@Beaches organizes Operation Falling Leaves
Operation Falling Leaves is Zero G / ground mounting / dismounting training, including dropships, search & rescue.
Start Location: TEST Discord, #Squadron #5
Gathering time: 17:45 EST / 21:45 UTC
Spawn location PU: Port Olisar
Launch time: 18:00 - 18:15 EST / 22:00 - 22:15 UTC.
If you aren't on time, then you will have to catch up and wait for a appropriate time to join training. In PU we aren't able to add you to the party.
Check your time before the event: https://everytimezone.com/s/6304eb60
Add Beaches to your contact list: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Beaches
Operation Falling Leaves is Zero G / ground mounting / dismounting training, including dropships, search & rescue.
Start Location: TEST Discord, #Squadron #5
Gathering time: 17:45 EST / 21:45 UTC
Spawn location PU: Port Olisar
Launch time: 18:00 - 18:15 EST / 22:00 - 22:15 UTC.
- TEST armor (yellow/black)
- Black armor
- Weapons
- Medipack
- Zero G mounting dismounting
- Ground mounting dismounting
- Search and recue
If you aren't on time, then you will have to catch up and wait for a appropriate time to join training. In PU we aren't able to add you to the party.
Check your time before the event: https://everytimezone.com/s/6304eb60
Add Beaches to your contact list: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Beaches
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