Lets Talk About Guild/Squadron Member Cap !!


Space Marshal
Mar 27, 2016
RSI Handle
well the title says it all.do u think they should add member cap ? cause i see TEST having a lot of members.and it may be a disadvantage for smaller org to fight a huge org like TEST.and how do we stay together even when the game give us a member cap.like 500 member or 20% of TEST.lets talk


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
well the title says it all.do u think they should add member cap ? cause i see TEST having a lot of members.and it may be a disadvantage for smaller org to fight a huge org like TEST.and how do we stay together even when the game give us a member cap.like 500 member or 20% of TEST.lets talk
There are guilds/organizations which are capped and/or exclusive! Thus it is the indivdual decision of the corresponding "head-of" to define a cap or the like.

Besides of this, what would be the goal of speaking about an organization like TEST - which is cosmopolitan, liberal-minded and above all about having fun for a living - defining a cap for itself? That would take the aims (so there are any) of TEST ad absurdum.



Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
hard for me to understand.but from what imagine.TEST will just swarm all players :V
Seems vice versa that I'm not able to understand your intention of the starting post of this thread.
My understanding so far: you want to talk about defining a max number of members for TEST.
I'm arguing against it, which forces you to disagree - but to agree Snakeys post who basically is telling the same as me, namely arguing against the cap!?
Thus you contradict your own post...?
I'm puzzled, sorry.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Test is not just an org...it's an org, filled with orgs.

I seriously don't see anything but the larger orgs being able to play a comprehensive game. I see orgs dedicated to exploring, mining, trading, bounty hunting, etc. I think only the big orgs will be able to do them all and offer members a choice about what they do with their time


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Seems vice versa that I'm not able to understand your intention of the starting post of this thread.
My understanding so far: you want to talk about defining a max number of members for TEST.
I'm arguing against it, which forces you to disagree - but to agree Snakeys post who basically is telling the same as me, namely arguing against the cap!?
Thus you contradict your own post...?
I'm puzzled, sorry.
Sounds like a case for Galileo Mystery dun dun duunnn


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
Large Orgs are Global, while small or medium size Orgs tend to be Regional (with exceptions).
This means there should always be others to chat and play with.
Orgs are a social environment, as well as, a joint Operating Team in game.

Exploration, Mining and Transportation will be the focus of Star Citizen and the financial backbone (just as in real life).
This means many members will be needed to crew the fleet of ships with many others providing Security & Protection.
Also, these type of operations are best when performed 24/7 - as near as possible. Large Orgs are best suited for this.
This is one of the main reason that all large Orgs have a large percentage of Affiliate members. Working together for a common goal and play style, benefits everyone.

Placing a 'Limit Cap' on the size of an Organization simply would defeat the fundamental purpose of group play.
Star Citizen will not be the usual space 'shoot'em up' that we are all familiar with. For the first time in PC gaming, it promises to be a Virtual Realty Experience.

What I like BEST about TEST SQUADRON is our basic attitude that each person has the right to play their game when, how and with whom they wish. I will be participating in Fleet Ops for Exploration and am a member of TEST Rock Raiders. However, I will also be playing Solo or with a few friends to do some Trading and, of course, CityBoppin &BarHoppin.

No matter what your plans or style of game plan, TEST SQUADRON will always be on-line and with you.

Like statistics?

12,000 members - 3 major time zones = 4,000 members/TZ
4,000 member with an average of 10% on-line at any given time = 400 active members 24/7 (this is the 'Cap')
100 systems, as well as, the unknown regions = minimum of 3 to 4 Fleets of TESTies (small & medium fleets) going about their and Orgs business + Those exploring the unknown = ~50 to 60 members for each activity - Real Life 'surprises' leaves on average 30 to 40 TESTies.
Multi-crew ships for Exploring, Mining, Reclaiming, Transporting and security require 3-15 crew members each - 3 to 10 ships per Fleet (depending on the mission) and even a simple 'Ole Cosmic can see the benefits.

Darn, this is longest post I have ever made. Do I win anything?
Worst part is that because it contains more than 10 words, nobody will bother to read it. Perhaps that is the Good part.




Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Test is not just an org...it's an org, filled with orgs.

I seriously don't see anything but the larger orgs being able to play a comprehensive game. I see orgs dedicated to exploring, mining, trading, bounty hunting, etc. I think only the big orgs will be able to do them all and offer members a choice about what they do with their time
What i love about being in TEST is, that i can ignore the ingame market and sell all my stuff to TEST which will take care of either using it for it's own purpose or selling it for best profit on the market. (I have only little interest to compare prizes across the galaxy to find out where to sell my stuff.)


Space Marshal
Mar 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Seems vice versa that I'm not able to understand your intention of the starting post of this thread.
My understanding so far: you want to talk about defining a max number of members for TEST.
I'm arguing against it, which forces you to disagree - but to agree Snakeys post who basically is telling the same as me, namely arguing against the cap!?
Thus you contradict your own post...?
I'm puzzled, sorry.
well what i want to know is.how do we seperate people when the game is live.or do we just stick with one guild ? thats seems impossible because how many member TEST have and member cap game give to us is really unkown for now.still do we gonna do anything about it ? and do u think member cap is needed ? or the game will give like 2000 people in 1 guild


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
well what i want to know is.how do we seperate people when the game is live.or do we just stick with one guild ? thats seems impossible because how many member TEST have and member cap game give to us is really unkown for now.still do we gonna do anything about it ? and do u think member cap is needed ? or the game will give like 2000 people in 1 guild
Okay, we are coming closer. Now, if my understanding is correct, those are two different discussions: the "how-to-identify" has not really something to do with a member cap. The first question is about gameplay, the second about org strategy.

at 1) It has been stated by RSI that later there will be possibilites to show org-memberships in HUD. Thus you will be able to identify who is with which org, except for those who have chosen a hidden affiliation.

at 2) As stated before: this would make - imho! - no sense at all for an organization like TEST. That said, I'm not seeing it the way that a huge org like TEST would have a negative impact on smaller orgs: there are people who are afraid of such huge orgs like TEST, searching for mid or small sized orgs.
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Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I see it two ways from my personal reasons:

1) I'm not home enough to be a serious gamer. I may hop into discord and see who will be playing and either join a crew or provide some type of support. Eventually I'll find my group I'll probably continue to try to match schedules with.

2) being apart of test brings a lot of like minded (not so serious while having a drink ; but able to put the bottle to the side to help a friend or the organization) people together. For most it's not about personal glory but just the sheer fun this game will be bringing us. If I used general SC chat I may find some like minded people.... But they have germs.

Finally- I hop time zones so much in a month it makes it hard for me to hit the first item. Looking at my posts one can see that some times I'm in some part of the US and others I'm over seas. When I can't play I want to be able to still be apart of the greater community that is test..... It's my cheers.

Limiting members.... Blah. ;/


Space Marshal
Mar 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Okay, we are coming closer. Now, if my understanding is correct, those are two different discussions: the "how-to-identify" has not really something to do with a member cap. The first question is about gameplay, the second about org strategy.

at 1) It has been stated by RSI that later there will be possibilites to show org-memberships in HUD. Thus you will be able to identify who is with which org, except for those who have chosen a hidden affiliation.

at 2) As stated before: this would make - imho! - no sense at all for an organization like TEST. That said, I'm not seeing it the way that a huge org like TEST would have a negative impact on smaller orgs: there are people who are afraid of such huge orgs like TEST, searching for mid or small sized orgs.
roger that.glad u can explain it to me becaue it has been ringing on my head for weeks


Space Marshal
Mar 27, 2016
RSI Handle
'nuff said :D
i have a question if u can answer it.its about ships
do u think buying a argo for LTI then upgrade it to sabre its worth it ? because i dont have any combat ships.and im kinda want a better hangar too.so its an option of buying 35 dollar LTI or buying 150 dollar conny to get the hangar then upgrade to sabre


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
nonsense! we'll need more than 10,000 auroras to blot out the sun!

maybe attach a poll?
...Or one really big Aurora. A Megaurora!

there are people who are afraid of such huge orgs like TEST
They only fear us because they haven't met us yet. :D

i have a question if u can answer it.its about ships
do u think buying a argo for LTI then upgrade it to sabre its worth it ? because i dont have any combat ships.and im kinda want a better hangar too.so its an option of buying 35 dollar LTI or buying 150 dollar conny to get the hangar then upgrade to sabre
You can do that, but the Sabre is a limited ship and only available for special sales. Very likely it will be for sale again in November. Make sure you still have a game package (with Sq42 and Star Citizen) if you are considering melting everything to get a new ship.

Regarding limiting org size, I very much doubt they will. The organizations that have developed have all grown without an in-game mechanic to support them. If there were limits in-game, orgs would just do what we are doing now: run forums and discord channels on their own. I would expect CIG's design for orgs to be more inclined to support what's already been established rather than hamper it.
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Space Marshal
Mar 27, 2016
RSI Handle
...Or one really big Aurora. A Megaurora!

They only fear us because they haven't met us yet. :D

You can do that, but the Sabre is a limited ship and only available for special sales. Very likely it will be for sale again in November. Make sure you still have a game package (with Sq42 and Star Citizen) if you are considering melting everything to get a new ship.

Regarding limiting org size, I very much doubt they will. The organizations that have developed have all grown without an in-game mechanic to support them. If there were limits in-game, orgs would just do what we are doing now: run forums and discord channels on their own. I would expect CIG's design for orgs to be more inclined to support what's already been established rather than hamper it.
is it have to be LTI or no LTI is ok ? because i want a better hangar too.so if i buy conny,i wont get any LTI.but i got a better hangar than aero.and 35 just give me LTI
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