If you want something on the "cheaper scale" that is multi use I would highly recommend getting a avenger titan. The reasoning behind this is that it can pack some decent firepower, carry some cargo, plus with three versions of it later in the game you will be able to have alternatives available if you decide to change things up role wise. Moving past that is the Cutlass Black another good ship that can perform in many different roles but when it comes down to it the Cutlass is not a ship you want to spend a lot of time on. I actually have owned both of these at one time currently use the avenger as my cheap solo ship, and melted the Cutlass though. Lastly there is two ships that would be better multipurpose ships one being the freelancer just due to the fact that it carriers better weapons than the previous ships has a well designed crew area, has a well designed cargo area, again comes in many types and is a pretty sturdy ship and quite fun to fly. On the higher end of things just to through it out there the Constellation is not bad, and the real higher end the Carrack.