Piracy in 3.6.2


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
They wouldn't have ship boadring and all these pvp mechanics if it wasn't a big part of the game. Eve's pvp isnt massive by any means, most of the time people are doing PvE things, but when it happens it is big and massive.
SC will never be EVE PVP massive simply due to limitations on the server-side and the need to keep everything in real time. But the rest is spot on.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
SC will never be EVE PVP massive simply due to limitations on the server-side and the need to keep everything in real time. But the rest is spot on.
Never said it would, but it will be comparable in some manner. With it's freedom. I think people are heavily confusing piracy and griefing though, griefing simply is PvP piracy is an actual thing and you cant lump the 2 together. Piracy is not just pvp and in order to actually be a griefer by most of the peoples perspective here, it is simply just pvping to the point where one side refuses to participate in a game that allows it to be so. So if you have an issue with people PvPing and constantly killing others then find a different game that prevents PvP in an open setting. There will be limits and restrictions in place for this game, but at the core, open pvp will not be restricted to whether you can or cannot, and if it does. It will kill a lot of fun in the game, because it will be abused and you essentially split the entire player base participation. PvP just becomes an event base and bounty hunting and piracy becomes pointless and useless. Piracy effectively dies if you have a switch for pvp. Why would I transport my precious cargo knowing it could be taken, ill just turn pvp off and breeze through everything.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
i would make a safe bet the majority of the people buying Star Citizen is because of its EvE like state. PvP is literally as big as people make it. I
I will disagree with you there.

EvE is PvP...that's pretty much all it is. One way or another, everything done in EvE, even the limited PvE stuff, is about PvP...

CR has stated that PvP will be a very small part of the game. In fact, that's one of the reason a lot of people like SC. He stated it would not be EvE 2.0.

So I would posit that a lot of people buying SC are because it ISN'T EvE...

You want to play EvE...go play EvE... let SC be SC


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
I will disagree with you there.

EvE is PvP...that's pretty much all it is. One way or another, everything done in EvE, even the limited PvE stuff, is about PvP...

CR has stated that PvP will be a very small part of the game. In fact, that's one of the reason a lot of people like SC. He stated it would not be EvE 2.0.

So I would posit that a lot of people buying SC are because it ISN'T EvE...

You want to play EvE...go play EvE... let SC be SC
Unless he has zones that are completely pvp turned off. It being small is dictated completely by the community. If every part has open pvp and there is parts where there is High Sec AI like Eve. I dont make the comparison on EvE solely based on PvP btw, im talking about its openness and the ability to freely do so where ever. Saying that doesnt mean there wont be consequences, but the ability is there. So unless they explicitly turn off pvp then it wont be small, it will be dictated by the community to be big or small. They haven't put any mechanics or features in any of their road maps to dictate I would not be allowed to do so and again I have not once stated it is EvE only comparable in ways. I.E AI showing up to protect you, the ability to have open pvp in those areas, areas where AI wont be there. So yes, based on my talking points this game is comparable to EvE in those ways. All of my comparisons of Eve to this game exist and all of the mechanics I have talked about will exist in both. This game will expound and offer more but it will allow piracy, smuggling, and so forth which are usually heavily intwined in PvP for the players to partake in that faction. Saying there is farming or mining doesnt minimze the impact of PvP. There are orgs who are based around this, so PvP is big for them. Mining to me is small, I will have no use for it as it wont be a big means for me. I believe CR stating PvP wont be big was stating that there will be bountiful of other things to do, but that does not negate that PvP is restricted.

They arent turning pvp off in areas, they are adding elements and reasons for people to not solely pvp. Which is smart, but to some orgs it will be a big part of their gameplay. You need resources for a well oiled machine to fight and SC is adding elements for people across the spectrum so PvP isnt the only thing, thus making it small in comparison, but again not restricting or eliminating it. When there is nothing to do but pvp, people will just simply pvp. If you have or need other things to do, PvP becomes a small aspect, but that will not stop orgs from being nothing but a warmonger org that utilizes those game play elements to feed their machine for the sole purpose of war.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Also if you are talking about this. Then he explicitly states PvP can happen anywhere, but the game is being designed as I have stated as above. To limit the need for PvP to happen constantly. We are getting way off topic here though and should start a new thread as this isnt really about piracy anymore. Honestly I think EvE is trying to do something that SC is going to be doing when they added those AI to start attacking people.
edit: Ill end my piece on this as its no longer about piracy and will hop in later.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vUIZqY93Fc
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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I pretty much expect there will be a lot of piracy going on in the game, player and npc both. Hijackings vs ship defense, smuggling vs interdiction, the whole nine yards. That's part of what makes the game interesting. The allure of sneaking one past Johnny Law or the heady sense of victory when you repel a boarding party, there is definite attraction to both sides.

PvP is a separate issue in my mind. I don't have anything against it in general. I get that the game is open world PvP. If that's what you like go for it, enjoy it...it just isn't my thing. I don't agree with the fact that just because it's open world PvP that I shouldn't have the option of doing my best to avoid it if I want to. And for what it's worth, if there is a portion of the player base also spending money on the development of the game who want options then I would think that would mean both sides should be weighed.

For example: as I've said before, I'll probably stay in the relatively safe zones (because there will still be threats, just fewer human ones) unless I'm with a group. If however I come across a player pirate while I'm hauling something, I'm probably going to try to run. If that doesn't work I may jettison my cargo like Han did with Jabba's stuff earning him a spot on Jabba's wall, and then still try to get the hell out of there. If I've done all that, given up my valuables and I'm bugging out, there isn't really a reason for my attacker to still come after me. Now because it is a PvP game, they could still destroy me if they wanted to unfortunately, but I've done all I could. I'd probably pick a secondary trade route for the rest of the day and cut my losses. The chances of something like that happening should be low in any case, I've stayed in safe space and done what I could to make myself less of a target. In real life you expect that if you flash wads of cash in dark alleys you can expect to get jumped, but if you are in a well lit area with your wallet in your pocket minding your own business, you expect to be safer, not immune, but safer. If that same person, however, chooses me as their personal project of the day and does the same thing repeatedly without letup then that is where I have to call foul and I think that I personally would view it as that person griefing me. I've chosen to pursue the game the way I'd like to play but someone else has decided that they are going to force me to entertain them.
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Vice Admiral
Aug 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Whatever happend to the PvP slider?



Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Whatever happend to the PvP slider?

It’s gone


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Whatever happend to the PvP slider?

They dropped the idea of the PvP slider relatively early on, I don't know exactly when because I was getting too hyped about the game and spending more money than I could afford so I stepped away. Sort of in its place is the supposed to be the Law system, with relatively safe zones and such for a playstyle closer to the PvE spectrum but still with the risk of PvP happening by those willing to risk it in those areas


Vice Admiral
Aug 24, 2018
RSI Handle
But it was the perfect solution! Stupid change. Now I have to decide if I want to be law abiding and PvE or not law abiding and PvP? The outlaw PvE was the best thing about Freelancer, my clan was stationed at the Hessians. I hope they will stumble onto that problem and fix it somehow...

Edit: How the hell did I miss this?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Victim blaming, no im not victim blaming. I'm trying to start pvp wars and people are refusing to participate and instead they call you griefers. To start a war, people have to die. So if you decide to start a war on a port, you are going to have to die for that to happen. No one in this thread mentioned cyber bullying or harassment. Griefing is completely different than cyber bullying or harassment

edit: I would appreciate it if you had a discussion without bringing in things that have nothing to do with the topic of griefing, piracy and so forth and making assumptions. If you are talking about harassment and cyberbullying you need to make that explicit. this topic is about piracy, not harassment and cyberbullying.

edit: Also the two things I point out I may consider close to griefing, those others dont even come close. It simply sounds like you hate pvp and this isn't the game for you.
I have no issue with PVP. I have issue with Harassment and Cyberbullying. Greifing is all about harassment, thats what it is. No point in sugar coating it, really no point in giving it a cutesy name like "Greifing". Just call it what it is. As I asked in my earlier post: "Define greifing."

I made my point about victim blaming so will not continue to force it, I'm sure you know where I would end up with that so will leave it there.

No one in this thread mentioned cyber bullying or harassment. Griefing is completely different than cyber bullying or harassment
Yes they did. I did. So I ask again, please define griefing so I can see where you are coming from. I have provided my definition of the term and it indeed includes things like harassment and bullying, I am happy to be corrected if my definition is incorrect and would like to discuss exactly what "greifing" is if you would be willing to help me.

I'm trying to start pvp wars and people are refusing to participate
I am so tempted to recycle your words "It simply sounds like you hate pvp and this isn't the game for you." back at you with some subtle amendments but I don't think there is any call for that 😉

I think you will get your warzone - with 100 systems, I don't think there is going to be any issue in having at least one which is your Player on Player vision where everyone who wants that kind of play will be able to get it in spades the whole system over. Ever play freelancer? There was one system where two pirate factions were at war with one another, there were front lines and a no-mans-land. That place was a hot mess. Copy and paste it into the 'Verse, join your faction and get stuck in. No rules, anything goes, including Ganking, Pad camping, Spawn haunting, Hacks, nothing is off the cards.

One thing about wars though: they end. I don't think SC is going to make it's primary focus something that isn't going to last - even the hundred years war had a last day.

The reason why wars end is because the reason for the war is done. Land, Resources, Vengence, Domination. At some point the land is taken, the resources won, the vengence attained and the domination achieved. Players refuse to participate in your war? Well whats your reason for them participating?
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I think you will get your warzone - with 100 systems, I don't think there is going to be any issue in having at least one which is your Player on Player vision where everyone who wants that kind of play will be able to get it in spades the whole system over. Ever play freelancer? There was one system where two pirate factions were at war with one another, there were front lines and a no-mans-land. That place was a hot mess. Copy and paste it into the 'Verse, join your faction and get stuck in. No rules, anything goes, including Ganking, Pad camping, Spawn haunting, Hacks, nothing is off the cards.

One thing about wars though: they end. I don't think SC is going to make it's primary focus something that isn't going to last - even the hundred years war had a last day.

The reason why wars end is because the reason for the war is done. Land, Resources, Vengence, Domination. At some point the land is taken, the resources won, the vengence attained and the domination achieved. Players refuse to participate in your war? Well whats your reason for them participating?

Oh, we know there is going to be war zones. In fact, we have the major war zone as well as hot stop war zones with the Vanduul forces jumping into systems to do their thing. There will be the Vanduul space where it will always be hostile. The Banu are also not immune to attempting to smuggle drugs and slaves into UEC space. You have pirates and syndicates along with independent spaces like what is happening at Grim Hex and Levski.

The amount of stuff to do see and participate in is only bound by the developer's time. And as @SoloFlyer so eligently said while PVP is possible everywhere, you still get to choose your involvement by what you do and where you go.
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