Is my dream of having a shoehorned 325A over!?


Space Marshal
Nov 9, 2015
RSI Handle
All right. So when I bought my beautiful glass cannon of a ship, The Origin Jumpworks 325a, I kinda had an assumption that certain parts that were part of the 300 series were "swappable." As in, being able to take the twin main thrusters of the 350R, and stuff 'em in the back of my coffin with guns. However, I was browsing the ship schematics to see what has changed and I find that the hardpoints for the ships are different. Here's the hardpoint layout for the 350R...
350R spec.PNG

...and here's the one for my beloved 325A...

So, yeah that really burst my bubble, as I wanted to make my pretty fast deathtrap and make it into a REALLY FAST DEATHTRAP.

So is this the death of my dream? Or do you think there will be a way to make my dreams come true!?


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
The 350R has an extra thruster build in the hull, just like the Super Hornet has an extra seat. You can't swap the extra engine. That is what makes the 350R different from the 325A. Don't worry, I tried to fight in the 350R but it was bad. Then I found and bought a LTI package with the 325A. The 350R is a racer, the 325A is a fighter. The maneuverability makes up for the lack of extra speed.


Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm not really the greatest pilot, so I figured the "kick the hornet's nest and run really fast" suited my skill more. looks like I'm gonna have to learn have to maneuver a bit better. XD
The best ship to practice is in a gladius in my opinion. You know its not well armored just decent though fast and highly maneuverable. With the new 3.0 comming out, best craft to learn to pick fights in since they have updated hardpoints to a decent 3 x S3. If you try to solo in it chances are you will get shot down. But if you look for the pick of and assists you will be a top notch pilot in no time.

From there you can move to a Sabre or Super Hornet depending on your style developed.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Wait, Gladius went S3 on the wings? Yay, able to deal more pew pew! Probably one of my favorites from a purely aesthetic standpoint but got to be no fun flying the ICC missions, S3's might change that a little at least.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Part of me hopes Origin is the kind of bespoke ship builder that if you have the wedge they have the ability to get it made. You want an 890j with three spinal anti-cap-ship weapons? Certainly sir, please come into the showroom private office and we can talk business...

...however this IS alpha and Origin could turn in to nothing more than hot tub manufacturers come the final game.

We will just have to wait and see.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm not really the greatest pilot, so I figured the "kick the hornet's nest and run really fast" suited my skill more. looks like I'm gonna have to learn have to maneuver a bit better. XD
That is a skill of the 350R, hit and run. The 325A is more dogfighting, but not too close.

Was still not too happy with the Size 2 wings on the 325a. I always thought it needed 3 size 3's like the updated Gladius
The Gladius is a military ship, the 325A is more civilian.
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Space Marshal
Nov 9, 2015
RSI Handle
It was always 1 engine so could probably fit one of the two from the 350R. Was still not too happy with the Size 2 wings on the 325a. I always thought it needed 3 size 3's like the updated Gladius
I liked the size 2 wings on there, they do a good amount of damage and cool down pretty quick. The size 2 nose cannon I swapped with the much heavier strife mass driver. I likey a lot.

For that style of fighting, you may want to consider the Buccaneer or the Sabre. Both are pretty much made to hit and run.
I really liked the Bucc when it got announced, and will probably buy one once I have disposable income. Also, been looking at the Hurricane for turret shenanigans with a buddy. Both offer that style of gameplay and I feel would be the thing I'd go for as a fighter/escort.

The best ship to practice is in a gladius in my opinion. You know its not well armored just decent though fast and highly maneuverable. With the new 3.0 comming out, best craft to learn to pick fights in since they have updated hardpoints to a decent 3 x S3. If you try to solo in it chances are you will get shot down. But if you look for the pick of and assists you will be a top notch pilot in no time.

From there you can move to a Sabre or Super Hornet depending on your style developed.
You got one I can borrow? XD

Part of me hopes Origin is the kind of bespoke ship builder that if you have the wedge they have the ability to get it made. You want an 890j with three spinal anti-cap-ship weapons? Certainly sir, please come into the showroom private office and we can talk business...

...however this IS alpha and Origin could turn in to nothing more than hot tub manufacturers come the final game.

We will just have to wait and see.
Oh boy, if that becomes the case I'd freaking love it.
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
poor 300i. First a sleek elegant dogfighter for the discerning pilot, bounty hunting ship, and now? Basically a Tier 2 Aurora. What a shame, hopefully the rework finds....something that it can do well. Right now it's just...bleh. Doesn't have any cargo room to provide utility, and doesn't have anything of note in it's handling or combat capability.

Is it bad? Not at all, it's just not good.


May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
I thought the 350r hull was known to be a modified variant not backward compatible with other 300 ships. Still I never expected the 350r engine to be easily transferred to a 325a, I am guessing this might be possible in very late game but hardly for a very very long time if at all.
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