Thanks for the details, especially about the doubling. I heard it was sometimes possible but never tried it and didn't really know how it'd work...
I have not subb'd since sub items in game are able to be perma-lost now. I know an account reset will get them back but account resets will not be in the final game and the rate I die at, about thrice a play session, I'll not get to enjoy the items for long before losing them forever so it's really blunted my enthusiasm for seeking out and obtaining them in the first place. I know that wasn't the point of subscription but it was a big driver for me personally, especially the Wowblasts!
I've resigned myself to not using any of the subscriber items (although, given I tend to avoid combat related activities I have a lower, but non-zero, chance to lose items) to ensure I have them if\when I want to use them.
I believe the Character reset is possibly being altered to use a "Character repair" system with 3.18 - From what I have seen, it looks to function in a similar manner to the character reset except it won't change your "spawn point", and your complete inventory (consumables, ammo, etc. - hopefuly paid subscriber items also returning), reputation, and mission progress should be retained (no more "evaluation" missions following a reset, all going well). Having a "lost and found" kiosk where you could go to reclaim lost subscriber items would be better, though - Although they'd need to work out what constitutes a "lost" item, to seperate misplaced items from those left somewhere to allow the "owner" to claim another\duplicate it, then go back and collect the original (whether from the ground or an alt account), which is probably part of the reason why implementing this functionality is taking so long.