It is known. . .

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The point is, the dictionary didn’t precise what ANY of the proposed injustices were, so it forms a mere tautology. The dictionary definition doesn’t actually say anything.

It’s all well and good to say you’re for social justice, but if what that means is we need to support the medical industry cutting the genitals off healthy kids because they’re confused, well fuck that.

It matters what the perceived injustices are. You don’t get any of that from the dictionary. The videos OTOH actually look at the history and content of the proposed injustices. They concern things like equity replacing equality—standard Marxist diatribe.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I love when it gets to this when someone provides you facts and then you just breakdown and can't handle it anymore so you block them.
You must have had a great time when they blocked me not so long ago, do you consider this a 1-1 score draw?

What can I say, I got tired of being told a fact wasn't a fact.

Several times i pointed to the answer with the request to provide a primary source we can discuss. Guess what there is one from a very established very reliable source which is not hard to find at all if only you'd go look for it, but no they just kept going back to YouTube secondary/tertiary interpreted schpiel. You can lead the ol' horse to water but you can't make it drink kind of thing, eh? All I wanted was a primary source, anything that wasn't social media opinion or YouTube subjective interpretation.

My new friend Cider then pointed out there is more to life, and they made me a balloon animal to demonstrate the point.

So I'm done with that for a while. Will there be an unblocking? I doubt they care or indeed will notice it in the first place it's not as if I have any indispensable skill set they'd be losing (there is a reason why I'm in TEST), and one less responder of 20k won't mean a thing. Their posts on SC and Stealth in particular are good I'll never deny that, but in time I'm sure I'll be able to get that from elsewhere or even look into and develop that knowledge myself.

I always find it's best to end on a song so without any further ado:

Niiiiine hundred and twenty nine bottles of beer on the wall, nine hundred and twenty nine bottles of beeeeer, take one down, pass it around, nine hundred and twenty eight bottles of beer on the waaaaall!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Hey look, better to disagree than disrespect. I don’t have a problem with anyone calling a time out on themself, and I really think Naff and I were talking past each other. I can’t tell what he was trying to say about his dictionary definition and he certainly didn’t understand what I said.

The world does not turn on us agreeing. It does continue for us on respecting. So let’s let it go.

How about them Rangers, eh? Carved Vanduul meat up all along the five worlds coast. Left broken mandibles near far as Io.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
there is a direct correlation between standard of living and energy consumption

until the rest of the world catches up to Europe and North America's standard of living, energy demand will just keep going up

and we can't bring sustainable energy online anywhere near fast enough to meet rising demand

I can't decide if international agreements like the Paris Accords are naive or just totally cynical

oh wait, Artificial Intelligence applications consume orders of magnitude more energy than everything else we're doing with computers

and computers have gone from zero to !/8 of our current electricity consumption in thirty years

where will it be in another decade? will increased demand collapse the grid?

oh wait again, there are metric mega-fucktons of methane trapped in frozen arctic tundra and seafloors, and they're already melting

and methane absorbs an order of magnitude more solar energy in the upper atmosphere than evil old carbon dioxide

whether or not burning fossil fuels is the major cause, all the glaciers and the polar ice caps are going to melt

we have passed the tipping point and have no choice but to adapt to the downstream consequences

rising sea levels, acidification of the oceans, rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and God knows what else

in the immortal words of David Bowie, "Cha- Cha- Cha- Changes ..."

I love it when there are meaty topics discussed in these forums

I waste so much less time on the rest of the Interwebs
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I mostly agree, but I would quibble that we can take measures that move us forward into an abundance era.

Here in NJ, there is absolutely no way to adopt electric vehicles. That would triple our generated power requirements. If we had an able Governor, we’d be replacing all the coal burning plants, and then the gas plants, with Small Modular Reactors. Scrape off the old plant and replace it with 2-3 times the capacity in nuclear, and replace the old turbines with next gen ultra efficient supercritical CO2 turbines. We have 58 power stations and we’d need a couple hundred of these reactors, but they’re smaller than a tractor trailer and would be cheap bought in bulk over a decade. We already have the real estate, which needs access to running water to cool the reactors.

The fact is politicians don’t generally know enough about things like energy to develop a bold vision or a winning solution. That doesn’t mean solutions aren’t available.

What we need desperately is good leadership.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I usually get the feeling that most politicians know enough to be dangerous, because they don't know enough to know how to achieve something safely. Which is only made worse by them spinning the situations to make them look like a hero when they've just ruined countless lives for some trivial reason. For a current example, the legislature in California voted to raise the minimum wages of certain industries like fast food work to $20 per hour. The result is that all of the fast food restaurants are having to raise their prices to pay the higher wages, which is causing massive amounts of terminations & store closings across the state. To state an old proverb, "Be careful what you wish for."

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I am particularly sensitive to the issue of what politicians understand when it comes to energy production and space systems engineering, since these are my areas of expertise. The former has so many applications to everyone’s life that I personally find no excuse for politicians to not know a joule from a watt. They need to know or cannot adequately represent our interests.

On space engineering I am more forgiving, because the benefits of aerospace investment take more time and effort to count. That fact is why we have for instance, the Space Launch System, or SLS, sometimes refered to as the Senate Launch System, because it was salvaged from the Obama scrap pile by Senators Nelson and Shelby, in order to safeguard tens of billions in high paying jobs to their constituencies.

The Human Spaceflight program at NASA is less than a third of NASA’s budget, but that is still an incredible chunk of change over 15 years. We have hundreds of billions invested in what are only jobs programs, and during the time we paid this, Elon Musk with 1/100 that money built his incredible Falcon 9, Starship and the Dragon capsule, as well as all their supporting tech.

Are Nelson and Shelby going to face the music for their incompetence and neglect concerning human space flight? No way.

And just so I don’t seem a whiner with no solutions, let me point out during both Augustine Commissions, 1990 and 2009; I argued succinctly that space flight needed to become a commercial endeavor and that NASA’s proper role was to develop next generation transport—meaning breakthrough type engines. I specifically called out the TRITON thruster in 2009. Had we made that investment then, we would have an entire fleet of interplanetary vehicles ranging all the way out to Titan by now. This thruster was proposed by Pratt & Whitney. They build next generation engines for a living. This isn’t some “concept car” pipe dream. It’s what we should have and would have been doing if we had decent leadership at NASA.
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