The most tedious game I have ever played.
The game is fun overall, but some mechanics are just so annoying.
The sword play is quite fun once you get use to it.
The storyline and cut scenes are decent.
The environment and atmosphere is cool.
You have to find place to sleep everyday.
Eat food everyday.
Wash yourself.
Repair all your gear.
Bandage yourself if you bleed or are injured.
Buy or craft potions to actually save the game without sleeping the whole day.
Ow yeah, there are also bugs.
Crashing during mid quest and losing all your progress.
Bumping into random NPC (more like touching an NPC) while riding a horse, then go to jail for killing them.
Unable to walk up some stairs.
Unable to pass by shrubs, and some fences.
Some allies will start attacking you during a fight with enemies.
And if you get to the Monastery quest line, you will regret life.
You will understand once you start the daily routine there without saves.
No mods for game saving on my Xbox one.
Ow yeah, and did you know the game gives you false information on quests and even potion crafting? If you don't have enough skill level, you will end up making a fake recipe that will kill an entire village instead of saving them.
And, there are no easy quest markers for many quests, you have to actually read books and riddles to find locations. After you run around for real time hours finding that stupid horse or person, you will want to murder it.
I believe some mechanics were better on paper than actual game play, at one point it just becomes more work instead of a fun game.
I did enjoy survival games like Dayz, and puzzle games like Tomb Raider, but Kingdom Come Deliverance was more annoying than fun.
I guess Warhorse Studios did OK for their first game title.
I do prefer the upcoming Mount and Blade 2 though.
But other than that, combat is fun if your fighting 1 target.
And if you play without a shield vs multiple opponents, good luck.