How is it December already?
Seems like 2014 just flew right by me.
They say time flies when you are having fun, so that must explain it!
November was a record month for donations in TEST, not only did we secure a Redeemer, but a Carrack too!
The Redeemer is currently sitting in my Revel and York hangar, central bay, it's the first thing I see when I log in!
My hangar almost looks like this!
I have to say, I really did not think much of this hair-straightener at first, but now that I get to look at it every day, it has really grown on me!
Slightly bigger than a Cutlass, but with double the punch, that Redeemer is a really nice ship!
I know I promised that I will let you all have access to it, but I am changing my mind! Its just too pretty to let your sticky fingers get all over it! :D
But seriously, she is a pretty ship and I look forward to seeing what our FPS guys can do with her.
The Carrack currently resides in Seungs hangar, he is taking good care of her!
As mentioned in my previous donation letter, there are two more ships we are aiming for as an org, the Orion and Hull C. We should be getting more information on those soon.
Where are the TEST patches?
I must apologize for the delay, since my son was born, free time is a rare commodity, but I should start getting more time soon to start handling orders and distribution, I appreciate your patience!
I want to give out a big thank you to everybody that donated towards the acquisition of the org ships, and to the general donation fund. Your support gives us a lot of freedom to develop and grow our organization both within the game and in the real world!
I have also noticed several new members that just joined and already hit the donation link. Either you misclicked, or you are extremely generous and love the TEST brand! Thank you!
Standby for a new video this week to fill in the gaps between the SOTS!
Seung and Montoya
Seems like 2014 just flew right by me.
They say time flies when you are having fun, so that must explain it!
November was a record month for donations in TEST, not only did we secure a Redeemer, but a Carrack too!
The Redeemer is currently sitting in my Revel and York hangar, central bay, it's the first thing I see when I log in!
My hangar almost looks like this!

I have to say, I really did not think much of this hair-straightener at first, but now that I get to look at it every day, it has really grown on me!
Slightly bigger than a Cutlass, but with double the punch, that Redeemer is a really nice ship!
I know I promised that I will let you all have access to it, but I am changing my mind! Its just too pretty to let your sticky fingers get all over it! :D
But seriously, she is a pretty ship and I look forward to seeing what our FPS guys can do with her.
The Carrack currently resides in Seungs hangar, he is taking good care of her!
As mentioned in my previous donation letter, there are two more ships we are aiming for as an org, the Orion and Hull C. We should be getting more information on those soon.
Where are the TEST patches?
I must apologize for the delay, since my son was born, free time is a rare commodity, but I should start getting more time soon to start handling orders and distribution, I appreciate your patience!
I want to give out a big thank you to everybody that donated towards the acquisition of the org ships, and to the general donation fund. Your support gives us a lot of freedom to develop and grow our organization both within the game and in the real world!
I have also noticed several new members that just joined and already hit the donation link. Either you misclicked, or you are extremely generous and love the TEST brand! Thank you!
Standby for a new video this week to fill in the gaps between the SOTS!
Seung and Montoya