Just dropping this here...


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Holy shit...this video is getting darker and darker as I listen further. These guys are shockingly disgusting. Am I hearing things correct. These guys are disguising their abusive behavior in self righteousness? All I can say is wow...and I'm only 1/2 way through the video.

This is a video game. But they are using this platform which should be a place of joy as a means to bully people in quite disturbing ways.

I believe that most SC players are adults age perhaps 30-50 on average. Their frontal lobes are fully developed and they should know better.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
While I do my best to stay chill, laid back & fun loving, people like these vermin inside the Liberty's Reapers org, deserve to have karma unleash her worst on them until those doing these horrible things kill themselves in RL & then be sent to hell to suffer for the rest of eternity. I've seen & interacted with Gabbi on several of her streams enough to believe that she's an absolute sweetheart of a person. The fact that these vermin are wanting to ruin the lives of others & possibly make them kill themselves, says that true karma would have them targeted & destroyed online & in RL until they end their own existences.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The events depicted are deplorable to the extreme, indeed some parts also tragic which in a better world wouldn't have happened, and I have no doubt that they are not limited to just the example in the video. No one should have to shoulder bullying especially from other grown ass adults. But by saying "adults" it suggests it's childish... it's not childish... it's sinister...

Some general Naff observations:

1) Don't be a dick. It's an obvious point, one which does not need to be said to 96% of the community but that 4% need to take heed: Your fun is ruining others fun? Take a look at your whole life and see exactly how that's touching on all other parts of your life because if you're doing it in a video game it'll be happening in your other relationships in life too and it really sucks - this is the root cause of it. If your joy is others suffering, you are the one who is suffering. Help yourself by addressing this.

Two) Don't lower ourselves to their level. Once upon a time a long while ago a malicious actor came to TEST. They were the most vocal critic the game has ever had (yes you know the one, the actual one) and they came under their real name. They spread bile through this glorious fora and provoked responses of a similar vein from the user base here. They then took screenshots of those provoked responses and used their platform to amplify responses said in defence and anger out of context and claimed the community was toxic in attempt to damage it, and us. It was an important lesson and one which we should hold close even now years later. Fighting maliciousness with anger only gives them fuel to burn you even harder, don't tolerate their behaviour but also don't wield that same behaviour against them. "It might sound almost noble but being an asshole to assholes is still being an asshole" - Vol Jang (Trolls News PSA6 pt 2, 2011)

c) Not all trolling is harassment, and Harassment isn't trolling. Lets not mix our words here trolling is being an ass to get a reaction for the perverted fun of provoking a reaction, harassment is on another level of maliciousness and lets not start by calling it something it isn't, as that obfuscates what's going on - terming anything like this as trolling is assisting the assailant/s.

IV) The Macrogame where groups try to steer events using organised actions, social engineering and other techniques against other groups in attempt to disrupt their gameplay - and sometimes as an extension their lives - is active even now by groups such as the one depicted and it won't just be limited to just this one group. With just the bones of the game in existence it's active and to some extent appears to be slightly effective, and as it goes on it will only grow as a tactic of contact of groups against groups. If there were any doubt before, let there be none now.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmmm, I know I opened the thread saying children but to call it that is just as much an obfuscation of the issue as calling harassment simple trolling.

Children don't orchestrate. Children don't collect information and broadcast it from channels with reach. Kids lash out and react and act with malicious intent from a position of clueless naivety "There's nothing as pure and crewl as a child" (Jet Black, Cowboy Bebop, 1998)

Calling it anything other than what it is risks it entering the discussion sphere and being latched on to as an excuse by the perpetrators. so I retract my children statement - it's not childish. It's sinister.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Hmmm, I know I opened the thread saying children but to call it that is just as much an obfuscation of the issue as calling harassment simple trolling.

Children don't orchestrate. Children don't collect information and broadcast it from channels with reach. Kids lash out and react and act with malicious intent from a position of clueless naivety "There's nothing as pure and crewl as a child" (Jet Black, Cowboy Bebop, 1998)

Calling it anything other than what it is risks it entering the discussion sphere and being latched on to as an excuse by the perpetrators. so I retract my children statement - it's not childish. It's sinister.
You do make a valid point , yet beyond calling out the problem behavior the only other viable action is to simply ignore them much like you would ignore a tantuming child.


Oct 2, 2023
RSI Handle
HI guys..
I need to weigh in on couple of things in here.

I've lived since pre-internet dark ages, I have been a part of many fandoms, some more toxic or the other. Here are quite a few layers to peel.

Personaly I find this situation quite relatable on few levels. I have lost few friends to suicide... I am myself strugling with mental health issues for few years now... (I'm also Polish like Miss Gabi, apparently) I have attended fan conventions in the previous century... And I have worked 'on the frontline', in a supermarket throughout the whole Covid pandemic...
The point is, I have seen much, lived through more and got scared by the wind of time. Firstly, any direct physical threat/contact/abuse SHOULD NOT BE tolerated in ANY environment, especialy during the gatherings of likeminded people that have the passion for something in common. Secondly, call me oldfashioned, but any physical threat/contact/abuse TOWARDS ANY FEMALE SHOULD NOT BE tolerated! There is absolutely no excuse for mistreating ANY fellow fan of whatever you are into...
Thirdly... that one is tough for me... when you survive the loss of people close to you, part of you breaks... natural coping mechanism is to try to forget and more often than not, that means cutting off everything that reminds you of that person... Miss Gabi has the hell of a courage that after the loss of a close friend she still remains a part of the fandom, still creates, is still passionate about our Space Odyssey... It would be much easier to move on to other projects... to turn your back on fandom that reminds you about your loss... to 'hide behind a rock' and wait for the time to heal that massive wound... She did not do this. She remained herself despite the hurt. And for that she deserves nothing but high praise.
So, personaly it makes my skin crawl when I hear she has been spat on and later ridiculed on Discord. I am glad A1 released this video. There definately should be safeguards in place from CIG and any form of abuse outside of the game should be dealt with swiftly and unreversably.
It is sad that we live in the times where you need to publicly call out individuals on social media for any accountability to take place, and even then a lot of situations are downplayed as 'boys being boys' or 'banter' or any other BS excuse.
We (mostly) are adults and as much as we spend out free times pewpewing in imaginary spaceships and buying expensive JPEGs, we should be responsible for social standards in our lives.
Thats my two cents in the matter. I do hope this incident, as much as it cast a shadow over Star Citizen fandom, will start a bigger discussion about the boundaries between what is acceptable, what is frowned upon and what under any circumstances has no place among us.
Thanks for reading this Q-Talk


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
As somebody that grew up being severely abused & bullied until I forced it to stop through violent means, my views on bullying & abuse are simple. I believe that those that choose to bully & abuse deserve nothing except being exterminated with impunity by the same means that they chose to bully & abuse others & be made public examples of to the degree that it terrifies those that are considering bullying or abusing others to have night terrors every time they even consider the thought of doing so to others. As I don't know any of the assholes in this example, the only thing that I can do is stop turning off my global chat & if I see people seeming to be abusive there, report it to CIG. Meanwhile, continue to be as positive & supportive of an individual as I can to those around me. This being said, it is my opinion, that the world as a whole would be better off if those involved as negative aspects of this situation all ended up no longer existing, bonus points if they all died in some manner Final Destination style, 1 after the next, so that those following would be overwhelmed by the fear of what's coming to them "Soon (tm)".


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I lost several friends and colleagues to drug overdose and/or suicide this year. These are guys with careers and families. Real life shit.

That there are people who would go to great lengths to drive others to do unspeakable things to themselves and/or others over a fucking video game boggles my mind.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Kind thanks to all responders, appreciate all input and experiences and my sincerest of wishes to all those who have lost friends and family to lifes stresses, especially ones like this which should not exist in the first place.

I wonder how many of them trully agree with such tactics compaired to those who are just too complacent to say anything.
Indeed - it's difficult to know exactly how to react to such heinous events as a third party let alone being in the company of such goings on. I think from the video in that particular group there was a culture of ostracisation where if you spoke out you were gone... I know it was stated there were members from before the maliciousness set in so I'm wondering if there was an element of not wanting to be forced out of a home too...

I suppose one thing we can do is resolve not to tolerate, and not to copy, such acts of aggression, Rising above and shining a light on it as Avenger One appears to have done...?

To quote from a comic book I once enjoyed: "Be pure, be vigilant... Behave!"


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2016
RSI Handle
I suppose one thing we can do is resolve not to tolerate, and not to copy, such acts of aggression, Rising above and shining a light on it as Avenger One appears to have done...?
We can fight the good fight ourselves by keeping vigilant of those things that hurt our community. We have the numbers to really safeguard that which we love.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Am I the only one that at the end when she was talking wanted to hear her confront the accusation of mishandling the situation where a kid was asking for help with how to handle his friend being suicidal? It sounded like from that one guy that is where the whole mess started, but he also got caught in so many lies that could've been made-up just to muddy the waters.

***To be clear, I am in no way justifying the actions of anyone, just something that came across as an oversite in the video production.
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Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Am I the only one that at the end when she was talking wanted to hear her confront the accusation of mishandling the situation where a kid was asking for help with how to handle his friend being suicidal? It sounded like from that one guy that is where the whole mess started, but he also got caught in so many lies that could've been made-up just to muddy the waters.
Yeah, who knows where the entire truth lies. But, I agree that the trustworthiness of those guys is super suspect. Either way, if he disagreed with how Gabi handled the situation he could just talk with her like an adult. There's really no good excuse for being a sociopath. They just need to learn how to use their big boy words.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah, who knows where the entire truth lies. But, I agree that the trustworthiness of those guys is super suspect. Either way, if he disagreed with how Gabi handled the situation he could just talk with her like an adult. There's really no good excuse for being a sociopath. They just need to learn how to use their big boy words.
Using words to talk out a situation is a much better solution than turning to crime. It is one thing to be upset in the moment and tell someone to f- off, but to actually spit on someone and try and ruin someones' credibility.
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