Find a list of recent bug fixes, learn how to claim your free transfer token, free emote, and how to transfer your character to a different world.
"When all worlds are back online from downtime, our plan is to monitor the framework we created without turning transfers on immediately. Once we have confirmed that the framework holds up at scale, we will turn on character server transfers in the Utopia world first, in the AP Southeast region. We will closely monitor transfers in this world, and if anything out of the ordinary occurs our team will need to make manual interventions. If all goes well, we will turn it on for the rest of the AP Southeast region, and continue monitoring. If after 8 hours our team hasn’t discovered any issues, we will fully deploy character server transfers to the other regions."
Server is also unstable for those who are freshly transferred from elsewhere (I cannot stay online for more than a minute before the server boots me). :(
Don't worry a few more weeks and the servers should lighten up, this game doesn't have the staying power at least not yet without some major DLC, patches and fixes, most people will clear out with the next WoW and FF14 updates.
Not that its a bad game I enjoyed it, its just not that good either.
I made a toon on Valhalla today got to level 6 and deleted her lol. The server queues are rediculous.
Made a new toon on US West Ferri. Now I'm at the point I have to choose a faction, what faction are we?
NM, obviously I didn't ready the post title haha
Honestly wait a few more weeks the servers should settle, some people will transfer off high queue servers to me its not worth the wait just a few weeks into the game.
IDK about queues never really had to wait more than it takes to make a cocktail or two (okay or 4), take a turd, grab a bite, etc mostly because I never log off this stupid game but yeah soon we'll all be on the same server and it's already starting to be a blast.
It really gives you a great idea of what Star Citizen is going to be like, and what playing star citizen with all of you [REDACTED]suckers is going to be like. 100% regretting never accepting montoyas pm. 9 years ago or whatever and ever meeting anyone here but hey too much time invested/wasted on you lot so no turning back now :)
All seriousness my little turret gunner Gunnar and I thank you guys for the awesome and epic memories and everyone being REALLY cool and nice to us. It's been freaking awesome on here and in the Verse playing with our fellow TESTes.
Hands down the funnest my little turret Gunnar and I have had in a long time you guys don't know how much it means to us and we learned a lot, very motivated to level up hard and fast!
We could use some help tho with quests and stuff so if anyone of you higher levelers want to help us guys out just hit us up in game you can find us Brightwood Boys well generally in Brightwood these days.
Dammit I'm 30 now and don't want to delete another toon. And all the profession grind and made lots of $$ here.
But I don't know anyone here... decisions decisions.