Ministry Of Truth - Media Creators Wanted


Vice Admiral
Apr 25, 2015
RSI Handle
i would happily join into this thingus. I'm more of a Photoshopper than an original artist here are some of my creations.

I took some various memes and recolored them and in a few added test things

I also have made some inforgraphics/diagrams also some basic memes

Alright here is the stuff i'm really proud of: screen for RJ's streams, an overhaul of admiral bishop to make him a test member. Some of these are just progressions of the process. the first and last are final products.
(DISCLAMER: the RJ thing was the result of a collaboration between myself and agent 021. I did the character, face and text and he did everything else and came up with the idea.)


Grand Admiral
Aug 4, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm practicing my video editing, using old RSI vids, chopping it up, added some sound effects and trying to sync music to key action beats. If anyone has any in game assets that are cool let me know so i can try messing with it. My skill are lets say, sub-par atm. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Obey Propo

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Oct 25, 2015
RSI Handle
It may not be as swanky as you chaps with your shiny vids, but I am working toward starting a story within the SC universe. With some additional information, I could work TEST into the narrative. My goal with the story currently is to get it published along side the other official short stories. I am still in research mode seeing as I only really started paying attention to SC in the last month or so, though followed it since its announcement.

I have also appeared on podcasts and that shit was a blast - not currently willing to host one of my own.

Streaming is out of the question, my Canadian internet has crap upload speeds.

Youtube content, possible.

Aside from the story (which will be written regardless), if you want help with any of the other areas, shout me down.


Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2015
RSI Handle
I do a ton of artwork / creative stuff pretty much daily, and would be happy to lend a hand. Here's the latest channel overlay for my channel to give you an idea -

The two bottom "doors" slide down to reveal the various scrolling info on my stream like followers, donations, and current playlist. You can open / close them to hide info at will. Sometimes I stream to Youtube simultaneously and can't have music on, so needed a way to shut that part of the overlay and not have a gap.
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