MISC Fury first look! Here it is!


Vice Admiral
Dec 10, 2022
RSI Handle
Holy F they really pushing the marketing on this one :D It's REALLY exciting ship and I don't personally care if it gets nerfed or anything unless they adjust the size which I don't see happening. Anyway for those who are buying it for actual combat, as it may become one of the META ships, just remember that Master Modes may make this one of the worst ships out there. This is perfect time to sell such ship before that update changes everything.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Holy F they really pushing the marketing on this one :D It's REALLY exciting ship and I don't personally care if it gets nerfed or anything unless they adjust the size which I don't see happening. Anyway for those who are buying it for actual combat, as it may become one of the META ships, just remember that Master Modes may make this one of the worst ships out there. This is perfect time to sell such ship before that update changes everything.
It's also one of those ships that could be easily purchased in game.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
It's unknown what the cost will be upon a player death just that it can happen and then your assets are passes down to a heir. As to what that means rep wise is unknown
True. The point was that if a PC can die, and have heirs, then the player owned NPC treated the same way would make sense.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Maybe I haven't been paying attention but I was surprised to see the MX missiles-only variant.

I'm imagining now how the MX variant is a specialized ship for strikes in tight areas.
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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
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Obviously there is some confusion here. Tell me, if the NPC of an account dies, what happens to the account?

Account NPCs are actually PCs that aren't being "manned' at present, but can be manned in the future, so how could they die?
Actually as you said NPC accounts are PC accounts that are not manned at present (see https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13288-multiple-package-clarification). It is clearly specified that your friend can hop on a NPC customized crew account to use it.
Also in death of a spaceman, it is specified NPC are potential heirs.
My understanding with the above is that it will work the same for NPC upon death.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm sitting on my hands for the Fury as I'm waiting to see the cost of the Storm.

The UK price of the Fury is £51 and it was that £1 that stopped me in my tracks and wonder if my budget would reach to the Fury and the Storm and get the breaks on my car replaced... If the Storm ends up being like $100 I'll just CCU something to the Nova Tonk.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I'm sitting on my hands for the Fury as I'm waiting to see the cost of the Storm.

The UK price of the Fury is £51 and it was that £1 that stopped me in my tracks and wonder if my budget would reach to the Fury and the Storm and get the breaks on my car replaced... If the Storm ends up being like $100 I'll just CCU something to the Nova Tonk.
I'm avoiding buying ships\packs with money until the end of the event so I can make sure I can afford the CCU's I may want\need... Cycling my credit balance through items to top up my buyback pile, however, is a different thing entirely.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
Some of the confusion here may be from our failure to stipulate terms. Could be we’re equivocating to some degree.

NPCs are purchased when we buy accounts. Once they die a sufficient number of times they will “retire” and you’ll no longer be able to play them, but like ships they’re a purchased entity and iiuc, CIG can’t simply remove them from the game. These NPCs can be used as turret gunners, escort pilots and the like until retired and do not require players pay them.

Rental NPCs have to be paid, much like insurance; and when they die they’re gone forever. These NPCs have trainable skill levels and the higher their skills the more they will cost.

We don’t know much else beyond all this. CIG has quite deliberately refused to answer questions on the NPC issue. There is thus a lot of misinformation surrounding the issue, perhaps including this post!

My point was though, given the global “pay to win” sentiment that has created entire gaming systems, with utterly irresponsible folk paying well in excess of a million dollars US to control things like Evony accounts; you can be sure players will purchase dozens of accounts just so they can try to run the biggest ships solo.

You can also be sure player groups will punish those sorts of people by boarding and taking NPC manned ships.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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I'm sitting on my hands for the Fury as I'm waiting to see the cost of the Storm.

The UK price of the Fury is £51 and it was that £1 that stopped me in my tracks and wonder if my budget would reach to the Fury and the Storm and get the breaks on my car replaced... If the Storm ends up being like $100 I'll just CCU something to the Nova Tonk.
I picked up the Fury, not the two pack.

Im not sure about the viability of the bomber version due to the logistics of re-arming it.

Will the Liberator or what ever supply ship be able to have enough missiles to keep arming these things? Sounds like a lot of work.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I picked up the Fury, not the two pack.

Im not sure about the viability of the bomber version due to the logistics of re-arming it.

Will the Liberator or what ever supply ship be able to have enough missiles to keep arming these things? Sounds like a lot of work.
The Liberator, Herc, Galaxy and Carrack should have lots of space for reloads. Reloading is likely to be a PITA though, especially for the Carrack since the cargo bay isn't connected to the landing bay. Depending on how much of the cargo bay it requires, something as small as the Connie, and maybe the Freelancer Max or Mercury, should be able to carry some reloads plus a Fury, again, a PITA to reload though.
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
NPCs are purchased when we buy accounts. Once they die a sufficient number of times they will “retire” and you’ll no longer be able to play them...
So NPCs derived from LTI account packages will die and retire ... ? The NPCs themselves will not carry forward with LTI associated with the account?
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Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
So NPCs derived from LTI account packages will die and retire ... ? The NPCs themselves will not carry forward with LTI associated with the account?
I'm not sure CIG have made any decision about them yet...

There was a discussion about the "value" of them in this forum a few months ago: https://testsquadron.com/threads/how-much-is-an-npc-slot-really-worth.20113/

One of the more recent comments (5 years old now) I have seen about them was:
From what I know and have been told is that CIG has said that NPCs will not be free.

When you have multiple pledges, you gain mutliple NPCs upwards of four including your main pledge for your main character for a total of five (5) game pledges in a single account. You still have to pay the NPCs and they will cost the same as regular NPCs that you have to hire without having a pledge. The only difference is that you can customize the look and basic skill set of the NPCs.
You get to define their basic role and they will learn from it as they perform their assigned duties. The more they do the same role repeatedly, the better at that role the NPC will get. This won't be complex as a full on RPG but it will be enough to give skill levels and allow for skill improvement concerning NPCS. You can also play them as your main or have them as additional crew for your other characters.

With each defined NPC, they will learn and improve their skills set when they are functioning as regular NPCs. When your playing them actively, their NPC skills stats will not change; this is because they will be using your player skills and not their stats. As they progress and their skills improves, they will get more expensive as they get better.

CIG really wants the NPCs to matter to every player given the difficulty and expense in replacing them. At this stage in the game, there are no plans to expand insurance to NPCs although that may change over time to maybe allow the concept of ship insurance to be extended to cover senior officers of your NPC crew for an additional charge to commensurate with their demonstrated capabilities.

One thing to note is that if your NPC ends up dying, you have to retrain (re-learn) and re-skill them from scratch.

NOTE: The information I am passing on is as recent as a few weeks ago coming directly from a question I posted on April 2018 CAD regarding the roles of NPCs and account pledges...
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/8le94y View: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/8le94y/did_they_discuss_owning_multiple_game_packages/

Given the age, that information may be outdated now.
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