March 20th COVID-19 update


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Lmao Rand Paul has tested positive for the virus.... this is what Karma looks like! He voted against the first bill, which his arguments I agree, we shouldn't keep borrowing money and we should cut programs that aren't needed or find the money here at home, what I disagree with is which programs and where he wants to get the funding. its funny we will gut every social program in the country for any reason but we never touch the social healthcare that Senators and Congressmen get, the inflated and often misused Military budget among other things like the tax cuts to the wealthiest people every time a Republican becomes president.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Lmao Rand Paul has tested positive for the virus.... this is what Karma looks like! He voted against the first bill, which his arguments I agree, we shouldn't keep borrowing money and we should cut programs that aren't needed or find the money here at home, what I disagree with is which programs and where he wants to get the funding. its funny we will gut every social program in the country for any reason but we never touch the social healthcare that Senators and Congressmen get, the inflated and often misused Military budget among other things like the tax cuts to the wealthiest people every time a Republican becomes president.
"Socialism for me, but none for Thee"


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
How old are the buildings in Italy? Do they have common air headers, are there air gaps where sound and air go from one apartment to another? Are windows open much of the time at this time of year?

Italian cities, like most of Europe, are compact and really piled on top of each other. While China is similar, a lot of their cities are brand new (not sure on the quality though). Are living conditions to blame?

While US cities have some areas like that, especially poorer areas, much of the areas are individual houses on tiny lots. Suburban dwellers have even more room.

I wonder much this might have to do with continuing spreads...
Ehm... no its not like that...
Firth of all old building are actually better then the new on concerning the room isolation since the wall are much ticker, they at least could have problem with windows since the woodframe that are not so tight sealing, but for the room-to-room that is not a problem!

Also, diffuson of the CoVid even if is spread across all the country is more focus on a single region and around Milan area: like 2/3 of the case most concentrated....
City are abit crumped all across Italy that is true and some more then other, but that is not a factor as it seams.

My personal idea is that is releted to a sum of factor, that include the type of city, the habits of the people and the general activity that took place in there.
For exaple MIlan is a very large city and the economical centrer of the country, so there are a lot of people moving for work in and out fo the city form all the region every day much more then any other city in Italy. That is a huge factor in the contagius spreading.
Also commercial activity in Milan are of course not factory, but office generaly medium small (due to the hight price of squared space footprint), so people are general tight in small office, and that favor the spread.
Fianally I've noitice that sicne the city has a good metro network and public trasport service, people are not used to walk that much, like to make 500m they used to take the but or the metro...
Of course a lot o peole in a closed eviroment like a metro or a bus is not the best for cointaining the spread...

If you look at the spread of the contagius area in different italian city you'll see that is not so wide, as it seams form the global number.
Sicily and the south of italy foor exaple ware city are more open but also thare aren0t soo many office sicne the main earning is turism and argiculture are not so affected, Sarinia and Sicily are basically un-effected with a reaally lower case count.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Latest numbers...
"Top Countries" i.e., just a selection, or else it would look like an inkjet puked on the graph:
March23 Top Countries.png

Top States...ditto above, plotting every state would be a mess
March 23 Top States.png

This is the "log" graph, which turns the accelerating "33% daily rise" into a straight line, but separates out the states at the lower left, with smaller numbers (so far...)
March 23 Top States log.png

EDIT: Also, why you can't let your guard down, too soon...the US needs to be aware of this example:
Last edited:


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Singapore has new cases from citizens returning. My cousin who was studying in the States just arrived home. He's been put up at a hotel for 2 weeks as a quarantine measure.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
JBM does a great job to visualize covid stuff.

Full Analysis here:

View attachment 15279
View attachment 15281

Germany just announced strict rules nationwide and we slowly see a decrease in new cases.
That's great they removed that from behind the paywall. Also from that countries that are lagging behind in testing, these numbers are going to be an undercount:
Screenshot from 2020-03-23 09-23-13.png


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
What's worrying me is the news about guns and ammo being cleared off shelves. There are people thinking this is going to turn into The Walking Dead.

Flat out, I am a 2nd amendment supporter despite not owning or having an interest in owning a gun. This could get bad for that... it just takes a small group to start using these tools for offense vs defense and it's all over. I'm an Army Brat with no adult experience in the military, but I did grow up in it and I'll say flat out. If the military gets involved, you will be disarmed or die, there will be no uprising or protection of your 2nd amendment rights. If you know people hoarding these tools make sure they're for defensive purposes only.

My Wife grew up in a communist country, she keeps telling me that everything going on right now keeps giving her flash-backs. I keep question why I'm more scared of the panicking masses buying guns and ammo vs the deadly pandemic that is crippling the world economy and has yet to reach its peak impact.


Feb 27, 2020
RSI Handle
I just want to share because this should be common knowledge and I am not sure it is.

I feel most people may struggle putting everything together, seeing things as ultimately connected. This may be why it seems like so many have such a lack of appreciation or concern for the things to come, thus why we may perceive this guy listed above, as a crack pot. I wish people took this seriously, because I do understand, we are responsible whether we acknowledge or deny the nature of our reality.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
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"Then he gets up and ad libs on his speech. And then we’re up there to try and answer questions."

Geez I feel bad for this guy.

Yes and no. I mean I would agree when the ad lib can get off in the weed or misspoken about filler details. But it seems that he feels listen to and is in agreement about the substance of the message even if there is disagreement about how it's being presented. But that's normal especially when points of view on how the message would resonate with the general public or be presented. I would be far more concerned if the expert was being ignored or sidelined but it seems he is heavily involved with briefings is being heard.

A: Well, that’s pretty interesting because to [Trump’s] credit, even though we disagree on some things, he listens. He goes his own way. He has his own style. But on substantive issues, he does listen to what I say.

Q: You’ve been in press conferences where things are happening that you disagree with, is that fair to say?

Well, I don’t disagree in the substance. It is expressed in a way that I would not express it, because it could lead to some misunderstanding about what the facts are about a given subject.
My comment was simply in the headlines says he is trying to get the Whitehouse to listen to facts while he says in the interview the Whitehouse is listening to the facts as presented.
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
…we shouldn't keep borrowing money...
Tracking with ya on this. Though I'd say the biggest issue isn't borrowing, its backstopping financial institutions while a lot of money is moving. That's $4T of the deal, compared to the $2T hand outs.

God help us if the people at the Federal Reserve who know how to pull the money strings get Covid.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I am sorry, at this point the president is just the biggest imbecile on the planet, first there was no virus it was a democratic hoax, second the virus was not a big deal it was going to go away in april with the heat, third somehow he knew it was a pandemic before the experts did yet in Jan he said it was a hoax, 4th he told people to take hydroxychloroquine which they are now saying is linked to actually helped killing people who had Covid 19 and took it, 5th he told Americans to ingest bleach......

If this man wasn't such a fing idiot I would say he was a traitor but he is to stupid to even be a traitor, its just willful ignorance and negligence. And anyone who supports this clown is just as ignorant.
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