You need to decide what you want to do before you consider what is an effective way to do it. Certainly there are plenty of people here who will loan you a powerful and capable ship once you decide how you want to spend your time. You don't need to buy ships. You need to connect with players. That is the most powerful thing you can do, whether you have cash for cool ships to start or not.
If you decide you want to learn EM Warfare, you want to connect with those who own Sentinels. This is the place to do that. If you want to haul freight, find a friend who owns something like a Taurus, who needs someone to pilot, or man a turret, or fly a Hornet on escort.
There are a million ways to find fun play without spending hard cash, that will let you earn the cool ships in game.
It is heresy to say it, but I would never step foot in an Aurora. That is like saying you want to do literally EVERYTHING the hard way. Just go make friends.