Official Division Logos


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
For the people who dedicate their time to aiding the orgs endeavors, is there a plan to have a salary for the full-time people. Say someone is a full-time escort for test shipments, is there a plan to have them paid within the org or are we just going to use the job boards to do freelance work. I personally like the idea of a salary position to have my tali on standby ready to bring the pain wherever we need it.
We already have something in the works! Let me give you a teaser:

There are multiple functions to this design - these are only a very, very tiny snippet of what CookieDoctor is working on. :)
We plan to reveal the whole thing eventually.​


Vice Admiral
Apr 25, 2015
RSI Handle
These logos are top notch, Krystal! Great work!

AwesomeDude, I honesty think you're putting a bit too much thought into the fact that a division is named "Combat". This is early, things will be further fleshed out as they evolve. You always start broad and general before you start to drill down.
my though was that it seems a little narrow to em personally, they were posted here on a public forum, i am giving my feedback
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Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
Feel like there is a lot of theory crafting about how TEST will be setup and what we got was some symbols and 5 questions answered. Let's just wait and see how this all works out. Until then keep doing what we were doing before and lets wait for more details and plans.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
So I am asking the question in this thread because the logo title's are not matching up with the divisional threads that I have seen
Forget about everything you have seen in that Professions forum.

We will be starting fresh subsections for the different divisions under this branding shown here.

I will address all the questions that show up here and you all know how to reach me on discord of you need me to explain something further.

Audax Phidippus

Feb 21, 2015
RSI Handle
Overall, great job.

One small objection:
I understand Mining and Salvage falling under the same heading (along with fuel collecting and possibly others) but personally - I dislike that the heading is named 'Mining'. It feels incorrect, and possibly confusing, to me. If the goal is to set these up in an intuitive way, where all parts fit naturally in place(and no explanation needed), I'd expect it to be called something like Industrial Harvesting.
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Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Overall, great job.

One small objection:
I understand Mining and Salvage falling under the same heading (along with fuel collecting and possibly others) but personally - I dislike that the heading is named 'Mining'. It feels incorrect, and possibly confusing, to me. If the goal is to set these up in an intuitive way, where all parts fit naturally in place(and no explanation needed), I'd expect it to be called something like Industrial Harvesting.
Funny you say that because I thought it was already being called industry haha
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Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
We already have something in the works! Let me give you a teaser:

There are multiple functions to this design - these are only a very, very tiny snippet of what CookieDoctor is working on. :)
We plan to reveal the whole thing eventually.​
Is this officia or going to be wiped when all the proffession thread is wiped clean


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Is this officia or going to be wiped when all the proffession thread is wiped clean
It's a constant work in progress. Eventually we hope to be able to plug CIG's API into it so it automatically populates with organization contracts from within the PU.

So right now it's an unofficial side project. Seung has access to the prototype website, as do I, and we're regularly giving CookieDoctor feedback on its functionality.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
For the people who dedicate their time to aiding the orgs endeavors, is there a plan to have a salary for the full-time people. Say someone is a full-time escort for test shipments, is there a plan to have them paid within the org or are we just going to use the job boards to do freelance work. I personally like the idea of a salary position to have my tali on standby ready to bring the pain wherever we need it.
That's going to depend on economics - we don't know what the profit margins for shipping will be. In Eve Online, freight hauling pays next to nothing, so no one hires escorts. Eve's economy is player driven. Hauling rates (and prices of all goods) are determined entirely by player supply and demand. We've been told that SC players will account for roughly 10% of the 'verse's economy. So perhaps the game designers will engineer in sufficient margins to make ship escorts a feasible part of the transportation network.

All that said, my biggest concern about SC is that market forces won't determine economic activity. Massively multiplayer sandboxes are all about the emergent gameplay arising from player choices. I worry that CIG's interventions will turn out to be a stick in the spokes that bring a dynamic economy to a screeching halt.

Centrally managed economies have never done well IRL, look at Cuba and Venezuela today.
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Spreader of Truth / Master of Hamsters
Staff member
Oct 30, 2013
RSI Handle
For those of you theorycrafting about official divisions, groups, and their relation to you. Please keep in mind that we don't even know the gameplay mechanics for more than half these official divisions. This is just some cool graphical artwork Krystal put together so that we have something to use as aspects of the gameplay start to become more available.

Bureaucracy is the death of efficiency and in the end the more direct the lines of communication from Montoya to the individual pilots in TEST, the better.

Current Leadership Goal: Montoya => Official Subdivisions => You
Of course if groups like Exploration Council, Rock Raiders make it easier for Montoya to reach you and get you to participate in org activities, we will definitely incorporate it into the official chain of command. But at this moment we know nothing!

Now can we get back on topic and discuss how cool Krystal's artwork is? :p


Space Marshal
May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
For the people who dedicate their time to aiding the orgs endeavors, is there a plan to have a salary for the full-time people. Say someone is a full-time escort for test shipments, is there a plan to have them paid within the org or are we just going to use the job boards to do freelance work. I personally like the idea of a salary position to have my tali on standby ready to bring the pain wherever we need it.
I believe the only way to manage this fairly is to do it through the in game contracts. So if you want to escort someone, you would have a contract with that person for that particular mission. Otherwise you could end up with people being under and over paid.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I believe the only way to manage this fairly is to do it through the in game contracts. So if you want to escort someone, you would have a contract with that person for that particular mission. Otherwise you could end up with people being under and over paid.
Pretty much this. I expect the org to post contracts that any member could pick up and do when they have time and also to post contracts that are only for select individuals to accept (maybe someone agreed to do something over discord or the forums).

I cannot imagine there being a "salary" for full time players beyond the job board system. Whoever is doing the work is the one getting paid. Work more, get paid more. I would expect that the cut going to the player is based entirely on the payout and risk of the work required, but how that is all going to be determined is still unkown.
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