I'll keep this thread updated with my latest binding for these sticks.
Updated 9/30/2020 for Alpha 3.11
You can download this chart (attached), my exported bindings, and my JoyToKey Profile from DropBox.
DropBox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nyvtt0mssm9574g/AADlFB-cqorTO7qBZ--zxp_-a?dl=0
If this is your first time using my bindings, make sure to watch my Dual Joystick Setup Series on YouTube.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZRuujdBmtg&list=PLcfoKKM84nAV4JceoPGAqmPXcBx10y0Wx
If you have problems make sure to read the readme and additional notes files in Dropbox. If you still can't get things working, feel free to drop a comment on my 3.8 video. That's the best way to reach me. I don't check my Reddit, Twitter, or Forum messages very often, but I always get notifications when someone comments on a YouTube video.
See you in the 'verse!
Updated for 3.10p due to massive changes to bindings.
Updated 9/30/2020 for Alpha 3.11
You can download this chart (attached), my exported bindings, and my JoyToKey Profile from DropBox.
DropBox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nyvtt0mssm9574g/AADlFB-cqorTO7qBZ--zxp_-a?dl=0
If this is your first time using my bindings, make sure to watch my Dual Joystick Setup Series on YouTube.
If you have problems make sure to read the readme and additional notes files in Dropbox. If you still can't get things working, feel free to drop a comment on my 3.8 video. That's the best way to reach me. I don't check my Reddit, Twitter, or Forum messages very often, but I always get notifications when someone comments on a YouTube video.
See you in the 'verse!
Updated for 3.10p due to massive changes to bindings.
1.5 MB Views: 1,470
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