No organ harvesting in medical gameplay? Rage!!!


Oct 13, 2017
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Personally, I didn't enjoy the idea of harvesting parts from people so I am sort of happy this isn't going to be a thing. Just my 2 cents.

Edit: I prefer to be able to take DNA from a patient and clone the relevant replacement organs. That could make for some interesting game-play. Taking samples, putting them into some sort of incubator/growth acceleration device, and using it to grow parts but you have to do it right or end up with a ruined organ. Sounds more fun to me than just hacking an arm off a dead guy and attaching it to someone else. (would save time though?)
This is a really cool idea. Maybe to take it further; skilled players could perhaps be able to tweak the attributes of a character through the cloned organs. Say increase the stamina or strength through surgery. Adding another reason to seek out these specialised ships and players.
Along with risk of ending up with a ruined cloned organ you could counter balance these buffs with other risks of surgery; with the more extreme cases maybe ending in character death. The range of risks could be interesting to get into.
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Space Marshal
Dec 3, 2018
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Garik: "Hey does this smell like chloroform to you?"
You: *wake up several hours later in a bathtub missing a kidney*

If I can't pull off something similar to the above then whats the point in playing? 😷

Side note: Sending hookers and blow to my stateroom may or may not get you moved up on the donor list...


Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Personally, I didn't enjoy the idea of harvesting parts from people so I am sort of happy this isn't going to be a thing. Just my 2 cents.

Edit: I prefer to be able to take DNA from a patient and clone the relevant replacement organs. That could make for some interesting game-play. Taking samples, putting them into some sort of incubator/growth acceleration device, and using it to grow parts but you have to do it right or end up with a ruined organ. Sounds more fun to me than just hacking an arm off a dead guy and attaching it to someone else. (would save time though?)
Or you can just make a whole clone and take the parts you need and sell the rest or reprocess the biomass for later clones.
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Space Marshal
Jun 17, 2018
RSI Handle
As an amalgam of various different people I find all this clone-bashing rather disturbing.

A sentient is a sentient is a sentient, 'y know?
It took me a while to notice your Avatar is a christmas trash can present now. The first impression was "this trash bucket looks ripe for harvest". Could be the thread though... Regarding sentiments: unfeeling biomass is no fun during a harvest. Let me rember you I'm in it for the full monty python harvest experience linked in the first post, But I agree there shouldn't be any discrimination - clone or no clone who cares! :P
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