New to Test Squadron


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
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Hi Everybody,

I'm Steve aka Loic Farris. I'm new to Test, but not new to Star Citizen. I discovered Test through Montoya's YouTube channel when I was looking for reviews of Anthem. After seeing that video I started watching his Star Citizen content and he renewed my interest in the game. I've been an avid gamer since the 90s, my first obsessions started with the Wing Commander series along with the multitude of platformers that existed during that time. I was introduced to the wonderful world of MMO gaming in 2002, when a friend of mine lured my Wife and I into Ever Quest. Since then I've bounced from game to game including SWG, WoW, SWTOR, EVE, D2 etc. One consistent thing that I've continued to look for is an experience like Wing Commander. When I found out that Chris Roberts had started a crowd-funded project I jumped in and pledged 4 years ago give or take a month or two.

I currently own the following ships.
  • Ages Redeemer
  • Anvil Super Hornet
  • Origin 325a

Until recently, I hadn't logged into Star Citizen for several years. Earlier iterations of the flight system were simply too difficult for me and I realized that I had to accept that I may not be able to play out the role of an epic star fighter pilot that I had fantasized about. Montoya's videos on the game and comments regarding upcoming changes to the flight control system peaked my interest. Today, even before the upcoming patch, I find the flight mechanics to be far less frustrating than they were before.

So far my experience in the persistent universe is limited, I'm getting to know my ships and well, I needed to figure out how to land safely with permission from the station. I'm planning to take on my first contract in the near future and I'd welcome any advice you all would like to offer.

A little about me...

I'm 42 years old as of the date of this post. I work as a manager of an IT Unix Infrastructure group and have over 20 years IT experience in Infrastructure and Engineering. I have 3 kids, 4 if you count my Nephew who games with me on D2, Anthem and I'm hoping to lure into SC. I have several YouTube channels including a mildly successful vlog and a not so successful gaming channel that's become more of a hobby than anything else. I've been involved in video and editing for over 20 years as well, but never made a career out of it. Overall, I'm a casual player, but I'm online fairly consistently, that said RL does need to take priority though. My main reason for joining Test is because I wanted to find a group of gamers, preferably adults whom I could team up with and enjoy the games I play. I don't have an issue playing with kids one bit, it just depends on their personality.

Finally, I'm on discord and I'm on the Guilded site as well. Feel free to reach out to me anytime, it would be nice to get to know some of you.


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
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