Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies


Jan 8, 2023
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
If anyone wants to vouche for me, my character is being falsely attacked:
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen_trades/comments/15he1ef/wts_addons_hartwell_music_sentinel_88g_475/

In a tuff spot, so trying to sell my ultra rares to pay for my citcon trip and some bills, that's it's own can of worms, as I haven't tried to profit off of pledges before and have expressed strong opinion on that in the past, but being falsely railroaded and my character attacked is not cool.
I'm not a Reddit user so can't post over there and generally don't go on it (Forums for the win) but sucks to hear you're taking flack. If anyone ever needed proof of your legit credentials they need look no further than your history of good trades and service right here on Testsquadron.com.

Never nice to have beef in the community, might our Glorious Leader @Montoya have some kind advice in regard to defending ones honour in the face of comments of discontent without it all descending in to a flame war?
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Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Not having bought anything from you (yet - I have my eye on a couple of items in your store when I have spare funds), I couldn't in good conscience post that I had a good experience buying from you, but I did what I could with upvotes\downvotes based on the many pages in this thread regarding succesful past trades you had made... If I can work out how to phrase an honest (ie: I'm not lying about having bought from you) post there in your favor, I'll drop one in the thread.

One thing which may help you over there is listing some "low-value" items (LTI tokens, for example) that you don't need\have in buyback, to get your "trades" count up - the "trades:0" will potentially have greater impact than the negative posts under the item, particularly if trying to sell high-value items... As a suggestion, one of each of the Nox 2 pack, "race team" pack, X1 three-pack, the Cyclone (standalone, not pack), and one or 2 of the various individual X1's... You may not make much money from selling them (you should be able to make a profit, even after paypal fees, and buying back from the buyback queue), but it will help your "appearance" there if you have completed\verified trades on the site.


Space Marshal
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
If anyone wants to vouche for me, my character is being falsely attacked:
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen_trades/comments/15he1ef/wts_addons_hartwell_music_sentinel_88g_475/

In a tuff spot, so trying to sell my ultra rares to pay for my citcon trip and some bills, that's it's own can of worms, as I haven't tried to profit off of pledges before and have expressed strong opinion on that in the past, but being falsely railroaded and my character attacked is not cool.
/r/starcitizen_trades has changed a lot since I left. It used to be a close knit community where sellers supported each other, even redirecting potential buyers to other traders if needed.
As the popularity of the grey market soared and some sellers stablished their own webstores it has become a cutthroat ecosystem. It's not unusual for newcomers to be arrassed out of the scene.


Jan 8, 2023
RSI Handle
If anyone wants to vouche for me, my character is being falsely attacked:
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen_trades/comments/15he1ef/wts_addons_hartwell_music_sentinel_88g_475/

In a tuff spot, so trying to sell my ultra rares to pay for my citcon trip and some bills, that's it's own can of worms, as I haven't tried to profit off of pledges before and have expressed strong opinion on that in the past, but being falsely railroaded and my character attacked is not cool.
Who is the guy on Reddit from TEST that threw you under the bus without approaching you first and having a discussion? Pretty dick move TBH.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Who is the guy on Reddit from TEST that threw you under the bus without approaching you first and having a discussion? Pretty dick move TBH.
He claimed now he was not a TEST member. He was just in the discord. Goes by Theotoko, or m0shit on reddit.

Thank you for your support, everyone. I was in a pretty low place IRL when that bastard decided to blast and troll me publicly. I got some DMs that he has a reputation for being a total dick, and ignore him.


Oct 12, 2022
RSI Handle
He claimed now he was not a TEST member. He was just in the discord. Goes by Theotoko, or m0shit on reddit.

Thank you for your support, everyone. I was in a pretty low place IRL when that bastard decided to blast and troll me publicly. I got some DMs that he has a reputation for being a total dick, and ignore him.
Gunner, I don’t know what is going on with you or what has happened in your life, but I do hope that things get better for you. I apologized in our original conversation twice -- and would certainly apologize again. I hate that life is bringing you low, man.

But people in low places can act irrationally - like lashing out, banning people, blocking traders, deleting comments, etc. - all things this gentleman has done that should make buyers suspicious. I simply alerted my friends about a person they should potentially avoid trading with -- as one does for their friends. That is all.

Ultimately I do accept that y'all will probably ban/block me from this forum too and that is fine. At the end of the day it is good that you defend your friends, just not always… and definitely not blindly.


Jan 8, 2023
RSI Handle
Gunner, I don’t know what is going on with you or what has happened in your life, but I do hope that things get better for you. I apologized in our original conversation twice -- and would certainly apologize again. I hate that life is bringing you low, man.

But people in low places can act irrationally - like lashing out, banning people, blocking traders, deleting comments, etc. - all things this gentleman has done that should make buyers suspicious. I simply alerted my friends about a person they should potentially avoid trading with -- as one does for their friends. That is all.

Ultimately I do accept that y'all will probably ban/block me from this forum too and that is fine. At the end of the day it is good that you defend your friends, just not always… and definitely not blindly.
Pretty plain and simple...he said fair market value, you tried to low ball him and got upset. You were trying to get high dollar items at melt and he was letting you know that ain't happening.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Pretty plain and simple...he said fair market value, you tried to low ball him and got upset. You were trying to get high dollar items at melt and he was letting you know that ain't happening.
Having seen this, it makes the misunderstanding of "full market price" seem somewhat less innocent...


I don't know whether they sold or not (possibly not, given the recent "bump"), but it would certainly appear that the "potential buyer" of DirectorGunner's items would be well aware of "market value" of the items...

As a side note: Given the comments were from another seller, who was selling the same item (Piano), I wonder how they would fit within the rules for that area of Reddit - Namely rules 1 and 2:
Be excellent to each other!

  • Respect for others is a required to participate in this community
  • Cordial disagreements are welcome. Malicious attacks are not
  • Abide by the reddiquette.
  • Consider intent before posting.

Do not interfere with another redditor's trade

  • price commentary will be removed in trade listings when reported
  • positive comment will not be removed unless requested/reported by listing creator
  • do no advertise unrelated trades in other user's trade listings
I could see the potential for the comments to be interpreted as trying to interfere with another trade and being a malicious attack, depending on how the moderators wished to interpret the rules there... They could also be seen as innocent comments as well - It comes down to how they are evaluated by the individual, when the full context is taken into consideration.
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Jan 8, 2023
RSI Handle
Having seen this, it makes the misunderstanding of "full market price" seem somewhat less innocent...

View attachment 24793

I don't know whether they sold or not (possibly not, given the recent "bump"), but it would certainly appear that the "potential buyer" of DirectorGunner's items would be well aware of "market value" of the items...

As a side note: Given the comments were from another seller, who was selling the same item (Piano), I wonder how they would fit within the rules for that area of Reddit - Namely rules 1 and 2:

I could see the potential for the comments to be interpreted as trying to interfere with another trade and being a malicioous attack, depending on how the moderators wished to interpret the rules there... They could also be seen as innocent comments as well - It comes down to how they are evaluated by the individual, when the full context is taken into consideration.
That's why I posted what I did and stand by it. On a side note don't be disrespectful to people from the same Org! Definitely handled in a dick move kind of way.
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Oct 12, 2022
RSI Handle
Pretty plain and simple...he said fair market value, you tried to low ball him and got upset. You were trying to get high dollar items at melt and he was letting you know that ain't happening.
The thing is: He isn't even a member of the Test Org:
Correct, I am not a member of TEST and I am also an active trader (hello @Drowez, appreciate your two purchases of my LTI ships at melt value 😂).

No one is challenging prices. I'm challenging his conduct. The man acted in poor judgement to ban me from the Discord (of which your moderators have apologized for) based off a misunderstanding in another private Discord channel. Lots of stuff on there is sold at melt and his trade request certainly read as willing to part with buybacks at melt. Don't like my offer? Sure, that's fine -- but use your authority to ban me, hmmmmm - that makes TEST look bad and others should know about it.



Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I'm challenging his conduct. The man acted in poor judgement to ban me from the Discord (of which your moderators have apologized for) based off a misunderstanding in another private Discord channel.
Could you point out where HE banned you from Discord?

I saw in your second link earlier where he said he had "BLOCKED" you (Which would prevent your ability to DM him, but would otherwise have no effect on your ability to access or use the Discord server), but the only mention of you being banned was where a different admin he was talking to stated that they had banned you (as a result of what appears to be a misunderstanding in their discussion about what had been occuring with the outcome of your trade negotiations) without DirectorGunner's knowledge or request, and which he immediately requested be removed on hearing that your account had been banned.

View: https://imgur.com/lJ62tDk
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Jan 8, 2023
RSI Handle
Correct, I am not a member of TEST and I am also an active trader (hello @Drowez, appreciate your two purchases of my LTI ships at melt value 😂).

No one is challenging prices. I'm challenging his conduct. The man acted in poor judgement to ban me from the Discord (of which your moderators have apologized for) based off a misunderstanding in another private Discord channel. Lots of stuff on there is sold at melt and his trade request certainly read as willing to part with buybacks at melt. Don't like my offer? Sure, that's fine -- but use your authority to ban me, hmmmmm - that makes TEST look bad and others should know about it.

View attachment 24794
I'm not saying you don't offer a good deal or price but was just not cool attacking a Test member before having a full discussion before taking it public like that. If you would of done some research here in the forums you could of seen he has plenty of honest trades. I wish you both the best and hope everything turns out well.
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Oct 12, 2022
RSI Handle
Could you point out where HE banned you from Discord?

I saw in your second link earlier where he said he had "BLOCKED" you (Which would prevent your ability to DM him, but would otherwise have no effect on your ability to access or use the Discord server), but the only mention of you being banned was where a different admin he was talking to stated that they had banned you (as a result of what appears to be a misunderstanding in their discussion about what had been occuring with the outcome of your trade negotiations) without DirectorGunner's knowledge or request, and which he immediately requested be removed on hearing that your account had been banned.

View: https://imgur.com/lJ62tDk
Who banned and unbanned is not something I am able to know. We had a conversation, it ended, I was immediately banned by the bot. It's not like I could discuss anything, he had me blocked! I did what I could and reached out to the TEST mods, who were mostly asleep (which is fine).

You'd think if it was actually a mistake, he would have messaged me to apologize. That did not happen.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Who banned and unbanned is not something I am able to know. We had a conversation, it ended, I was immediately banned by the bot. It's not like I could discuss anything, he had me blocked! I did what I could and reached out to the TEST mods, who were mostly asleep (which is fine).

You'd think if it was actually a mistake, he would have messaged me to apologize. That did not happen.
The point is that all anyone has to go by in this is what you have both posted\provided:
  • On one hand, we have an accusation of a specific individual banning you from Discord.
  • On the other hand, we have a screenshot that shows a different individual stating that you were banned (presumably indicating that it was that individual who banned you), followed immediately (according to timestamps) by the person accused of implementing the ban stating that you shouldn't have been banned and asking that the ban be removed.

Given he had blocked you, it's unlikely that he would have wished to communicate with you any further, and as he appears not to have been behind your banning, he may have assumed that the person who had banned you would have contacted you to appologise for their action\mistake.

As an additional point - If who banned or unbanned you is not something you were able to know (as you stated above), why state that HE, specifically, banned you, rather than simply posting that you were banned without pointing the finger at him as being responsible for applying the ban? A simple "I was temporarily banned from the TEST discord following a disagreement over my offer" would seem to have been both more accurate, as well as less antagonisitic than "This bro banned me from the TEST Discord (I'm unbanned now) because he didn't like my offer"...
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