Is the hammer head a capital or not?!


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
That's my big issue with how they have their fleet designed, they placed the Kraken far below the Javelin in size comparison. Is the Kraken a light carrier or something? I served in the Navy for 6 years and about to serve again. My ship was a destroyer and man is it tiny next to a carrier
The kraken i would compare to an LHD if anything they are decently sized but yeah they dont carpare to a carrier. Here is a good article about LHDs . And definately the bengal would be an aircraft carrier.
Welcome back to the navy let me know if you ever end up out here in Japan if you are nearby i'll take you out sometime.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I would assume the Kraken is a light carrier for its size and the amount of ships it holds. The Bengal will be so massive and hold a lot of ships.
Or, perhaps the Bengal can hold just enough beer to supply the drinks to a killer TEST party, providing that the hanger is full of beer except for enough space for a MPUV cargo to back in & start transferring the beer to the bar.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
That's my big issue with how they have their fleet designed, they placed the Kraken far below the Javelin in size comparison. Is the Kraken a light carrier or something? I served in the Navy for 6 years and about to serve again. My ship was a destroyer and man is it tiny next to a carrier
From what I understand the Kraken is, at best, the equivalent to a jeep carrier or pocket carrier.

It is about Idiris size, so more Frigate than Carrier.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
IMHO the only true Player purchaseable Cap ship is the Javelin. Compared to the Bengal though, it really isn't even a Cap Ship.

Calling things Capital Ships is more a Marketing ploy than a legitimate definition.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Short answer... :D

No, Hammerhead is not a capital ship!

Side note: Long answer...
The classification Capital is dependent on the ships components not it's size, if a ship have [ C ] components it is classified as capital if it have not it is not a capital ship.
It's really not more complicated than that, so if it's a Luxury, Corvette, Mining, Research or Cargo ship etc.. etc.. is irrelevant.

At the moment there are 11 revealed capital ship in SC that we know of, then there is those we suspect/now are coming yet to be revealed but most certainly will fall in to that category.
Those revealed so far that fall under the category Capital ship is:
Idris-M, Idris-P, 890J, Hull-D, Hull_E, Orion, Javelin, Endeavor, Polaris, Pioneer and Kraken.

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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Capital ships are military type vessels. So the 890J and the Hull series, all of those are not capital ships.
Sorry to burst your bubble ;) :P

The definition of the capital ship in the game have no relevance or comparison with real life vessels this is CIG's in game definition of the ships.

Suggest to use this instead, this is CIG official

Until that change or update to say different those are the ship that fall under the category capital ship.
Do not confuse Real life terminology with game terminology, they use what ever terminology they see fit to the game regardless of how it is or work in real life.

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Vice Admiral
Mar 4, 2019
RSI Handle
Capital ships are military type vessels. So the 890J and the Hull series, all of those are not capital ships.
To use your own tools and show their site needs work in places Listed as Capital Listed as Capital Listed as Capital Listed as Capital Listed as Capital

As @Mich Angel pointed out just because it isn't Military does not mean it is not Capital by CIG's in game standards. If a ship is factory built with Capital class parts, it is a Capital

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The classification Capital is dependent on the ships components not it's size, if a ship have [ C ] components it is classified as capital if it have not it is not a capital ship.
You will understand if many of us strongly disagree. CIG can stipulate whatever they like. This does not change life, the universe and everything.
The definition of the capital ship in the game have no relevance or comparison with real life vessels this is CIG's in game definition of the ships.

Suggest to use this instead, this is CIG official
Are you suggesting we consider the ships page authoratative when in all these years we have always heard and said it is not? Nothing there is reliable, but your assertion that the use of the cap ship component term satisfies as the defintion of cap ship is somehow authoritative? I beg to differ.

CIG can stipulate that the C sized component is a cap ship component, and they can use them on ships of any sort they like. This does not make freighters into ships of the line, which is what a cap ship is. Sorry, but your argument is circular, and self defeating. Freighters and other non-military vessels are NOT capital class ships, regardless of what is said at CIG, and especially in unofficial venues like the pathetic ships' page.

For "Capital Class" to mean anything, it needs to refer to "ships of the line", and freighters, luxury yachts, etc., are not ships of the line. You can use the boilers from a frigate to build a luxury yacht, but that does not make the yacht a capital ship. Sorry, but it just ain't so.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Well it is a game not real life and they use what ever terminology they want on anything and that is what goes in the game regardless if that is not how it work in real life..

If they want to call all ship with capital components a capital ship then it is a capital ship in the game no matter of others opinion on how things are in real life.

And yeah ship matrix might be a bit off here and there but they always said what is written is what goes until it is officially changed or said different regardless if it's old data.

So until they say what is not and what is, what is written is what goes and personell opinions are irrelevant as such comparison to what is in real life have no relevance.

CHEERS! 🙃😉🍻🍻🍻
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