if someone's griefing/being a dick, then there's a fairly high chance i'd kill them. That said, even if my char's an unrepentant murderous asshole, i'm still not going to go around attacking people for no reason.


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Well If I play this game I will propaly play a shady privateer.
And if my random "buisness partner" doesn't understand that my trade offer isn't an offer he can disagree on...

Well, space is dangerous place and from time to time ships explode...

but you have to trust me when I say, that I was just up to target practice on that derelict ship over there
I am verry sorry, my weapon systems must have had a malfunction.
I didn't knew that this ship was still in use. Thoughts and prayers to their familys.

Yes people will die around me, but if i do my job right, you won't be able to prove me guilty


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
This is an interesting question.

In 2.5/2.6 there was something called public enemy where criminals who kept breaking comms towers or killing players would be called out after they had got a high enough ranking.

I never had an issue going after PE as they'd usually killed enough players to deserve being called out and it was suddenly a game objective.

But in the full PU? I have two outlooks depending on what my occupation turns out to be:

Any occupation other than Bounty Hunting: No justification for killing. Just isn't. if KOing a dude is easier and faster i'll KO him and GTFO.

Bounty Hunting: "Dead or Alive"? They wouldn't give the option of 'dead' if they weren't happy with it. Flying a 300i I can fit more scalps in my ships glovebox than I can living guys in the rest of the ship, so you've just got to go with what you've got, and if you have a Dead Or Alive mark on your head i'll be happy to take it off... your shoulders... for you.
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