Luxury ships - what's the point?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
That's not tr... (looks at his 600 touring) oh, I guess you have a point. Still it's a beautiful ship from the pilot seat and from the outside. Its inside just needs the Josh Coon touch.
In fairness, the 600i Captain's quarters has a truly pimp-tastic view from the bed. Take a space hotty to a place with a beautiful view, pop open some bubbly & let the good times begin.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
In fairness, the 600i Captain's quarters has a truly pimp-tastic view from the bed. Take a space hotty to a place with a beautiful view, pop open some bubbly & let the good times begin.
Just as long as you are into being an Exhibitionism cause the captain's quarters doesn't have any way to block others from looking in.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
We don’t know how much improvement will be possible by swapping out engines. If the 600i was designed for econominal touring and the thrusters can be replaced with something that will make it rotate 20*/s faster, that ship could become extremely useful. The explorer already has a lot going for it. It’s the fact it points so poorly that makes it a bother.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Just as long as you are into being an Exhibitionism cause the captain's quarters doesn't have any way to block others from looking in.
So that made me remember an old Star Trek scene with people pushed in watching Kirk in a room with a woman, except that this time I imagined that with TEST Squadron doing the gawking!


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
Just tossing my thoughts in. If you fully upgrade a 600i it can be a beast, but you need to know which parts to use. Basically my 600 has Reverant's on the forward guns and attritions on the turrets. The QT drive and shields are Military A, the coolers and power supply are both Industrial A. I can fly her alone and do a good bit in combat, get a few people on turrets and you're more effective.

The ship will have a re-work in the future, so there are those of us like my self hoping that the space is more intelligently utilized and the Explorer feels more like a luxury Exploration ship vs a wanna-be explorer.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
People keep trashing the 600i, I really don't think its getting a fair shake, lot of things are going to change between now and the finished game (at least 3 years from now) we don't know what scanners, types of scanners, range, effectiveness etc... are going to play in the exploration role, Origin is already known for patented tech which other manufacturers don't have access to, I really believe down the road this corporation is going to have advances that give it an edge on other ships. They also said its going to have utility hardpoints to swap out as well, we have no idea what those will be.

Is this as good as a Carrack? Overall, of course not but that's why there is a pretty big cost difference in buying and operating these ships, does that mean the 600i wont be better in some aspects? I don't agree with that assumption, its way to early and when the ships components and functions are still up in the air as most of the games core functions are in limbo we really cant just say Origin ships suck, they don't suck, unfortunately when 75% of the game mechanics are still being worked on you cant possibly make those assessments.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
In fairness, the 600i Captain's quarters has a truly pimp-tastic view from the bed. Take a space hotty to a place with a beautiful view, pop open some bubbly & let the good times begin.
by space hotty, I assume you mean Rosie Pahlm?

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I was looking at a few of the luxury ships and trying to work out whether I should buy one.

I want a ship that's fast. Or serves a purpose (mining/exploration/salvage/medical etc). Or is tough as old boots / is armed to the gills. Or all of these!

The luxury ships don't seem to tick any of these boxes, do they? They let you swan about the galaxy in a slow-ish way in a less well armed, less shielded (concede that's not 100% the case) vessel. Albeit in style but that doesn't float my (space) boat. Am I missing something?
The Phoenix is armed to the gills, for its size. It gives up 16 SCU (Compared to the Andromeda) for better quarters a rear automated point defense turret (not yet implemented) and a bar. If they would let me CCU my Andromeda to one, I would. :)

Fast in normal space or in Quantum?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I want a ship that's fast. Or serves a purpose (mining/exploration/salvage/medical etc). Or is tough as old boots / is armed to the gills. Or all of these!

The luxury ships don't seem to tick any of these boxes, do they?
The 325A certainly ticks the boxes if what you want is optimal variety of capability, and comfort. It is a step above all the "starter" ships including the Avenger.

The 600i Explorer is the pinnacle of single person capable explorer packages. It has lots of straight line speed, and explorer capability (once that function comes in game) yet can be managed solo.

But really fuck this nonsense that you can be effective in game by yourself. That's not the way the game is designed. That's the way 13 year olds will play, but those who have a clue know, you need compadres.

Pick a function and find your partners. That's what makes you proficient.

Whatever you choose to do, if you want to be LEGENDARY, you can only do that in company of other players cooperating to the same end.


Grand Admiral
Dec 14, 2019
RSI Handle
The 325A certainly ticks the boxes if what you want is optimal variety of capability, and comfort. It is a step above all the "starter" ships including the Avenger.

The 600i Explorer is the pinnacle of single person capable explorer packages. It has lots of straight line speed, and explorer capability (once that function comes in game) yet can be managed solo.

But really fuck this nonsense that you can be effective in game by yourself. That's not the way the game is designed. That's the way 13 year olds will play, but those who have a clue know, you need compadres.

Pick a function and find your partners. That's what makes you proficient.

Whatever you choose to do, if you want to be LEGENDARY, you can only do that in company of other players cooperating to the same end.
Hmm... 325a is a bit cheap and cheerful for me. 600i Explorer loses out to dedicated explorers. It states a minimum crew of three. If I have a crew, I'll take my Carrack for exploring. And I'm sure lots of savvy people will play the game solo for extended periods, though not exclusively, me included. I've not been 13 since the early '80s.. Heck, my daughter hasn't been 13 for 10 years..

I have no plans to be legendary. 😄
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